The Crowd Roars (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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with ANN DVORAK, ERIC LINDEN. Directed by HOWARD HAWKS. SPEED demons with goggled eyes glued on glory .. . Grinning at death . . . laughing at love! ... Breaking necks to break records— while the Crowd Roars — FOR BLOOD! ... Never — never — never has the screen shown such nerve-racking ACTION—lifted right off the track of the world’s greatest speedway! It’s the thrill epic of all time—the talk of every town that’s seen it... Forty men risked death to film it. Miss it at your own risk! THE HIT OF THE YEAR — FROM WARNER BROS. STARTS TOMORROW CAPITOL Cut No. 33: Cut 60c Mat 15¢ 12 of the world’s greatest race drivers in the most thrilling action picture ever shown! She fought for her man— with every trick love knows! 40 x 60 ENLARGEMENT OF THE ABOVE AD IN TWO COLORS. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL WARNER EXCHANGE. PRICE 30ce. Youll Never Forget Them! in the thrill spectacle that has Detroit gasping for breath! JIMMY CAGNEY terror of the speedways. . record smasher and _ heart breaker! JOAN BLONDELL the one baby he couldn’t flag off the track! ANN DVORAK who redeemed a life of sin with a great sacrifice! ERIC LINDEN the kid who cheated death to win glory and _ lovel Youth incarnate living at a pace no other humans ever attempted! A WARNER BROS. HIT STATE Cut No. 28 Cut 20c Mat 5c