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The Maltese Falcon (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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Perfect One Column Ads— On Expense—Heavy On Sales Value: Casting Director Is Lucky in Types Used In Weird Melodrama “The Maltese Falcon” Starring Bebe Daniels With Strong er tee (Feature) Any picture using such exact types as “The Maltese Falcon,” in which Bebe Daniels is starred by Warner Brothers and which is show. ing now at the Theatre, offers unusual difficulties for the Robert Elliott Returns To Ominous Dickdom (Advance Reader) “The Maltese Falcon” the Warner Bros. mystery melodramatic romance starring Bebe Daniels and coming to the ah | lt. Ree ae next featured Robert Elliott, who is 80 consummate in his portrayals of slow-voiced detectives, in a grim variation of the role. The cast is a strong one, Roy Del Ruth directed. STRAND Detective Must Let Head Rule Heart, Says Mr. Hammett Author of “Maltese Falcon” Coming To ________.. Theatre Flays Sentimentality (Advance Story) Any man who lets his heart rule his head is temperamentally unfitted to be a detective, private or public, according to Dashiell Hammett, author of “The Maltese Fal ONLY MAN SHE LOVEDONLY MAN SHE COULDN'T TAKE! She gave him her “Maltese Falcon” Star Thinks That Women Should Know Arms Bebe Daniels “Now at _.______.. Theatre as Star of Warner Bros. Mystery Romance Explains Why She Thinks So (Current Story) Bebe Daniels speaking: “Ability to handle a gun in a confident manner has come to be part of the train casting director. con,” the new Warner Brothers mys After both Miss Daniels and the tery melodrama starring Bebe ee ae 1m © Grete wecommplished aster one studio had agreed to the unusual ane Lecce «gl ieee Peemameia tes foo ree. A: the Amorienn ‘eggs ct vehicle for the star, the hunt for pines et SE ae Theatre ........ screen. exceptional types or people who = could act them was begun by Rufus LeMaire, the casting director, The leading man was described as a sophisticated, hard visaged and clever man, not a hero type, but likable. Ricardo Cortez, who is more often a light heavy in roles than a sympathetic hero, seemed the logical choice and was picked first. A sleek, fat, mild-mannered blackguard, willing to flatter or murder as best served his interests. was another problem. That required no little search and was finally solved when it was found that the famous character actor, Dudley Digges, was available. For the’ detective role, Robert Elliott was cast at ence. A man who could play the part of a scheming voluptuary was another dificult assignment. It is a thoroughly unpleasant role but Otto Matiesen proved his ability as an actor by making up for the part and eonvineing both camera and microphone that he could act the part, For the part of a cheating wife and a spoiled woman Thelma Todd was finally cast after mi~v_ tests had been made. Una Me =; wh* pinyed Ann Rutledge in “Abraham Lincoln” was given the role of the long-suffering and skilfully evasive secretary. The role of a young gunman was given to Dwight Frye only after convincing screen tests had indicated that he could do the patt convincingly. Walter Long as a private detective, J. Farrell MacDonald as a policeman and Oscar Apfel as the district attorney were added and the cast was complete. This sounds easier than it really is. After the ideal people for a picture are picked it is common to “Sooner or later they are called upon to make a show of gun play and any evidence of timidity or awkwardness in the use of firearms is certain to be caught by the audience and ridiculed!” MISTRESS OF Criminals, especially women who have criminal inclinations, depend upon the vast quantity of human sympathy that most people possess to further their schemes and safeguard them if they eventually get into trouble, according to the author, who deserted private detective work to write novels. A beautiful woman can do more mischief with less danger of discovery than the cleverest man crook, the same authority adds, and beautiful women and clever men both figure in the peculiar situations developed in “The Maltese Falcon.” The picture is adapted from the novel of the same name by Hammett and was directed by Roy Del Ruth. Maude Fulton, Lucien Hubbard and Brown Holmes are given credit for the adaptation and dialogue. .The cast includes Ricardo Cortez, Robert Elliott, Dudley Digges, Thelma Todd, Una Merkel, Otto Matiesen, Dwight Frye, Walter Long, Agostino Borgato and J. Farrell MacDonald. Bebe Daniels, whose latest Warner Brothers picture, “The Maltese Falcon,” a modern, sophisticated mys tery story, now playing at the Theatre, is one actress who has become proficient in the use of firearms through rifle and pistol practice, but she has seldom had occasion to use this training in pictures until this production gave her an entirely new kind of role in a strangely “different” picture. Miss Daniels: handles the “deadly weapons” she has occasion to use in “The Maltese Falcon’ in a manner so adroit that the audiences will have no doubt of her ability. “Every woman in