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Bald Spot Turns Kibbee From Hero To Comedian
Fat Comic Romps Through “The Big Noise” With Riotous Antics
It was a close race, but Guy Kibbie lost by a hair.
If the bald Warner Bros. star had that fine head of hair he was #0 proud of a few winters ago, some ten or fifteen to be more exact, he might today be giving Leslie Howard and Paul Muni a run for their money. .
But, alas, Guy lost the last hair on his head years before he answered the call of Hollywood. He came to the movie
capital a comedian, and today Guy is still clowning. Right now he is doing it in “The Big Noise,” which comes to the Theatre on ; °
Guy took his first job as an actor only because he wasn’t interested in following the journalistic career his father, a Texas newspaper publisher, had eut out for him. He wouldn’t have been an actor except a Chicago stock company juvehile went on an aleoholic holiday and the theater manager needed a substitute in a hurry.
For several months the then slender Guy Kibbee was an actor under protest. He would have thrown up the job only he lacked the necessary wherewithal to take him back to his home in El Paso. This was before he learned the gentle art of riding the rods.
Then, one day, he was assigned to make love to the stock company’s star. Guy doesn’t remember her name, but he admits he fell madly in love with her, It was then he decided to become a matinee idol. He had the looks —he was as wtraigit as an arrow; he had a head of wavy hair and he was handsome. The company’s star told him so. And Guy wasn’t the kind of fellow who would argue with a beautiful .voman,. Not he,
Then one (Guy tell it:
“T can remember the fateful day when my thinning locks first became a matter of concern. It was in a dressing room in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, I looked into a cracked mirror as I combed my rippling locks, Then I held up a hand mirror and, horror of horrors, there was a white, glossy spet on the crown of my head. It looked just like a little island of ivory in a sea of ink,
“IT was playing the part of a brave young officer just out of West Point and a bald head would have killed the illusion of youth, Very carefully, I combed my hair in such a way so as to cover the spot. This worked well for a few months, but the white spot was growing larger, One day at matinee, in a fight scene, my hair became disarranged and in the midst of my tousled hair the audience spied the white islind,
day—but listen to
“A lusty voice from the gallery, encouraging me in my struggle with the villain, shouted: ‘Knock him out, Baldy!’
“That, ladies and gentlemen,
was the beginning of the end for me,
“At the end of the week the manager of the company eume to my dressing room and said: ‘1 don’t like toupee actors in leads and besides you couldn't afford n good toupee anyway, so Dm wiring to St. Lows for another leading man, You can’t play serious parts without hair,”
From that day on, Guy Kibbee has played nothing but comedy
Length of Film 5328 ft.
58 min.
Running Time
‘Big Noise’ Is Big News
Rotund Guy Kibbee Outgrows His Home
Having outgrown his present home, the rotund Guy Kibbee, Warner Bros. star of “The Big Noise,” now showing at the
..Theatre, bought another in the exclusive Brentwood Heights district, near the estate of Pat O’Brien.
The comedian plans to spend about $10,000 in remodeling the house. The place, a rambling structure built nearly 10 years ago, is in the center of two acres of wamhut, orange and lemon trees.
Guy Kibbee (right) and William Davidson in a dramatic scene in the season’s big laugh hit “The Big Noise,” the Warner Bros.
comedy opening at the
Theatre on
In the cast are Warren Hull, Alma Lloyd, Dick Foran, Marie Wil. son, Henry O'Neill and many others. Mat No. 201—20c
Hull Wants to Be Real Farmer
If Warren Hull, now playing in the Warner Bros. production, “The Big Noise,” which comes to the Theatre on
» Wasn’t a good singer, he’d be a farmer.
The popular radio and stage star, whom Warner Bros. recently signed for a long term screen contract, plans to buy a farm somewhere—in fact two farms— as soon as he gets a vacation
from his sereen work.
Official Billing
THE BIG NOISE 100% with Guy Kibbee—Warren Hull Alma Lloyd—Dick Foran 60%
Marie Wilson—Henry O'Neill Olin Howland 20% Directed by Frank McDonald 20%
Warner Bros, 40%
Production Corporation 5% Picture 25%
Julius Trent Guy Kibbee Ken Mitchell Warren Hull Betty Trent Alma Lloyd Don Andrews Dick Forarn Daisy Marie Wilson Charlie Caldwell Henry O'Neill Harrison Olin Howland Mrs. Trent Virginia Brissac Rosewater Andre Beranger Douglas Edward McWade Aldrich Robert Emmett Keane
Welford Andrews Slug Batlerson Machine Gun Nolan Dutch Schmidt Morelli
William Davidson Al Hill
Eddie Shubert William) Pawley George Lloyd
Guy Kibbee
Guy Kibbee entered the portals of the Hollywood film colony by the way of “The Torch Song.” His performance in this Broadway production was so outstanding that he was signed up by Warner Bros.
Born in El Paso, Texas, March 6, 1886, he began work on the stage in stock,
Kibbe has appeared in scores of pictures, his more recent being “I Married a Doctor,” “Captain Blood” and “I_ Live for Love.”
His current production is “The Big Noise,” which comes to the. Theatre on
Warren Hull Born at Gasport, New York, January 17th, 1903, Warren Hull attended xrammar school there and High School
in Auburn, N. Y. He studied at both New York University and Rochester University.
