The Maltese Falcon (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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» Jean Libbey novels within the last | shousands Read The Book — Thousands _ Want to See The Picture. Mention The Book! TOO MUCH CHARACTER SWEETENING MAY SPOIL ANY THEATRICAL PIE, SAYS STAR OF “MALTESE FALCON” In Warner Bros. Great Showing at the : Bebe Daniels Portrays Anything But Saccharine Heroine Mystery Drama Now Theatre (Short Feature) Hollywood, Calif—According to Bebe Daniels too much character sweetening may spoil the finest theatrical pie, while the proper dash of spice may serve to increase the publie ap‘ : é a petite. She rightly believes that the public is quickly satiated with the player who is continually featured as the sweet-and-un suspecting. fate that has overtaken the Laura generation. “I welcomed the chance to play | the part of the startling woman of the world in ‘The Maltese Falcon,’ screen version of Dashiell Ham mett’s mystery romance of the same name, There are no mollycoddles in this story. You don’t know at the end of the first reel whether I fall into the arms of the hero and prove myself an unsuspecting little ‘ngenue—and you are in the same quandary at the final fade-out. Every woman wants to keep people guessing. I certainly do, as the amazing Miss Wonderly of ‘The Maltese Falcon’.” Miss Daniels believes that many stars have lost their popularity because of their unwillingness to sacrifice their cinema reputation for austere morality. That is, that they would never take a chance at a role that indicated, even slightly, that they were not all that Elsie Dins more wanted to be. “T am not calling for unhappy endings,” Miss Daniels adds. “They are seldom necessary. Life isn’t all made up of ‘living happily ever afterward’ nor is it an uninterrupted -* disaster. Human be are not often very, very zood very, very bad—and if they hap pen to be either, they are fearfully uninteresting.” Miss Daniels’ role in Warner Bros. “The Maltese Falcon,” now at the ee Theatre, is frankly a somewhat daring experiment for the star. Few players, even those who are as firmly established as Miss Daniels is, would attempt a part so unsympathetic — and yet she imbues the mysterious adventuress with a fascination quite irresistible. Others in the cast are Ricardo Cortez, Dudley Digges, Una Merkel, Robert Elliott, Thelma Todd, Otto Matiesen, Oscar Apfel, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, J. Farrell MacDonald and Agostino Borgato. The unusual photography is by Bill Rees. Adaptation and dialogue are by Maude Fulton, Lucien Hubbard and Brown Holmes. Roy Del Ruth directed. Dashiell Hammett Novel Is Filmed As ‘Maltese Falcon’ (Advance Reader) The Dashiell Hammett best seller, “The Maltese Falcon” which has been filmed by Warner Bros. starring Bebe Daniels, comes to the Si Theatre next. The story is a thrilling mystery melodrama in which the star figures as an alluring adventuress who wins all men except the one she wants to win. It is the real, oldtime, honost-to-goodness melodrama brought up to date. Roy Del Ruth Directed. They Appear To Be Nice Folks Trying To Get Along (Advance Reader) The desperate characters in “The Maltese Falcon,” the Warner Bros. | mystery melodrama starring Bebe} Daniels, coming to the theetra next. pre _to all > appearances extremely agreeable | people—yet all of them have mur-| der at heart. Miss Daniels plays a) striking part which seems to be ay -eombination of Cleopatra and Lady | Macbeth. The thrilling plays is an | adaptation of the successful novel | of the same name by Dashiell Ham. | mett. Roy Del Ruth directed. | | | | A star may carry sim simpleness, and eventually suffer the ——— plicity to the point of mere Long Plays Shortest Role on Record With Unforgettable Gusto (Biography, April 15, 1931) Walter Long, who plays the part of Archer in “The Maltese Falcon,” the Warner Bros. picture starring Bebe Daniels, now at the Theatre, makes much of a part which is probably the shortest speaking on record—since but three words are used and those whispered. Mr. Long was long on the stage, entering pictures in 1909. His pic“The Birth of a Nation,’ “Robber Sheik,’ “Blood and ” “Gang War,” “Me, Gangster,’ “White Pants Willie,” “Back to God’s Country,” “Black Watch” and scores of others. He belongs to Hollywood Post No. 43, American Legion, Sons of the Revolution, Hollywood Athletic Club, aD ae tures include Sand, masquers, ai CVs suugo ut -né A.M. He was born in Milford, New Hampshire, on March 5th, 1879 and educated in Nashua, New Hampshire. He inches in hight, weighs two hundred pounds, is five feet, eleven and has gray eyes and brown hair. He is. marriéd and has a son of six. it’s Headed This Way! Cut No.5 Cut 20c Mat sc Oscar Apfel Is District Attorney In Mystery Film (Advance Reader) Oscar Apfel whose characterizations have made him sq many friends in the cinema world appears as the district attorney in “The Maltese Faleon,” the mystery meéloarama produced by Warner Bros. which S0MeCE tOot06. 