The Case of the Stuttering Bishop (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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“THE CASE OF THE STUTTERING BISHOP” PUBLICITY Actor-Sleuth a Mystery Fan and Book Collector Donald Woods Numbers Several Famed Writers Of Puzzlers Among His Friends Donald Woods is a ‘‘whodonit’’ fan. For the unitiated, a ‘‘whodonit’’ is a mystery story. Woods, who plays the part of the famed lawyer-detective Perry Mason, in the First National mystery thriller ‘““The Case of the Stuttering Bishop’’ which comes to the Theatre, on ae reads an average of four mysteries a month. He has a standing arrangement with the better publishers to send him the cream of their output. Unlike most “whodonit” readers, Woods doesn’t rent mysteries from circulating libraries — he buys them. He has one .of the most complete crime and mystery libraries in the west. Woods prizes most his autographed first editions. He has a first of Dashiell Hammet’s “Thin Man,” signed by Hammet and he has firsts of every mystery Erle Stanley Gardner ever wrote, ineluding “The Case Of the Stuttering Bishop.” The actor has made a list of “bests” in the modern mystery field. First on the list is Hammet’s “The Maltese Faleon.’ Then comes Latimer’s “Lady In Morgue.” Gardner’s “The Case Of the Stuttering Bishop” is fourth. Quentin’s “Puzzle For Fools” is fifth. Hammet’s “Glass Key” is sixth. Adam Bliss’ “Four Times a Widower” is seventh. Latimer’s “Headed for a Hearse” is eighth. And Van Dine’s the “Canary Murder Case” is ninth. Woods has everything that Conan Doyle ever wrote in the way of mysteries. He is searching for a first edition of any one of the “Sherlock Holmes” series. He has a first of one of Chesterton’s “Father Brown” series. Three of Woods’ close friends are mystery writers. He has known Erle Stanley Gardner for several years and Gardner says he believes that Woods is a perfect “Perry Mason,” even a better one than Warren William or Ricardo Cortez, who previously played the character. Geoffrey Homes and Adam Bliss are also friends of Woods. “The Case Of the Stuttering Bishop,” is one of those alwaysinteresting mysteries involving the lawyer-detective Perry Mason and his smart and pleasing secretary, Della Street. Various sereen players have enacted the two roles. This time it is Woods and Ann Dvorak. This particular “Case” was directed by William Clemens, from a sereen play by Kenneth Gamet and Don Ryan. Others in the cast include Anne Nagel, Linda Perry, Craig Reynolds, Gordon Oliver, Helen MacKellar, Veda Ann Borg and Joseph Crehan. Mix-up of Names In Movie Cast In the case of First National’s “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” now showing at the Scilla Theatre, there are three girls named Ann—Ann Dvorak, who plays the part of Della Street, Anne Nagel and Veda Ann ‘Borg. There are two Gordons— Gordon Oliver and Gordon Hart. There are also two Toms—Tom Kennedy, playing the part of Magooney, the detective and Tom Wilson. To finish matters up, there are two Woods—Donald Woods, who plays the part of Perry Mason, and Douglas Wood, who in the picture is Ronald C. Brownley, who is murdered for his wealth. Director William Clemens had to look at his cast-sheet every time he called any of these players while he was making the picture. Page Two The . Gardner Authors Novel On Trailer Vacation Erle Stanley Gardner, author of “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” the First National mystery-movie now showing at the Theatre, wrote the novel in two weeks. Gardner, former Ventura, Cal., criminal attorney, dictated the story to two stenographers working in relays. It was written as he travelled around the state in a trailer large enough to accommodate Gardner, his wife, the two secretaries and a cook. Mystery In The Heir! Where there’s a million dollar will, there’s someone to kill. But that super-sleuth Perry Mason, played by Donald Woods (left) solves the baffling mystery with the help of Ann Dvorak and Edward McWade in “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” the First National picture now playing at the Theatre. Mat No. 201—20c How About That Raise, Mr. Mason? Donald Woods, as Perry Mason in “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” is the kind of a boss who is always promising to give his secretary a raise. But nowhere is there anything to show that she gets the raise. The picture is now at the.... NS. SRE UES: Theatre. Clue Club Stars A new Perry Mason reaches the screen in the person of Donald Woods, shown above with Ann Dvorak in “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,’ now at the im cmpala sein adie < Theatre. Mat No. 105—10c Canadian-born, He Is Lincoln Fan Donald Woods, the movie star, is a naturalized citizen from Canada, but he can recite, letter perfect, Lincoln’s address at Gettysburg, and his home in Beverly Hills has one room devoted to Lincolniana. Woods is now starring in the First National mystery-play “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” SUG GOs ess 28 as aa Theatre. Ann Carries Photos Of Hubby and Puppy Ann Dvorak who plays the leading feminine part in “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” never goes anywhere without a picture of the two she loves best in the world—Leslie Fenton, her hus band, and her. little dachshund, Hansi. zs “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop” is now the feature attractiontat tice sa.u. . Theatre. Plenty Of Sleep Adds To Film Star’s Weight Ann Dvorak, film. star, has discovered a new way to gain weight—sleep eleven hours a day. In the past few months, Miss Dvorak, who plays Della Street in the First National mystery-film, “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” at the Se Pee eT Theatre, has gained ten pounds by this method. When she finished “Midnight Court,” her previous picture, she weighed 107 pounds. Now she weighs 117 pounds. Want A Good Husband? Grab Movie Property Man They Can Do Any Household Duty And Always Do It Right As husbands go, film property men are the best matrimonial prospects in the world. Take Emmett Emerson, prop man on ‘‘The Case of the 9) Stuttering Bishop, comes to the the First National mystery which Theatre on For one scene, Emerson proved his husbandly qualities by: Making a big bowl of Italian spaghetti; Making a green salad with a special French dressing; Brewing a pot of coffee and six pots of tea; Sewing a button on Donald Woods’ coat; Taking a spot from Joseph Crehan’s sleeve; Setting a dozen tables. Emerson, like all prop men, has to be a jack of all trades. In his rolling property room is a cook stove, a complete medicine cabinet, a work bench, an ironing board, a curling iron—even a croup kettle. He’s never had to use the croup kettle yet but feels that some day the need for it may arise. Orin Haglund, Emerson’s pal, would also make a good husband. Like Emerson, he is a husband— both have been married for years and claim that so far there have been few complaints. Here’s a list of a few of the things he had to do while the picture was in production: Seour two bathtubs; wax a bedroom floor; wash six windows; put up eight curtains; boil twelve eggs; make dozens of pieces of toast; make dozens of sandwiches; block an opera hat; hang twelve pictures; make five beds; wash dozens of dishes; set a table for eight; make tomato soup; cook lamb chops and make biscuits. The only trouble with most of the prop men as prospective husbands is, they are all married. On the First National lot there isn’t one first property man who is single. There are only three assistants who haven’t taken out marriage licenses. “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop” is one of those alwaysinteresting mysteries by Erle Stanley Gardner, involving the lawyer-detective Perry Mason and his smart and pleasing secretary, Della Street. Various. players have enacted the two roles. This time it is Donald Woods and Ann Dvorak. This particular “Case” was directed by William Clemens, from a sereen play by Kenneth Gamet and Don Ryan. Others in the cast include Anne Nagel, Linda Perry, Craig Reynolds, Gordon Oliver, Helen MacKellar, Veda Ann Borg and Joseph Crehan. Actor Donald Woods Knows a Stutter From a Stammer Teachers New Found Wisdom To Fellow Members In Warner Mystery Class Until a discussion on the words brought the fact to light, no one on the set of ‘‘The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,’’ at the First National studios, knew there was a difference between ‘‘stammerin Donald Woods, who plays the part of Perry Mason, lawyer-detective, put the question in turn to Ann Dvorak, Anne Nagel, Linda Perry and Craig Reynolds. They all said that stuttering and stammering were one and the same. Charles Wilson and Joseph Crehan said there might be a difference, but they didn’t know what it was. The stuttering bishop himself, Edward MeWade, said he didn’t even care, all he knew was that both were afflictions. Then Donald Woods hauled out his Thesaurus, Mr. Webster’s dictionary and a few other authoritative works on words and their meanings, and to the edification of the rest of the cast proved that to stammer is just a simple matter of halting utterance. But to stutter is to be afflicted with a spasmodic jerking of the diaphragm before speaking, which makes the words come out of the mouth like sputtering pop-gun fire. From then on he was “Professor Woods” to the rest of the cast. “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” which comes to the..... Treatresons) e546. 6s » is one of those always-interesting mysteries by Erle Stanley Gardner, involying the lawyer-deteetive Perry Mason and his smart’ and pleasing secretary, Della Street. Various players have enacted the two roles. This ‘time it is Donald Woods and Ann Dvorak. This particular. “Case” was directed by. :William. Clemens. ‘Others in 9.9 g’’ and “‘stuttering.”’ Ann Dvorak Secretary and right hand woman to “Perry Mason” super-sleuth, is Ann Dvorak in “The Case of the Stuttering Bishop,” an Erle Stanley Gardner best seller which comes to the .........TREGtTERONE I LIPASE RON ates Mat No. 104—10ce the cast are Anne Nagel, Linda Perry, Craig Reynolds, Gordon Oliver, Helen MaeKellar and. Veda Ann Borg. Country of origin U. S. A. Copyright 1937 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.