The Fountainhead (Warner Bros.) (1949)

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SHOWMEN! Examine the feature ste They are especially written and sele and elements in the film that made AULA GARY COOPER, popular star, reaches a high point in an illustrious motion picture career with his portrayal of the architect Roark in “The Fountainhead,” Warner Bros. film arriving at the Strand Friday. Mat No. 707-2€ Still 707-649 The Cast Howard Roark ..GARY COOPER ...PATRICIA NEAL Gail Wynand ...Raymond Massey Dominique Peter Keating ....... Kent Smith Ellsworth Toohey .Robert Douglas Henry Cameron ..... Henry Hull BPM lo ik Ray Collins Chairman... .: Moroni Olsen Alvah Scarret ..... Jerome Cowan A Business Man ... .Paul Harvey The Superintendent .Harry Woods Lhe Teg Paul Stanton IN LOVE. Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal play the roles of Roark and Dominique in Warner Bros.” picturization of Ayn Rand’s best-selling novel, ““The Fountainhead,” at the Strand. Mat No. 707-2D Still 707-664 ‘The Fountainhead’ To Bring Newest Love Team To Strand Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal Long-Awaited Warner Film In Guaranteed to take its place with the greatest lover teams in cinematic history, to rank with the John Gilbert-Greta Garbo, John BarrymoreDolores Costello and Clark . Gable-Vivien Leigh pairs, is the newest one of Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal, the two who are bringing alive the tempestuous love story of “The Fountainhead.” Warner Bros.’ long-awaited film opens at the Strand on Friday. When Warner Bros. decided to film this best seller novel which had aroused the American reading public as no other book in recent years, the big problem was admitted to be the casting of two lovers who could make credible the tumultous love of the independent-minded Roark, the architect, and Dominique, the cold though beautiful and brilliant heiress who succumbs only to the one man whom she cannot reach and who appears unimpressed — manifestly. Scores of letters descended on Executive producer Jack L. Warner with casting suggestions, much in the manner that the producers of ‘Gone With the Wind” received a few years back. That Gary Cooper was the perfect Roark, strong, handsome, independent, was immediately apparent, and Ayn Rand, the author who was also doing the screenplay, was in accord for in her mind’s eye when she created the character of Roark there was “a man like Gary Cooper,” she said. But everyone had ideas about Dominique and at one time or other, every major actress in Hollywood was suggested for this choice role. The girl had to be beautiful first of all, but she also had to be statuesque, aristocratic, cold-appearing, and down deep she had to convey a love—once she found her man— that swept aside all obstacles and conventions, a love deep enough even to face death for her man. And such an actress was found in Patricia Neal. Discovered on the Broadway stage in “Another Part of the Forest,” Pat Neal was rushed to the Warner Burbank studios and placed in “John Loves Mary” for motion picture seasoning. She came through with flying colors and was then handed the plum role of Dominique in “The Fountainhead.” How she teams with Cooper in this story is evident in the Academy Award mentions that were made on all sides by preview audiences. Cooper himself, a veteran leading man, admitted he’d rarely before played opposite such a finished actress and personality. . Supporting the stars are Raymond Massey, Robert Douglas, and Kent Smith. ‘The Fountainhead’ Here Friday Bringing to the screen one of the most absorbing and tempestuous stories of the past decade, Warner Bros. will present at the Strand Friday their film version of “The Fountainhead,” adapted from the famed Ayn Rand novel which swept the country as a best-seller a few years ago. Starring Gary Cooper as Roark, the architect and Patricia Neal as Dominique, the picture has been eagerly awaited by motion picture fans who recognize the production as one of the most ambitious on the Warner Bros. schedule of the past year. . “The Fountainhead” is the thrilling story of a young architect who fights out against complacency and tradition in behalf of his own work in which he believes so strongly. This theme is set against a lush background of beautiful buildings and interiors, and the film, having been given Warner Bros.’ most lavish production treatment, promises something as _pictorially thrilling as any picture of the year. Gary Cooper has been cast in one of the strongest roles of his great film career. Opposite him, playing the brilliant and beautiful newspaperwoman is Pat Neal, the Broadway star who soared to screen stardom after her debut in “John Loves Mary,” and is here given a brilliant dramatic opportunity to display her talents in the tumultous romance of Roark and Dominique. Also in the cast are Raymond Massey as the newspaper publisher, Robert Douglas and Kent Smith. King Vidor directed the picture. Warner Bros. Film Best-Seller Novel As a novel “The Fountainhead” has had one of the greatest sales in the history of modern publishing. It is estimated that approximately 15,000,000 persons have read the book, the first novel from the pen of Miss Rand who also wrote the screen play for Warner Bros. The novel has been published in 24 editions in 12 different languages. She has described Cooper’s casting as Roark the architect and Patricia Neal in the role of Dominique as “perfect.” The distinguished cast includes Raymond Massey, Kent Smith, Robert Douglas, Henry Hull and Ray Collins. King Vidor, one of Hollywood’s outstanding directors, handled the directorial reigns on this important production. ‘The Fountainhead’ Arrives Tomorrow Warner Bros.’ “The Fountainhead,” starring Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal, from the celebrated novel by Ayn Rand and the most tumultous love story to be brought to the screen in a decade, opens tomorrow at the Strand Theatre. Because of the great scope of the story, the film version of this best-selling novel was in preparation for over three years. It is an epic story of a strongminded man willing to make many sacrifices rather than compromise his integrity and the beautiful woman who fought against his ideals though she was in love with him. Heading the large supporting cast are Raymond Massey, Kent Smith, and Robert Douglas. Authoress Ayn Rand Got True Material A secret which Ayn Rand kept faithfully for ten years has come out. Ely Jacques Kahn is revealed as the famous New York architect in whose office she worked for six months in 1988 to get the background material for “The Fountainhead,’ which Warner Bros. have filmed with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal. “T promised Mr. Kahn I would keep it a secret but he does not mind now if I tell it,’ Miss Rand explained. “Biveryone in the office, except Mr. Kahn, thought I was a regular employee. They had no idea I was getting background for a book. I shall always be grateful to Mr. Kahn because he made it possible for me to get the architectural background.”