The Crowd Roars (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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Asseciated Artists Productions 345 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. Synopsis THE CROWD RO, Joe Greer (James Cagney), a small town boy who has become a famous auto raeer returns home to his father (Guy Kibbee) and younger brother Eddie (Eric Linden). Although he scarecely remembers, Joe, Eddie worships him and is following in his fxotsteps--and is already the local champion auto racer. At a local race, Eddie shows such skill that Joe decides to buy him a real racer and teach him the tricks of the game. Touring the ceuntry, Eddie becomes almost as famous as Joe. Eventually they reach Los Angeles, where Lee (Ann Dvorak), Joe's woman, is living. Joe, who has been pretty wild, does not want Eddie to associate with the same kind of woman. He takes a room in the same hotel but breaks with Lee, not wishing Eddie to know of his associations with her. In order to make Joe change his mind, Lee and her girl frierid, Anne (Jean Blondell), decide to get at him through Eddie. Anne sets her cap for him and Eddie falls for her wiles. But Anne, in turn, falls in love with him, tao, and refuses to give him up when Joe rages at her. Eddie, angered at his brother's stand, breaks with him and marries Anne. Jee fires him. Eddie having become famous, gets a chance to drive for himself in the next races. Joe is furious and tries to ditch Eddie in the race, but Spud (Frank McHugh), Joe's pal, keeps his car between bhhem to prevent it, Finally, Jee crashes into the rear of Spud's car, intending to drive him to the fence, but knocks a hole in his gas tank. The car catches fire, skids off the track in 4 burst of flame and Spud is burned to death. Joe is overwhelmed with remorse, but goes on racing, the only game he knews, But his heart is gone. Eventually he is forced to give up auto racing because every time he drives a car, he visualizes the burning car on the track. Joe is soon down and ovt. Lee has also lost practically all of her money-~but her only interest in life is to get Joe back. Believing he will show up again at the tracks, she gets a job as a waitress in an Indianapolis restaurant. Joe arrives there, but is unable to get a driving job. He meets Lee and they go to the tracks the next day to watch Eddie drive. A flying tire breaks his arm and he cannot go on. Joe immediately jumps into the put and the brothers meet. Eddie reluctantly consents to let Joe drive, but insists on geing with him in place of the mechanic. During the race, Joe gets back his old nerve and daring and brings the car in a winner, * HH Running Tine: Bp iimutes “12 WAIN,