The Maltese Falcon (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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RUNNING TIME (Vitaphone) 77 Minutes cod FOOTAGE 7094 Feet WARNER BROS. VITAPHone TALKING “All i) bs PHCT WIRES Permission 1s granted licensed reproduce with proper notice of copyright all matter contained herein. ~* —_— exhibitors to NEW YORK CITY, U. S. A. MALTESE FALCON with BEBE DANIELS — RICARDO CORTEZ SUMMARY BEBE DANIELS IN HER MOST DARING ROLE AS AN ALLURING ADVENTURESS IN A THRILL-PACKED ACTION STORY OF BAFFLING MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE. ROUTINE STORY (This story contains all the Maltese Falcon.” telease st of the Theatre announces Manager next as the opening date for “The Maltese Falcon,” the Warner Bros. mystery melodrama, starring Bebe Daniels, in the most daring role of her career. ~~ Mia* Daniels appears as the amaz= eiiie Wonderly, an alluring adaes ved hay usvs sua ve wiles knows to femininity in order to win | over the various men who are try| ing to find out whether she is, or is not, the head of the most baffling crime rings known to the police. The clever star is able to keep audiences mystified as to her real personality to the last fade-out of the film. The statuette of a maltese fal Mee “The fore the run.) important facts about several days be gives the strangely absorbing picture an air of vital authority. Those who support Miss Daniels ure Ricardo Cortez, Dudley Digges, Una Merkel, Robert Elliott, Thelma Todd, Otto Matiesen, Oscar Walter Long, Dwight Frye, . Farrell MacDonald and Agostino ae The adaptation is by |Maude Fulton, Lucien Hubbard and Brown Holmes. Roy Del Ruth | directed. “The Maltese Falcon” ranks among the masterpiece of detective lore, such as those of Poe, De Maupassant or Conan Doyle. It is one of those utterly enthralling creations which find such favor | with so many of the great, and with | the rank and file of ordinary folks. | Film Bebe Daniels and Ricardo Cortez in “The Maltese Falcon” Cut No. 17 Cut 30c Mat 10c SYNOPSIS (Not for publication) Copyright 1931 by Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved Ruth Wonderly visits the office of Sam Spade and Miles Archer, partners in a detective agency. She wants a detective to follow Floyd Thursby, who has her sister in his power. Archer undertakes this job but is found shot to death at close range the following morning. Thursby is also found dead. Spade appears indifferent to both deaths and thereby arouses the suspicions of Detective Dundy. ' Spade visits Ruth Wonderly and she confesses that her story was false. Thursby had just come from Hongkong with her and had killed Archer, but she is ignorant as to Thursby’s slayer. Back in his office, Spade is visited by Cairo, who offers him $5,000 for the recovery of a statuette of a bird... When Sparc reaches home that night, he finds Ruth awaiting him. He tells her of Cairo’s visit and she is upset. She offers herself to Spade but Cairo arrives to interrupt. The girl tells Cairo she is afraid because Gutman and The Kid, who proves to be Wilmer, a man who has followed Spade to his home, are in town and who she believes killed Thursby. ‘*The Maltese Faleon,’’ Warner Bros. romantic mystery, | Mystery stories were acknowledged | to be the favorite reading of Sir Walter Scott, Roosevelt, Edison President Wilson and a host beside. Miss Daniels has con is supposed to contain jewels which not only Miss Wonderly, but a gang of criminals are in quest of. Though gunplay often halts or The following day Spade is summoned to see Gutman, who is the brains of the gang. He offers Spade $25,000 for the bird, which is worth starring Bebe Daniels with Ricardo Cortez, opens at the Strand tonight. Una Merkel, who portrayed Ann Rutledge | in ‘‘Lineoln,’’ Robert Elliott and Dudley Digges are also in | the east. hastens the action, guns are not seen or heard. The piece is an adaptation of the best-selling novel of Dashiell Hammett, who was for many years a Pinkerton detective. This fact and the clever casting WHO'S WHO BEBE DANIELS—Beautiful star | ot “Rio