The Case of the Howling Dog (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Page Twelve 266 Lines THEATRE FIRST SENSATIONAL SCREEN APPEARANCE OF PERRY MASON —a Sherlock Holmes with Sex Appeal! A fascinating new personality . .._ takes his place among the master detectives ‘of fiction! No wonder he ‘became overnight the rage of the magazines! No wonder Warner Bros. smashed. all speed records to bring him to the screen! Meet him in = Mat No. 24—20c THEATRE AND POLICY HERE Oi nowt women Glas wn die if eons Q wad “hs wr ony Solution ee ate Fo ajumy § come righ Warner Bros., Master Makers of Mysteries, Introduce the New King of Crime-Hunters in ‘THE CASE OF THE HOWLING > WARREN WILLIAM MARY ASTOR ALLEN JENKINS 228 Lines Mat No. 1 7—20c