The Dawn Patrol (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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oe . . —_ oy 70% spat Steg} ad pt ae ui ia @ beg ao 4 pes 3 ; : fe . . aay _ bosib BY se if ges » * sein we os. 4 ees x ’ Ma, y ve 5 ig fie Le ee {ens % ck ie i 3 ‘ 5 : a 4 & se % = : i% ¥ E 3 } = 2 a d 2 : q 3 “3 F q Ei ‘ i: A . ‘ %, 4 y : a ; bgt a 50 Sie 3. PATRONS POSE°IN PLANE” ve Remember how, at one of the sumimer resorts, you and the gang . ‘Had a Photog snap your picture while you ‘posed in an old fash > “ioned auto? Similar stunt can be‘ worked in! your lobby. ‘Have your artist construct a miniature airplane from: cardboard and ‘in vite patrons to hop in and have ‘their, photos snapped by local . photographer!Plane carries your billing and .playdates. When _ patrons get their photos and show ‘em around, they'll be advertising your show — for free! SHOW PROGRESS OF AVIATION ers You'll get color in your lobby with an exhibit of photos, or real 13% ‘miniature models, showing the progress of aviation from the Wright Brothers to the present day. Newspaper morgue and library can supply you with photos of planes. You can make photo», stats. of them and display alongside stills from picture. Also work into the display a contrast of early and modern airplane instru‘ments, safety devices, methods of operation, etc. Uniformed ‘aviator’ explains the various types of equipment to onlookers. _ All you need. are a few. gents dressed as aviators and an old motorcycle. Your artist does the rest. Result: a real ' attention-getting»street stunt.: DISPLAY AIR EQUIPMENT You'd be surprised at the number of people interested ina display of technical aviation equipment. If there’s an airport nearby, it shouldn't be difficult to borrow all sorts of devices landing lights, manometers, barometers, gyroscopic ..... FLYNN'’S ADVENTURE HITS 3 Display. stills in lobby of Errol Flynn’s previous adventure roles: “The Charge of the Light Brigade,”’“Captain Blood,” “The Prince and the Pauper,” “The Adventures of Robin Hood.” In center place blowup of scene from "The Dawn and’ deviation compasses, tachometers, propellers, etc. afew signs to:identify the instruments. ELOBBY DECORATIONS . A large variety of valences, flags, and banners are available for this picture — just what you need to give color to your Patrol.” Award prizes to patrons. correctly identifying name of picture from which each scene is taken. STENCIL SIDEWALKS If there’s no local ordinance against it, stencil sidewalks with planes pointing in the direction of your theatre. lobby and front. For further information, write to Art Flag, Picture’s title appears across top wings, theatre name and Inc., 449 West 42nd Street; New York City. | : play dates’on lower wings. VISIT TO AIRPORT Special busses carrying banners plug x Display “Life” ging your show are stationed in front of theatre. Barker invites passers-by to take a trip to local airport. Tours of inspection are arranged by airline officials, who take folks around the place, explaining the intricate workings. Pilots act as guides and tell folks thrilling air experiences. = EX < = < z =s z = POSTCARD GAG Credit Wally Allen, Manager of the Kentucky Theatre, with this stunt. Idea is to see how many times patrons can write Errol Flynn's name on a postcard. Allen reports that winner of his contest wrote star’s name 1185 times. And the tremendous number of replies made it _ very profitable for the theatre. Winner receives prize promoted from merchant. [14] MAY 23, 1938 10 GENTS Life Magazine, issue of May 23, 1938, dedicates its front cover to a photo of Errol Flynn, and also carries a two-page spread on “Errol Flynn, Glamour Boy” (see pages 64-65). If you can get hold of a copy. display in lobby and surround Large cylinder, with stills mounted on ‘sky’ background, revolves slowly to the left, while toy airplane, attached to motor inside cylinder by rod, moves slowly to the right. with stills from the picture.