these hectic times should know how and when to use a gun,” says Miss Daniels, “and the fact that she can and will, if necessary, use one, gives a woman __|self-assurance that can be -secureg-— ; no~ot SS a = “The Maltese Falcon,” is an adadaptation of the mystery novel of Dashiel Hammett. The cast includes Ricardo Cortez, Dudley Digges, Una Merkel, Robert Elliott, Thelma Todd, Otto Matiesen, Oscar. Apfel, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, J. Farrell MacDonald and Agostino Borgato. Roy Del Ruth directed. Ancient Wa” ners Sold At A Premmum For Use In Films (Advance Story) Old fashioned wallpaper furnishes a real problem for art directors and set designers working in Hollywood and the time may come when it will ‘| be necessary for studios toprint ~| their own. A fr ten hotel lobby in a BEBE DANIELS RICCARDO CORTEZ DUDLEY DIGGES UNA MERKEL Bebe Daniels Stars In Mystery Play By Ex-Pinkerton Man Warter Bros. mystery play, “The Malt@se Falcon,” coming to the .. ~~, ... Theatre, find them not available at the right time. The production of “The Maltese Falcon” was delayed slightly until these particular actors and actresses were all free to accept the roles. Not all pictures have to be east so carefully but every role in “The Maltese Falcon” is a distinct characterization that calls for a particular type and especial ability. Roy Del Ruth directed, “The Maltese Falcon” which is adapted from the novel of the same name k Dashiell Hammett. 2 > “Famous “Story Town” Is Locale For Mystery Play (Current Reader) Colorful San Francisco, called one of the three “story towns” of the United States is locale for much of the weird action of “The Maltese Faleon,” the Warner Bros. picture starring Bebe Daniels, now at the} The famous > Sees: Theatre. star is cast as an adventuress who stops at nothing to win what she wants—and succeeds in all but the possession of the one man she really ~ wants. Bebe Daniels Is Mystery Feared! Loved! Wanted for a hundred crimes! Beware of Action! Intrigue! Romance! Mystery! the hideous, . large-patterned design once popular in semi-public rooms. What was finally found was an expensive grade of wool mat paper which was secured at a cost of ten times the original selling price. The manufacturer of old-fashioned wallpapers may yet prove to be a profitable business venture in Hollywood ‘because even studio scouts in the hinterland will eventually exhaust the supply of old patterns. “The Maltese Falcon” is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett, formerly a Pinkerton _ detective. Those who support Miss Daniels are Ricardo Cortez, Dudley Digges, Una Merkel, Robert Elliott, Thelma Todd, Otto Matiesen, Oscar Apfel, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, J. Farrell MacDonald and Agostino Borgato. Roy Del Ruth directed. Most Obvious Hiding Place Proves Safest For Loot (Current Reader) In “The Maltese Falcon,” Warner 4 starring Bebe Daniels, gave the studio decorators \trouble from a (| IR | Huntress hunted! wallpaper standpoint. It required Cut No. 9 Cut 20c Mat sc ——————————————————————— Borgato Makes Much Of World’s Shortest Role (Current Reader) In “The Maltese Falcon,” the Warner Bros. mystery melodrama, starring Bebe Daniels, and now at the Theatre, Agostino Bor turess who gets she wants except the man she wants— and pays—as a woman is alleged to do. Roy Del Ruth directed. 4ue (Current Story) “The Maltese Falcon,” a mystery melodrama with Bebe Daniels in the starring role, is the current Warner Brothers picture at the Theatre. The story is an adaptation of the novel of the same name, by Dashiell Hammett, ex-Pinkerton detective, whose stories have become best-sellers in the last few years. As suggested by the title, Miss Daniels plays an entirely new type of role as a member of one of the weirdest crime rings in modern fiction. A venturesome actress in an adventuress role. An excellent supporting cast is seen in “The Maltese Falcon,” headed by Ricardo Cortez, Robert Elliott, Dudley Digges and Una Merkel. Other well known players seen in the production are Otto Matiesen, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, Thelma Todd and J. Farrell MacDonald. Roy Del Ruth directed from the script prepared by Maude Fulton, Brown Holmes and Lucien Hubbard, MALTESE | i y.\(ce) BEBE DANIELS RICCARDO CORTEZ Bros. mystery melodrama starring Bebe Daniels, now at the Theatre a valuable suitease for the possession of which murders have been committed is successfully hidden for twenty-four hours by the simple expedient of checking it in a hotel and mailing the stub to an agreed address. “The Maltese Falcon” is one of the most weirdly fascinating stories ever sereened. |Roy Del Ruth directed. Woman In ‘Maltese Falcon’ y) F (Current Reader) Bebe Daniels, who is starred in Warner Bros. “The Maltese Falcon,” = now at the Theatre, plays a weird adventuress, with many names and the power to win all men except the one man she wants to win. The play is an adaptation of the famous > novel of the same name by coeur es ee F a3 i Cut No. 23 Cut goc Mat roc Cut No. 3 Cut 20c Mat sc t rt ae $4 “ mo c y WP ee “ z ee. g ar “ SAS