The Crowd Roars (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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SPECIAL COOPERATIVE MATS TO FIT ALL SIZE NEWSPAPERS f§ AD. AVAILABLE AT WARNER EXCHANGE. BATHING THEATRE AD SUIT an AD AD FROM NOTE: “THE ON LOCAL This illustration is CROWD JOAN AUBURN NOT the actual size ROARS’”’ BLONDELL and of this cooperative from CORD ad cut. The origiaal LOCAL DEALER cut is made in two JANTZEN sizes to fit both tabne loid and_ regulariti sized newspapers. RESTAURANT AD ON HOSIERY Mats are available AD at your local exBY LOCAL change. Cuts may be secured by writing to Advertising Department, Warner Bros. Pictures, Ine., 3821 HABERDASHER West 44th St., N. Y. RADIO STORE AUTO STORE AD ON THE The space alloted AD ACCESSORY JAMES CAGNEY SHIRT to each local mer chant in the above AD ad is merely to show you how the finished ad will look and the most likely pros pects. Rules are NOT included in the mat. Read the details under this illustra“THE CROWD ROARS FOR BARGAINS — and | business. You don’t have to do a bit of work on tion, then set your these stores have them!” That’s the catchline that | this proposition. Just give the idea to the ad soliclocal newspaper ad allows every merchant in town to get in a big, | itor of your livest newspaper and he will round up solicitor on the trail natural cooperative ad in a concentrated drive for | the advertisers . . . and thank you for the idea. of new baste SE-LING DEALER Featuring Joan Blondell ce Thirty-one