The Go Getter (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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PUZZLES IN MAT FORM OTHER NEWSPAPER CONTESTS EXPLOITATION CONTESTS FOR NEWSPAPERS ic fo fe Pe Pr yt [e PR ACROSS: 10. A burden 16. Atop 17. Not out 24. To dinge 32. Rodent 33. Painful 37. Toward Mother Sole le [TIT leE[R SEARCH FOR BEST GO GETTER TEAMS Title of film suggests a number of contests that could be planted in newspapers playing up various types of go getters that are well known historical characters. For instance, you might stage a test for the greatest number of famous “Boy Wins Girl” examples from past history. Jacob had to work fourteen years to win Rachael. Paris started a war when he won Helen of Troy, etc. Other contests could be based on “How J Won My Bride’; “How My Husband Won Me’’; and for the best story of handicapped go getters such as Helen Keller, Robert Louis Stev enson, etc. GO GETTER HUNT Go Getter stunt on the order of the popular treasure hunt can be very easily worked out on this film. Have a bannered truck in the street with sign: “dre You a Go Getter? Get Your Assignment here and Go To It.’”’ Girls pass out heralds to onlookers. Each herald has a number which corresponds with the same displayed in merchant’s windows or _ inside shops. Those receiving the heralds are asked to search out the store exhibiting the same number. First one matching number is awarded prize. CAMERA CONTEST We've a set of six “candid camera” stills, mounted on 14” x 11” card, showing a day in the life of Anita Louise. Swell for lobby display, and excellent material for editors who use stills instead of mats, they can readily be adapted to a local candid camera contest. Newspaper may print a still a day, and offer prizes for best captions. Another angle is to bring out the best six candid camera shots telling story submitted by local amateur photographer. Order “Anita Louise Day Stills’—15c, from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th St., ji a ae, 13. Printer’s measure 15. Half an em 18. Boat propeller 20. To dispatch 21. Hawaiian food 22. To harvest 25. Plural ending 27. Elevated abbrev. 28. To belabor 30. Brave man 40. 41, 42, 44, 1. One who goes and gets 11. Measure of length omMmnKntnraananpr won me ee ee Ke oN BP pw 35. African antelope 36. Latin and 42. 38. mow hyp pw a nm & Seventh note An age Lightsome Title of the picture DOWN: Depart Unit . Fire arms . Plural ending . Letter after s . Walked . Long period of time . Road . Male star . Female star Woman’s name . Group of atoms . Sun god Mixed type _ . Half a quart . Plate . Sitting place Sea eagles 29. By 31. For example (Latin abbrev.) 33. Chant 34. To send out 37. Also 39. Part of to be 41. East Guiana 42. By 43. Twelvemonth ae MM Be | N | rs | A | BGS PslolRy 0 | LN PS]O}G IE | [2 me je [A as o ita "E{O| P| FR ia PB PR | N | Puzzle and Solution on Mat No. 201—20c WORD HUNT FOR PUZZLERS Here’s a simple brain teaser that should interest puzzle page fans and shouldn’t be too hard to plant. You could break it up into a four day contest by running five problems each day. Or a two day stunt by dividing into two parts. The words below all begin with GO. Add as many letters as directed and follow the definitions. When the list is finished correctly send to the GO GETTER Editor at the Theatre. The first 25 correct answers win guest tickets for the picture. 1. Add 5 letters tg Go and ancient giatt...ceccccnnencuianrinnns GOLIATH Gee ee ae roe ge emt og. Oatmicie pee ee eS GOBLET Se ore 2 apa eMac: ao Serene pe iaeiorte noe cls ai GODIVA 4 pee St ene-awho acts a8-alr-agetitcs 8.3. GOBETWEEN 5. 0“ 60 UK old India town famous for gems... GOLCONDA 6.2 OR SO AOS er ae et peteraten waerimen writer. 2 oo... GOETHE fs. ORB) SS erat SPO OF V RUICRL casted tact: GONDOLA Be rt Os Aa Aa gtthor of Vacarol Wakeheld..<... GOLDSMITH ORIG Set 2 AY Bante aad Sa ae Megs i.) || Siar ahd Sirti SO eS on GOOBER ee ee er ee ah it Shakespeare's “Téinpést” GONZALO Pad eae a POS AA frican anthropoid apes. 2S “GORILLA foe ee U Baerowing American rodent... GOPHER ee eo of medieval orchitecttr én. GOTHIC pO ReMi “cea cea taee iit) eae. Sa Ie. | || eae 15,08 G0 Sie Poe aithering: aie Splendor. 16... coh auninteoneilin mauniatn teenie aes AOA GAA AROMA OR scarsiiesustiin GOLDENROD | Pamala Seibel a tke S|. |! 2 ee RRR An GODDESS Be ol ye Pie | eae ee COMONRLE OUR ON AS 5 ni oiees GOBI BD GPL FR ee Oo eee eer at Nantisith. 2.2 GODFATHER 2. “6 “ “ “ “ one who gets what he goes after... GO GETTER The Mystifying Maze conceals the sentence "THE GO GETTER: HAD:.TO GET THE “SLUEVASE: TO GET THE GAL. The solution begins with the circled leter. Then move up or down, right or left, and end with the circle which contains the period. The Mystifying Maze has been used with much success by showmen in various pate of the country. E JOE E |T |G/O}G| Mat No. 101—10c FILM FANS TEAM ROMANTIC STARS Newspaper columnists and fan magazines have written reams of copy on the screen’s newest real-life romantic team, George Brent and Anita Louise. From time to time others are paired. Why not a contest to let the fans team their favorites? Plenty of hints can be given as to the characteristics of both parties. And lists of romantic pairs most nearly, in the opinion of the judges, like those of the majority of newspaper reports, are winners of guest tickets. A few names linked by the writers are: George Brent, Anita Louise; Wayne Morris, Jane Bryan; Glenda Farrell, Drew Eberson; Dick Purcell, June Travis; and Jane Wyman, Myron Futterman. DRAWING CONTEST Have a newspaper print the outline of George Brent or Anita Louise’s head. Alongside this outline drawing place a half-tone of the picture. The gag is to offer prizes for the best drawing in the outline of the half-tone picture. Be sure the halftone is larger or smaller than the outline drawing so that contestants will not be able to trace the picture. Drawing classes and amateur artists should be interested in this one. GUESS THE SIZE Get your local paper to run a coupon with questions as to the correct size of Anita Louise’s hat, shoes, gloves, etc. Readers are to guess the correct measurements. You might award an autographed foto as prize to best answers. On the day you announce the winners, have large telegram on exhibit in your lobby, supposedly from the star, giving correct measurements. Would make a swell display with number of coupons grouped about the blow-up. Page Five