The Crowd Roars (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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Tonight at thee STRAND You'll tremb/e in the grip of drama that leaps from ecstasy to tragedy in a second! You'll shriek at the sight of racing cars hurtling down the track . . . skidding .. . crashing ... bursting into flame! You'll gasp at the revelations of women enslaved by the fascination of men who know no fear! Warner Bros. mightiest screen contribution. Starring JAMES CAGNEY JOAN BLONDELL and Ann Dvorak, Eric Linden and 12 famous race drivers. Cut No. 34 Cut 60c Mat r5c CAPITOL A'scconp weex Never in the history of Omaha : has any picture met with such enthusiastic acclaim! WARNER BROS. THRILL SPECTACLE STARRING JAMES CAGNEY “ JOAN BLONDELL SomAED Directed by Cut No. 30 Cut 4oc Mat roc THE BIG THRILL OF THE WEEK! STATE A WARNER BROS. HIT STARRING | JAMES CAGNEY| JOAN BLONDELL ANN DVORAK — ERIC LINDEN and 12 FAMOUS RACE DRIVERS Cut No. 31 Cut 20c Mat 5c STRAND ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT TO SEE A WARNER BROS. HIT STARRING JAMES CAGNEY JOAN BLONDELL ANN DVORAK, ERIC LINDEN Cut No.29 Cut 20c Mat 5c