The Maltese Falcon (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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* elothes she wears or the smart car ay THE BAFFLING WOMAN OF THE WORLD SHE PORTRAYS IN ‘MALTESE FALCON” Star of Warner Bros. Mystery Drama, Coming To . Theatre Next Discusses The Modern Woman As She Sees Her (Short Feature) eé uk title, ‘woman of the world.’ here was time when a certain stigma attached to the Women were supposed to be creatures of sweetness and light—females of delicate sensibili ties—as the language of their day expressed it. embroidery was their most suitable pursuit. fessions were open to them. “Charlotte Bronte and her sister published the pennames of Currer and Acton Bell. Florence Nightingale with difficulty approval for the reeruiting of nurses or even for going herself, to care for the soldiers the battlefield. Women who pioneered in any line where objects of unkind eriticism—but all that has changed,’ says Bebe Daniels. Miss Daniels, who is starred by Warner Bros. in “The Maltese Falcon,” the mystery romance now at the Theatre, has decided opinions on many subjeets, especially on the place woman should hold | in the scheme of things. She her| self, horseback, swims, plays | tennis, is clever with the foils, is | an able flier and expert marksman. For this reason she found the} baffling, keen-minded adventuress. Ruth Wonderly, in “The Maltese Falcon” a part greatly to her liking. “When I read the part and found that I couldn’t decide whether Miss Wonderly was good or bad, till the last two pages—I knew that I had won on rides found a role that would be great fun 3 : and great experience. The fact that the startling lady’s code of ethics are sadly askew does not detract from the dramatic power of the part—but re++er. adds to it. “Ruth WonderlY is an individual. | —~Thetrickery she resorts to, to gain her|$ SS” sa Wwies she uses, to win — the point—are certainly not to be emulated—but what a chance, to create a vital character in this mysterious, half-mad woman of the world!” Bebe Daniels is, in the best sense of the word, a woman of the world — keen in business dealings — rich in this world’s goods — the successful wife of a successful husband—she is as remote from the “lady of sensibility” of the last century, as“one can imagine. She is as modern as the smart she drives—armed with the facts of life—and able to face its problems —and for that reason is eminently fitted to play this daring new role. “T hope I have been able to keep the elusive quality of Miss Wonderly,” she says, “I don’t want the nudience to be sure just what she is or is not, till the last fade-out.” “The Maltese Faleon” is adapted from the mystery novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett. The leading character as played by Miss Daniels combines the fascinations of a woman of refinement with the cleverness of ruthless criminal. The part is unique in picture history and the widest departure from the standard characterizations that Bebe Daniels has ever attempted. Musie and None of the pro first novel under their STRAND eS | Falcon,” the SHE LOVED! SHE LIED! SHE LOST! Her lure won a hundred men she didn’t want—and lost the only man she really loved! (Debev DANIELS in Warner Bros. Vitaphone Hit MALTESE EALCON with RICARDO CORTEZ UNA MERKEL DUDLEY DIGGES ~ Cut No. 15 Cut 20c Mat sc OFFICIAL BILLING} Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. and The Vitaphone Corp. present “THE MALTESE FALCON”... . .100% featuring Bebe Daniels and Ricardo Cortez... .75% with Una Merkel and Brown Holmes -_-- CEES SS ee Ny”) Directed by Roy Del Ruth 20% _A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Production Ue 25% _ Screen play and dialogue by Maude Fulton, Lucien Hubbard | | |and the triumph of the barbarians | “ Dudley Digges, Una Merkel, Recovery Of Lost Treasure Arrests World’s Interest = Maltese Falcon, " Warner | Bros. Mystery Play, Starring Bebe Daniels Has This Theme (Current Story) One of the great mysteries of the world is the fate of the great treasure of gold and precious stones which seems to have been lost to the human race during the dark ages. It is known that the older eivilizations were in many instances immensely rich, that Rome and Egypt, Assyria and Carthage had vast stores of wealth. With the fall of Rome in Europe all of this seems to have disappeared. Much of it was doubtless scattered and lost, some of it was hidden, to appear hundreds of years later, all of it became the object of crusades and the causes of war in the sueceeding centuries. It is about one single item of this | vast forgotten store of wealth that | the modern story of “The Maltese Warner Bros. picture, starring Bebe