While finishing his course, at Eastman School in Rochester, he was offered a singing part in “The Love Song,” by the Shuberts. Recently he was called to Hollywood by Warner Bros. His recent pictures include “The Law in Her Handa,” “The Walking Dead" and “Freshman Love.” His cur
rent production is “The Big Noise," which comes to the cocoons oo Theatre on
Alma Lloyd
Alma Lloyd was born in Los Anweles, Calif., Sept. 3, 1914, the daughter of the famous director, Frank Lloyd, and Alma Haller, noted on the musical comedy stage.
At the age of IS she started her theatrical work at the Pasadena Community Playhouse. After doing some film work she played for some time in the Massachusetts Stock Company and the New York Theatre Guild,
Her pictures include “I Married a Doctor,” "Freshman Love” and “Anthony Adverse.” Her current. production ia “The Big Noise,” which comes
to the . se Theatre on
Director’s Daughter Seeks To Make Good On Her Own
Alma Lloyd, Lead in “The Big Noise” Thinks Kinship a Handicap
Most girls in the movies or ambitious to get into them, envy Alma Lloyd because her father is the famous director,
Frank Lloyd.
Miss Lloyd envies movie girls who don’t have relatives
in pictures.
‘Being the daughter of a director is a handicap, not an advantage,’’ insists the young Warner Bros. actress who is
currently playing the feminine lead in “The Big Noise,” which comes to the
Theatre on tia geltcntle
“And don’t let anyone tell you different,” she adds with sincerity.
“l’ve wanted to be an actress or a director ever since I was a kid. But do you think I could get a job in pictures on my own while I lived in Hollywood? Hardly. Of course, I had many offers, but everyone who expressed interest in hiring me called me Frank Lloyd’s little daughter. In other words, they were going to give me work as a favor to father.
“I packed my things and hit out for New York as soon as I learned the score. I decided to do what many other young aetresses have done: go to New York to be ‘discovered’ by Hollywood.
“The Theater Guild gave me a part in Shaw’s ‘Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles.’ All along the Guild didn’t know I was related to anyone in pictures.
“Somehow or other I apparent
An ethical business man of the old school, Julius Trent (Guy Kibbee) is dethroned as president of his woolen mills because he flatly refuses to permit his name being placed on an artificial woolen product.
He settles down to a life of retirement, under physician's orders, in Pasadena with his wife (Virginia Brissac) and daughter, Betty (Alma Lloyd). But he, soon tires of inactivity so, unknown to his family, he buys a half interest in a dry cleaning and dyeing establishment and finds himself a partner of Ken Mitchell (Warren Hull), an ambitious young chemist.
Too late, both learn the former owner of the shop had been run out of town by cleaning racketeers because he failed to pay his “dues” and was $2000 in arrears.
While Trent negotiates with the racketeers, Ken meets and woos Betty, not knowing she is the daughter of his partner, who went into the business under an assumed name. As Ken enters the picture as a contender for the girl's hand, Donald Andrews (Dick Foran), son of the man who dethroned Trent, leaves, unable to win Betty, whom he had followed to Pasadena.
Trent visits the gangster who runs the cleaning racket on the other side of town and offers to clean his suits for nothing with a new fluid, Chemist Ken has developed. Trent takes the suits to his shop and then calls the racktteer on his side of town and tells him where he gets off at. He also phones the racketeer who owns the suits and says the rival mobster is going to throw acid on the suits.
Both mobs meet in the shop and then the shooting starts. The only ones alive are Trent, Ken, Daisy (Marie Wilson), a dumb presser, and a talkative parrot.
Trent, the hero of Pasadena, is visited by his friend Caldwell (Henry O'Neill), a director of the woolen mills, who urges him to return as president, declaring the other directors want him back as sales have been falling off.
Trent returns to his firm and establishes Ken as head of the mill laboratories. Bette and Ken confess their love.
Dick Foran
Dick Foran was born in Flemington, N. J., June 18, 1910. After attending Mercerberg Academy and Hunn Preparatory School he entered Princeton University, where he was a star on the football, baseball, lacrosse and ice hockey teams. He was also a member of the Princeton Dramatic and Glee Clubs.
After finishing at Princeton he went to work for the Pennaylvania Railway, and was sent to California. While there he was given a screen test and a contract, hia first picture “Stand Up and Cheer,”
His recent pictures include ‘The Golden Arrow,” ‘Treachery Rides the Range" and “The Petrified Forest.”
His current production is “The Big Noise," which comes to the.
Theatre on oF
ly made good for pretty soon talent seouts from most of the major studios offered me contracts. I turned down the one from the studio my father works for because I knew full well the day I started work on his lot everybody would say he got me the job.
“It wasn’t until Warner Bros. signed me and gave me a oneway ticket to Hollywood that I let them know I was Frank Lloyd’s daughter. It isn’t very nice when you practically have to hide your identity tomake good.”
“The Big Noise” is a romantic comedy drama filled with thrilling episodes and hilarious laughter. Besides Miss Lloyd the cast includes Guy Kibbee, Warren Hull, Dick Foran, Marie Wilson, Henry O'Neill, Olin Howland, Virginia Brissac and William Davidson. The picture was directed by Frank McDonald from the. screen play by George Bricker and William Jacobs.
Director ...Frank McDonald Screen Play by
George Bricker and William Jacobs Original by ........... Edward Hartman Photographer ...._L. William O'Connell Film Editor .... Terry Morse Art Director Carl Jules Weyl
The Big Noise
He’s Guy Kibbee, bald and rotund Warner Bros. comedian, who heads the all star cast of a picture filled with gals, gags, “guys” and gangs, “The Big Noise,” which is now making a hit at the Theatre. Mat No. 102—10e
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