The Big Noise (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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e ACCESSORIES cae WAR eal saqnet woison: xemny oTwenes Olt HOWLAND Diranted ivy tronk Meters sates PECTURE ae! A WARNER BROS: “INSERT CARD A WARMER BROS. SCAUS PICTURE a ey ea WINDOW CARD THEATRE IMPRINT | KIBBEE HULL tigyo fORAN 40 x 60 ART DISPLAY 6-SHEET GRACE HAYES with Lind Hayes in “MAID FOR A DA se (Broadway Brevities Series). Miss Hayes sings in her usual sophisticated manner supported by her son, Ta Pale) cleverly imitates the radio stars. (20 minutes—No. 1018) “BINGO CROSBYANA” (Merrie Melodies Series). A 1|-reel musical treat proving that the handsome, silky crooner doesn’t always get the gal. (7 minutes—No. 1408) “IRONS IN THE FIRE” (Our Own United States Series). E, M. Newman brings the highlights of little known industries that have their measure of glamor and human interest. Narration is by John S. Young, famed news commentator. (11 minutes—No. 1911) Under this new arrangement, you can now fill your com YOUR SUPPORTING PROGRAM -— IN THE VITAPHONE MANNER KEN MURRAY in “WIFE OF THE PARTY” (Vitaphone Comedies Series). A comedy of errors involving the boss and the wife, starring Ken Murray and his ‘‘Oh Yeaaaah”’ stooge, Sassafras. (20 minutes—No. 6116) “VITAPHONE ENTERTAINERS” (Big Time Vaudeville Series). A variety show with a host of clever entertainers including Sylvia Froos, Hunter & Percival, Manjean’s Internationals and others. (11 minutes—No, 1612) “SHANGHAIED SHIPMATES” (Loony Tunes Series). Porky Pig is shanghaied but induces the crew to mutiny when his treatment becomes unbearable. Arriving into port he is hailed} as a hero. (7 minutes—No. 1709) plete requirements in lobby Plate Maxclalaneli ele) eam Golo mmc-ial the beautiful displays—and the frames are loaned free. Displays are shipped to you early enough to make advance selling possible. For complete information, write: AMERICAN DISPLAY CO., Inc. 525 West 43rd Street New York City NOW PLAYING is Ima. , | } > ai) \LOYD' FORAW Dich yg a 24 x 60 BANNER 3-SHEET PRICES 6-SHEETS 75¢ each Oc each Se each 1to 9 .... 10 to 19 ... 20 and over.. 1 tO 24 rerecrcrsrsessesersrrsensnsorsssseienrsenensnees 40c each 25 and ov 1-SHEETS 1 to 49 .. 50 to 99 .. 100 and over.. lle *ach 1 to 49 .. a. TC Catn 50 to 99... .. 6¢ each 100 and over. 5c each l‘to 24 .. 25¢ each 25 to 49... 50 to 99 ...... 100 and over. HERALDS 1M to 4M 5M and over... 30 x 40 ART DISPLAY Printep IN U.S.A.