6. vies Theatre next. Bebe Daniels is starred as the astounding Miss Wonderly, adventuress and master-mind who wins all men except the one man she wants. Roy Del Ruth directed. Honor Among Thieves Theory Disproved By “The Maltese Falcon” Bebe Daniels Seen as Adventuress in Warner Bros. Mystery Play, Coming to __ 5 Theatre (Advance Story) among thieves theory according Honor ploded is an exto “The Maltese Falcon” the mystery melodrama, in which Bebe Daniels is starred by Warner Brothers, which opens at ths giswas Theatre ee MOxt. The fact that none of the men and women who figure in this story trusts any one else, gives rise to many dramatic situations. A group of people, unwilling to turn his back on any of the others, sits through the night in one apartment, awaiting daylight and the delivery of a strange package for the possession of which they are each willing to commit murder. “The Maltese Falcon” offers Miss Daniels a dangerously different role, one never before attempted by a star at the height of her popularity. Rather than being fearful of the effect the picture will have on her career, Miss Daniels is confident that “The Maltese Falcon” will prove to be her most popular characterization. The cast includes Ricardo Cortez, Dudley Digges, Robert Elliott, Otto Matiesen, Una Merkel, Thelma Todd and many others. The picture is an adaptation of Dashiell Hammett’s best-selling novel of the same name. Roy Del Ruth directed. each Your Uncle Dudley Again Proves His Versatility (Current Reader) Dudley Digges, who plays an indrigumg wart tir “he .Maltaraa Falcon,” the Warner Bros. mystery romance starring Bebe Daniels, now at the Theatre was for years manager for George Arliss, at the same time playing whatever part was assigned to him, with consummate skill. He was for many Miss Bebe Daniels Among Richest Of | Hollywood Women Star of “Maltese Falcon” Now At Strand Theatre, Knows How To Turn Many a Penny. (Feature) Hollywood, Calif—Even the hobat the Theatre in “The Maltese Faleon”’—could, if necessary, be bies of Bebe Daniels—now turned into eash, Long before Calvin Coolidge or financial necessity made the nation economy-conscious Bebe knew the value of money. She was a stage child, and made her first appearance on it at the age of ten months. She early realized (some time after her original presentation to an audience) that all around her were people who were almost traditionally improvident. Thus when she began to make money she began to save. Today she is one of the wealthiest individuals in Hollywood. But if she were to lose all her money next week she soon could have a sizeable bank account. For instance, she could become a professional interior decorator. She now owns three houses in Holywood which have been rented furnished. She decorated the houses and took an active part in their planning. It was her notion of something interesting to do, and with a certain talent for drawing she was well equipped at the outset. Hollywood’s real estate development has been generally profitable for her, MUSIC COULD PAY But take another hobby, music. She plays well enough and has suffiaisat apnsive] thaskeraund_to give piano instruction. Not to a wouldbe Godowsky, but she could impart sufficient musical information to satisfy the average parent. She has a collection of first editions that are a good deal more valuable than her single Rolls-Royce seasons active in the Theatre Guild.| . 4 two Fords. They include a None IN THE MESHES OF THE MOST MYSTERIOUS CRIME RING THAT EVER BAFFLED THE ela He) BAe) CONTINENTS! WITH BEBE DANIELS ricARDOCORTEZ ‘ ill! Picture Una Merkel — Dudley Digges Cut No.1 Cut 60c Mat 15« in her own net! jf ed by the detective ee od lured there to Her scnsuows beauty could not conquer ae who had no heart! A Warner Bros. éf Vitaphone APOLLO such edition of Shakespeare, a first of Thornton Wilder’s “The Cabala,” Anatole France’s “Penguin Isle”— and Donald Ogden Stewart’s “Perfect Behavior.” They and the others could be converted into varying sums of cash, and so could her sword collection, which dates from the 12th century. Her interests all are consciously or unconsciously traceable to her thrift. She pretends to have no interest in national politics, but she is vitally interested in any local pollitical activity in Hollywood that will have an effect upon her property. She doesn’t leave these things to her attorneys, but keeps in touch with trends because it is just as much a hobby with her as, for instance, aqua-planing, which she learned a couple of years ago because no other movie actress seemed interested in it at the time, and Bebe wanted to be able to do at least one thing nobody else could do. HER GOWNS She sees no point in buying her clothes in Paris. In fact she usually buys her clothes right in Hollywood. Her visits to New York are so infrequent though (she is there now for the first time in more than a year) that she prefers to depend on a modiste nearer home than to one a continent’s breath away. Her really favorite sport cannot be elassed as one of the most extravagant pastimes. It’s fencing. She plays backgammon and bridge because she is lucky. Oh, yes. Her ancestors Spanish, Dutch.and .Seateb.. The cast of “The Maltese Falcon” includes Ricardo Cortez, Dorothy Christy, Dudley Digges, Una Merkel, Robert Elliott, Thelma Todd, Ott~ Matiesen, Oscar Anfel, Walt ~* Long, Dwight Frye, J. Fa:reil Ma&cDonald and Agostino Borgato. Boy Del were Ruth directed.