The Expert (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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SPECIAL LOBBY DISPLAY STUNT The intimate biography printed below when enlarged to fill a 40 x 60 frame on an easel in the outside lobby will prove to be a sure-fire ‘“‘stopper.”’ If possible, put the enlargement on display a week before the run starts. Dickie Moore A Brief Biography H E was born September 12, 1925, of French-Irish parentage. Is a native of Los Angeles. He is fortytwo inches tall, in his stockinged feet, and weighs all of forty pounds, stripped. Attends grammar school between pictures and is in the first grade. Has a private tutor to instruct him be . tween scenes on the lot. His little female schoolmates consider him quite a sheik. His ambition is to become a traffic cop. Can’t wait to reach the age of twenty, so that he can don a policeman’s uniform. When asked what he dislikes most, he replied: ‘String beans, and going to bed early.’’ Has made up his mind that when he grows up he is never going to sleep. His favorite games are parchesi and lotto. Was taken to a dentist for the first time, recently, to have his teeth cleaned. He enjoyed the experience so much, that he now wants to have it done every day. When the director wants to get him particularly enthusiastic about a scene, he promises to take him to the dentist to have his teeth cleaned. He’ll consent to do anything after that. Made his first screen appearance at the age of eleven months. The picture was ‘‘The Beloved Rogue”? with Barrymore. Has _ since appeared in the following productions: ‘‘Son of the Gods,’’ — starring Barthelmess, (Still Number—Moore 5) “Seed,” ‘‘The Squaw Man,” ‘The Star Witness,’’ ‘‘Manhattan Parade,” “Union Depot,’’ and now “‘The Expert.”’ His work in the latter is considered superb. Warner Bros. are going to star him in his next picture. He’ll be the youngest star on the screen. One of the scenes in ‘The Expert’’ calls for copious weeping on his part. The director had an awful time making him cry. Finally, in desperation, he ordered the youngster’s mother off the set in no uncertain language. The child took one look at his mother meekly obeying the director’s gruff command and burst into tears. The scene was then shot very successfully, and the child’s misery was genuine. He has beautiful brown eyes, blonde hair, and a remarkable memory. COLORTONE EFFECT Make your screen presentation artistic and colorful with this atmospheric effect, elaborately colored, beautifully created. 4x5—-Colored positive only $2.00 —Set (positive and negative) 3.00 3 Y44ax4—Colored positive only 1.50 —Set (positive and negative) 2.25 Order by Number N-198 NATIONAL STUDIOS, INC. 226 WEST 56th STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. Be sure to specify size and send remittance with order to avoid parcel post and C.0O.D. charges. TEASER CAMPAIL Do your eyes hurt after seeing a pretty girl? See ‘‘The Expert.” Do you know about the Scandinavian Sewer System? Ask ‘‘The Expert.’ Does the depression bother you? See ‘The Expert.” Do you know everything about women? Ask ‘‘The Expert.” Do you want your love affair fixed? See ‘“‘The Expert.” Girls, does he know how to hold you? Ask ‘‘The Expert.” Want to know the inside on the Women’s Circle for the Relief of Unemployed Fleas? Ask ‘‘The Expert.’’ Want to learn all about bridge? Ask “The Expert.” COPY | 1 want to know secrets, ask ‘‘The Exps Sd you marry this year? Ask “‘The \ your love affair last? Ask ‘‘The ‘omen know what it’s all about? Ay: 1e Expert.” F that rundown feeling, see ‘‘The ’ you looking for experience? See 7 foe :s Greco-Roman wrestling interest ye Ask “The Expert.” p'ckles mix with ice cream? Ask “7 E pert.” (Note teaser cut be Daily Newspaper Feature “What The Experts Say About Business” can be a daily newspaper story. Have one of your livest newspapers send a reporter to interview the biggest bankers and merchants in town on this subject. Credit line “suggested by the showing of ‘The Expert’ at the Strand” is your tie-up with this stunt. Copies of the publicity should be displayed in your lobby daily. Credit to the newspaper should be flashed from your screen to make this stunt reciprocal. ring your troubles to HE KNOWS Cut No. 15 Cut 20c Mat 5c ibove is example of cut to be u. i for your teaser campaign. Y | can also apply it to a tackez] teaser campaign. CATCHLI'ES The story of a strong man’s will—and woman’s “won’t”! Edna Ferber’s most stirring story since’‘Cimarron”’! The story of a gay old dog who couldrt be “House Broken’! Love that makes you gulp one momen and guffaw the next! The season’s greatest galaxy of grins d pathos! A triple treat from the author of “Cr arron’”’ and the stars of “The Star Witness’’! “The Expert” speaks from experiencend what experience! Pinochle Versus Bridge Contest Here is your chance to tie-up with an item that is getting much headline space these days. One of the scenes in the picture shows ‘‘Chic’’ Sale and his old cronies in a hectic pinochle game. Stills of the scene are available at your exchange. On this page you will find “‘Chic’’ Sale’s comments on bridge versus pinochle. The way to cash in on this item is to stage a bridge and pinochle contest with the cooperation of your local newspaper. Get in touch with a bridge club and a pinochle club and have them send down their EXPERTS for a nightly session in your lobby. Keep the bridge and pinochle players at their respective games until after the contest has been completed and then get the winners to talk on the respective merits of each game. The value of this stunt depends primarily on newspaper cooperation and the amount of space you can get on same. It takes a livewire press agent to put this thing over, but it is a stunt that is worth every minute devoted to it. USE THE “CHIC” SALE COPY IN NEXT COLUMN TO STIMULATE READER INTEREST. Cooperative Ad “The Expert’ is probably the finest title in many years on which a cooperative ad can be based. There are scores of merchants in your town that consider themselves experts in their particular lines. Your newspaper advertising solicitor will undoubtedly jump at the chance to merge all these ‘‘experts”’ into an advertisement under the following headline: “Do your Business with Experts” or “These Experts Guarantee Satisfaction.” To list the merchants who are prospects for space in this cooperative ad would be to enum “This Here Bridge Game Ain’t A Man’s Game Like Pinochle,” Says ‘‘Chic’’ Sale “1 never did hold much with any card games exceptin’ pinochle. Now, sir, folks, that’s a man’s game. | seen bridge an’ | seen a whole lot of it, but it ain’t near the interestin’ thing pinochle is. Why, fellers and gals, a grand slam can’t come up to makin’ four fifty double in spades, the way you do every onct in a while. The thrill you c’n get out o’ that kind o’ hand is mighty, m-i-g-h-t-y hard to beat. “Bridge ain’t nothin’ but a game fer women. Men hadn’t ought ter play it nohow. | don’t see how a game c’n hold you ’less you ¢’n meld a couple o’ cards now’n then. They jest ain’t no sech thing as a thrill without you c’n crack yore cards down on th’ table th’ way you c’n do in pinochle when you got trumps. An’ what’s more, pinochle was good enough fer my gran’dad an’ it’s good enough fer me. None o’ these here now new-fangled society games fer me. “Gimme a group o’ congenial fellers who knows how tuh play pinochle as she is played back home and I'll show you a bunch o’ real men. An’ in pinochle there ain’t this high gamblin’ they have in bridge. | gotta admit, nacherally, that a few fellers plays fer high stakes. But the majority 0’ pinochle players play th’ game becuz they have a good time at it an’ like it more fer the fun they get out of it than the money which is involved. ‘Furthermore, I’d bet my _ bottom dollar that all these bridge tournaments ain’t nothin’ like a real game o’ pinochle amongst experts. An’ what’s more lI’d betcha anything | got that a pinochle player has more card sense th’n a bridge hound. | c’ld go on a-rantin’ about pinochle fer hours, like this, but | ain’t a-goin’ to. Jest take my word fer it— it’s better’n bridge.” erate every one in town. Dress shops, beauty parlors, shoe stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, sporting goods houses, restaurants —almost everybody is an Expert. Call your advertising — solicitor NOW and get him working on this cooperative ad. It should be scheduled to break one or two days prior to your release date. Of course, you will be prominently represented in same. The Cooperative Ad Suggested Here Can Also Be Applied To A Cooperative Herald Or Theatre Pro gram. Page Eleven