Rita,” “Dixiana,” “My Past” and “The Maltese Faleon.” Born in Dallas, Texas. RICARDO CORTEZ — Seen in “Sorrows of Satan,” “Mockery,” “Tllicit” and “The Maltese Falcon.” Born in Vienna, Austria. DUDLEY DIGGES — Famous on stage and sereen, Seen recently in Warner Bros. “Outward Bound.” Born in England. UNA MERKEL — Was recently seen as Ann Rutledge in “Abraham Lincoln” and in “Eyes of the World.” Born in Covington, Ky. ROBERT ELLIOTT — Seen in “The Valiant,” “Thunderbolt,” “CapThunder,” “The Doorway to Born in Ireland. tain Hell.” (ito TABLE OF | Feature Page | Feature i 12| Exploitation egma 11| Lobby Frames Biographies 3, 4, 5| Reviews Se 1| Summary Catchlines . : = 10 Synopsis “xit Banner _ 2| Who’s Who been tremen, 'dously successful in her portrayal | of the starring role—and her sup| port is excellent. Treat yourself and your friends to the thrill of a | lifetime—“The Maltese Falcon.” ET LL THELMA TODD—Seen in “Hell’s | Angels,” “Her Private Life,” “House of Horror,” and “Trial Marriage.” Born in Lawrence, Mass. | OTTO MATIESEN—Seen in “Bo. | loved Rogue,” “Scaramouche,” | |“Strange Cargo,” and “General Crack.” Born in Copenhagen, Den| mark. OSCAR APFEL—Seen in “Marianne,” “Cheaters,” “True Heaven,” “Halfway to Heaven” and “Hurdy Yurdy.” Born in Cleveland, Ohio. WALTER LONG—“The Birth of a Nation,” “Blood and Sand,” “Back | to God’s Country” and “Black | Watch.” Born in Milford, New Hampshire. J. FARRELL MacDONALD—Seen in “The Four Devils,” “Men Without Women,” “South Sea Rose,” and “Too Young to Marry.” Westbury, Conn. CONTENTS THE Gieet RUTH WONDERLY — 42 alluring adventuress who conquers all men but one__—----—-----—-BEBE DANIELS SAM SPADE—Head of detective agency who is fascinated but undeceived by Miss W onderly..RICARDO CORTEZ GUTMAN—Cleverest confederate of the crime ring of Miss Wonder!) — eee DUDLEY DIGGES EFFIE — Secretary altogether disarming DUNDY—Slow-voiced detective who is always on the trail of the gentle crook__________ROBERT ELLIOTT IVA—Cheating wife of Spade’s unfortunate partner, Archer --THELMA TODD CAIRO—Fat and ineffectual Iai who follows the the elusive falcon... _OTTO MATIESEN —o calls the bluff DISTRICT ATTORNEY—/V ho _.OSCAR APFEL of the sinister enchantress.. eliminated from ARCHER—Partner of Spade who is early ALTER LONG the scene st mistristed con WILMER--One of Miss Won. 7,’s mos Saedr te inidetl ye DWIGHT FRYE POLHAUS — Policeman everybody will at once recognize _jJ. FARRELL MacDONALD CAPTAIN JACOBI—W ho brings the falcon from Hong Kong and makes a hasty exit. AGOSTINO BORGATO millions and dates from the Cru-— sades and is filled with precious stones. But Cairo arrives and informs them that Spade has not got the bird; he believes it will arrive that night by slow boat from China in care of Captain Jacobi, who has a package for Ruth. Spade is given knockout drops and they leave for the boat. Spade revives and goes back to his office. Captain Jacobi arrives there with a grip marked “RW” but drops dead in the doorway. Spade checks the bag and returns home to find Miss Wonderly there. As they try to enter the door, they are met by leveled guns inthe hands of Gutman. Cairo and Wilmer. Spade makes a proposition whereby he will return the bird if they will give him Wilmer as a “fall guy” to be convicted of Archer’s murder, Detective Dundy having threatened to arrest him unless he can positively clear himself. But when the bird arrives, it proves to be a false one and Wilmer escapes. Gutman and Cairo leave and Spade warns the police. When Detective Dundy and the district attorney arrive, he turns Ruth Wonderly over to them as the murderer of Archer, stating that she thought the blame would be placed on Thursby, thereby getting him out of her way for a clear getaway with the bird. Gutman is killed by Wilmer. All three murders are solved and the girl is sentenced to twenty years. Spade visits her in jail, still torn between his desire for her and the knowledge that she is no good and not to be trusted. But he leaves her with a laugh on his lips—the girl smoking a cigarette and trying to fathom a dreary span of twenty y°*™