Daniels, now at the . Theatre, is built. For more than a thousand years | the Maltese Faleon had been the swag which kings stole from each other and for which whole nations went to war. All the danger and F-| mystery of its history was finally centered in a hotel room in San Frincisco in the most dramatie and unusual story of a decade. The cast includes Ricardo Cortez, Robert Elliott, Thelma Todd, Otto Matiesen, Oscar Apfel, Walter Long, Dwight Frye, J. Farrell MacDonald and Agostino Borgato. The adaptation of Dashiell Hammett’s best-selling novel of the ‘sams numo was made by Maude Fulton, Lucien Hubbard and Brown Holmes. Roy Del Ruth directed. ‘Maltese Falcon” Director Is Mystery Story Addict (Current Reader) Roy Del Ruth, who directed War ner Bros. mystery melodrama, “The Maltese Falcon” starring Bebe Daniels, now at the Theatre, is an ardent mystery story addict. He says that the present piece is the only one which his analysis failed to solve. His direction brings out all the creeps and thrills to the nth degree. Miss Daniels figures as a fiendishly clever adventuress who gets all she wants in life, except the love of the only man she wants to win. Romantic Melodrama Stars Many-Sided Screen Star (Advance Reader) Bebe Daniels has been seen in so many sorts of roles, often) light comedy, often more serious roles, but in “The Maltese Falcon” Warner Bros. latest production, which comes to the ............¢. Theatre: jo eas next she plays the part of a startling adventuress who is a combination of Cleopatra and Lady Macbeth. The picture is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett. Roy Del Ruth directed. Star Of “Maltese Falcon” Is Expert At Fencing (Advance Reader) Bebe Daniels, star of Warner Bros. “The Maltese Falcon” which comes to the THORLRG. -5555..; next ig an excellent fencer. She is adept in many sports among them being tennis, swimming, and oe Her husband, Ben Lyons is licensed pilot. In “The siteus Faleon” Miss Daniels ‘plays the part of an alluring adventuress and '|'the master mind of the cleverest band of jewel thieves that ever picked a lock or wielded a jimmy. The picture is 2: adaptation of the best-selling my: ery tale of Dashiell Hammett. Ro Del Ruth directed. sui Aa A Real loonie Bill Him Big—It Pays! BEBE DANIELS TELLS WHY SHE LIKES { RICCARDO CORTEZ in “The Maltese Falcon.” BEBE DANIELS in “The Maltese Falcon.” Cut No, 26 Cut 15¢ Mat 5 | Cut No. 25 Cut ase Mat 5< BEBE DANIELS DOUBTS WHETHER ONE ACTS ) WHO IS ALWAYS “HIMSELF” f Maltese Faleon” : are suede Cortez Bebe Daniels, who is now appear=. | Robert Elliott, Una Merkel, Otto ing in Warner Bros, mystery ro-| Matiesen, Dudley Digges, Walter /mance, “The Maltese Faleon” at the| Long, Dwight Frye, Thelma Todd Theatre, says that she and J. Farrell MacDonald. Roy Del Ruth directed. has her doubts whether the player “Honor Of The Family” Miss Daniels’ Next ~ | who-appears as himself in whatever part he is cast, is really an actor. “The personality of the performer may be quite delightful but when he simply makes another appear; : ° A : (Current Story) ance, in different clothes and in dif: : : | Miss Bebe Daniels, who is now ap pearing at the Theatre as the star of Warner. Bros. mystery romance, “The Maltese Falcon,” made a trip to New York with her mother before starting on her next Warner Bros. vehicle, “The Honor ferent scenes and situations, he is| not presenting the creation of the author. Of course, the personality of the actor must color the part he is doing, but yet it must not be him self. Mr. of the Family,” during which she together another character in ‘Dis-| broadcast on the coast-to-coast tieraeli? than in ‘The Green Goddess,’| up of the “Camel Hour,” singing in ‘Old English’ ‘The Vil . | Several of the songs which have 1j . | made her famous. ionaire. Others in the east of “The Maltese Faleon” are Ricardo Cortez, Robert Elliott, Una Merkel, Otto Matiesen, Dudley Digges, Walter — Long, Dwight Frye, Thelma Todd and J. Farrell MacDonald. The piece is an adaptation of a best selling detective novel by Dashiell Others who play parts in “The | Hammett. Roy Del Ruth directed, Arliss, for instance, is al and -in I should be rather nonplussed if I should create Miss Wonderly, the adventuress of “The Maltese Falcon’ as I presented the heroine of ‘My Past’ or ‘Rio Rita.’ Holding up the mirror to nature, it seems, to me, means just that!” “It never failed to keep» me out of prison — , But it barred my way to the heart of the only man | ever wanted!” SPUDAMIELS, Vv | cried ‘LOVE’ once too often e STRAND More alluring than ever in THE MALTESE TALCON RICARDO. CORTEZ UNA MERKEL—DUDLEY DIGGES WARNER BROS. & VITAPHONE HIT ‘7 Cut No. 14 Cut goc Mat roc Page Elever