The Maltese Falcon (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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at Base CATCHLINES HE WANTED HER FOR MURDER! SHE WANTED HIM FOR LOVE! a | *e* eee IT HAS KILLED THOUSANDS— BAFFLED THE BEST BRAINS! &*S&% % & HER STEEL STRIKES FIRE FROM HEARTS OF FLINT! ee ONLY MAN SHE LOVED— Than Ever Be fore! How The Fans Will [Love Hart ernest clita lal beled ana ete! TONIGHT ANOTHER MAN WILL DISAPPEAR! ARE YOU ONE OF THE GREAT MEN WHO LIKE TO READ MYSTERY STORIES AND SEE MYSTERY PICTURES? IF NOT, WHY? “The Maltese Falcon,” Warner Bros. Thriller Starring Bebe Daniels, At Theatre Recalls Famous Men Who Liked Them (Feature) ; ‘The Maltese Falcon,’’ the Warner Bros. mystery melodrama starring Bebe Daniels, now at the Theatre, brings to mind the many great men who have been mystery tales addicts. Among those who confess their predilection for the thriller were Sir Walter Scott, Napoleon, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Thomas A, Edison, President Wilson and a host beside. MYSTERY! bee oeenses. | PXOS ay © OL ONLY MAN SHE COULDN'T “TAKE”! *hReRHR SH WHEN WOMAN’S WEAPONS FAIL SHE USES MAN’S e288 % BEAUTIFUL BIRDS OF PREY! *S*% % & SILKEN WEBS SHE SPINS SPELL DOOM! ee ee ® WATCH! BEWARE! THE MALTESE FALCON | IS FLYING YOUR WAY! — * Se eH % HARD AS NAILS BUT STILL A WOMAN! Se See % WHO? WHAT? IS THE MALTESE FALCON? SSeS % MYSTERY! INTRIGUE! ROMANCE!— THE MALTESE FALCON _ HEROINE OF MYSTERY ROMANCE a. CRIES ‘WOLF’ ONCE TOO OFTEN was lacie Bae year @ Binkbiten: Gas years a Pinkerton detective. Others in the cast are Ricardo Cortez, as Miss Wonderly’s beloved foe — Robert Elliott, Una Merkel, Otto Matiesen, Dudley Digges, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, Thelma Todd and J. Farrell MacDonald. Roy Del Ruth directed, THRILLS AND MYSTERY “The Maltese Faleon Falcon,” the Warner Bros. murder mystery romance, now at the Theatre, stars Bebe Daniels as one of the most baffling adventuresses ever to dominate men by all the wiles known to femininity. Dashiell Hammett’s greatest detective story was directed by Roy Del Ruth. (Current Ee SR “The Maltese Fe*:on,” the Warner Bros. mystery romance, now at na ere ers Theatre, stars Bebe Daniels as a strangely alluring adventuress whose pretense of love dupes all the men who come under her power—except the one man she wants, who has observed the duplicity of her protestations to others, and, though still obsessed by her fascination—is compelled to see her as she really is, The part of the bewildering Miss Wonderly is played with consummate art by Miss Daniels, who makes the character as baffling to audiences as to the actors in the weird murder mystery mixup, which is an adaptation of the best selling novel by Dashiell Hammett, who She Got Away With Murder By Her Beauty! How could she con# vince the man she really loved she was sincere for the first time! DANIELS (Too tempting to resist!) TESE FALCO with RICARDO CORTEZ UNA MERKEL ¥ STRAND A WARNER BROS. & VITAPHONE PICTURE. Cut No. 23 Ce BES zs ae * poo ae =a Ep ek ee . ita MALTESE 7\tC@), with BEBE DANIELS RICARDO CORTEZ Two big stars— -better than ever in the most hazardous game of love and intrigue ever played CAMEO Cut No. 4 Cut 20c Mat sc You Will Want To Meet Wonderful Miss Wonderly (Advance Reader) Who she is—what she is—and what she does—may be known when she comes to the Theatre Be ace next, in “The Maltese Faleon,” the Warner Bros. mystery melodrama starring Bebe Daniels. Miss Wonderly will baffle you, however clever you may be in solving murder mysteries. She will also intrigue you as she intrigues all the men she meets in the play. Ineidentally there is just one man she can’t win and he is the only one she wants. Roy Del Ruth directed. Bebe Daniels Suits The Jewel To The Need Bebe Daniels, who is starred in “The Maltese Faleon,” the Warner Bros. picture whith comes to the Theatre ........ next, believes that costume jewelry really does indicate character and personality—or should. In preparing for her role of Miss ones -the| weirdly fascinating a ia m adventuress, she eave} Ninety-nine out of a hundred like to be thrilled. There is a hard, glittering quality about mystery stories which seems to make no call on the softer emotions. They take folks out of themselves. In the soldiers’ hospitals, no type of book is so popular as those dealing with mystery and adventure. “The Maltese Falcon” is an adaptation of the best-selling detective novel by Dashiell Hammett, who was for years a Pinkerton detective, and therefore able to speak with authority. The reason. for the vast popularity of the mystery story is as follows, according to Mr. Hammett: “There is scientific backing for the claim that -thrillers have a beneficial effect on audiences. A well-known medical authority says that mystery story strikes a responsive chord in every one because the heart action is quickened, the eyes |* mind races head to try to solve the baffling riddle — the pores of the body tighten—and at a_ certain point, goose flesh appears. Subconsciously all the inner man is being speeded up and exercised — while the body actually rests.” “Such pictures as ‘The Maltese Faleon’ are therefore a mental tonic as well as thrilling entertainment. In short they are good for what ails you. They stimulate your curiosity. . The fame and lasting delight of stories like those of Poe, De Maupassant, Bulwer-Lytton, Doyle, Van Dine and Dashiell Hammett—prove that they are the answer to a great mental human need. pier ete —— =< Bebe Daniels is magnificient in her portrayal of the leading role in “The Maltese Falcon” — Miss Wonderly—an alluring adventuress who pits her mentality against that of many men—and throws suspicion off the track so consistently that not only the actors in. the strange drama, but audiences are completely mystified as to the real character of the amazing Miss Wonderly, until the last moments of the play. It is a role as daring as it is real. Others who take part in “The Maltese Faleon” are Ricardo Cortez, Dudley Digges, Una Merkel, Robert Elliott, Thelma Todd, Otto Matiesen, Oscar Apfel, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, J. Farrell MacDonald and Agostino Borgato. The screen adaptation is by Maude Fulton, Lucien Hubbard and Brown Holmes. Roy Del Ruth directed. “The Maltese Falcon” . Stars Bebe bebe Daniels — ~ Bebe Daniels proves ae remarkable versatility by her ability to ‘portray the lighter moods and the darker, as demonstrated by the role of Miss Wonderly, the incredible adventuress who is the heroine, if the name may be so used, of “The Maltese Falcon,” the Warner Bros. murder mystery now at the Theatre. The authentic story is an adaptation of a best-selling novel by Dashiell Hammett, and all the parts are admirably taken. The detective who both loves and mistrusts Miss Wonderly is played by Ricardo Cortez, who. succeeds in the difficult task of making a detective likeable. Others in the play are Robert Elliott, Una Merkel; Otto Matiesen, Dudley Digges, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, Thelma Todd and J. Farrell MacDonald. Roy Del Ruth directed. It Has Thrilled Thousands AE: MALTESE FALCON 3432 DANIELS