The Match King (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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Match Modeling Contest Surefire Natural With Which to Sell Show Here’s a brand new game which logically links the stunt with ‘‘The Match King’’: It can be played by everyone from eight to eighty. It will bring you weeks of publicity in your local newspaper and, what is more important, publicity that will sell ‘‘The Match King.’’ Many novel and unique effects and sketches can be obtained in this game and the reader interest alone will make it a very fine feature for any newspaper. Everyone in town who has handled matches or toyed with matches at any time will be interested in this game because they have an opportunity: to show the clever things which can be done with a few boxes of matches and a: jar of paste. PUBLICITY SHOULD START A WEEK IN ADVANCE OF THE SHOWING OF ‘*‘THE MATCH KING.’’ Houses, boats, airplanes, animals, can be made from ordinary match sticks. It. may be even possible to induce stores to use displays of their various commodities, sketched with match sticks. Announce that all contestants must have their models at your theatre on a certain date and give these models prominent display in the lobby. Unquestionably, the paper will want to take pictures of them to show the unique and interesting things which the citizens of your town have made. Perhaps you can promote prizes from the merchants in whose windows your display models illustrate their goods. Perhaps you can-make a special sale of matches for contestants in this game. At all events, the contest-of-the-week for this picture definitely sells ‘‘ THE MATCH KING’? and definitely has a reader interest for the newspaper. Here’s how it is done: Below you will see sketched the various objects which can be produced with match sticks. These purposely have been made simple so that you ean directly appeal to the younger element in your town. However, in the past, many elaborate sketches have been forthcoming from contestants, who portray everything from locomotives to the Empire State Building. Get behind this with a real push! You will find that hundreds of unbelievably clever models will be turned in and the newspaper will give ‘‘The Match King’’ much favorable publicity because of it. Be sure to have local notables act as judges in this contest and if the grand prize is valuable enough have it presented from your stage during an ‘‘off night.’’ In a contest of this nature, it is equally important that you offer many prizes and the use of guest tickets should prove of sufficient inducement for the labor entailed. This stunt is a ‘‘natural’’ and with a little effort can be put over in a big way. The publicity and attention it will get for ‘‘THE MATCH KING”? and the box office results will more than compensate you for all your labor and effort. tie-up with a Grocery Store or a Cigar store, offering a Publicity Story No. I The ...... Theatre and the News Announce Novel Contest “‘Match-Modeling’’ Game Inspired By Notorious Match King’s Career Seen In New Film Ivar Kreuger, the late match king built the most colossal swindle of all time on matches. With them he controlled governments, and empires. He used these little matches as puppet strings, at the ends of which he had Kings, Prime Ministers and international bankers, dancing to the tune of his siren music. Now is your chance to play with matches. His imagination led him to great heights until his bubble was pricked by the world depression. Use your imagination and ingenuity and see what you can construct with matches It is a fascinating game that the ........00.....o en. (insert: the name-of hewspaper) and the »:)..2..0::5..5..2. occ. Out No.16 Cut No.17 (insert name of theatre), is sponsoring in Chicago. Valuable prizes and guest tickets for First National’s startling motion picture “THE MATCH KING which opens at the. 2...25 3620. as (insert name of theatre) etc., are being offered for the most unique and original figures made with matches. It’s simple. It’s interesting and a lot of fun! Here’s how it is done: Just take a box of matches and a pot of glue and make any novel design, or drawing and mold it with the matches. Above you will find portrayed a giraffe and a cat which illustrates the extent and possibility of the things which can be drawn with matches. Get your matches out! Test your ingenuity! See what you can produce with a box of matches and a pot of glue! It may be your chance to win (insert list of prizes), and also remember that there will be (insert number) guest tickets to see Warner Bros. thrilling inside story of this international swindler, ““THE MATCH KING” mihen ooenene-al the 60.672. oT (insert name of theatye). en (nes) ke (insert date). We emplovyec‘of the 20 s.s.00 0 sk os (insert name of theatre) (Ge Gt ine... 2a a ee (insert name of news paper) will be permitted to enter this contest. All answers must be sent to ““THE MATCH KING” at the See aE ES ee Theatre, not later than the (insert date). 9 aR es SER RRS (insert name of newspaper) has prevailed upon the management of the ............00.0....0..000.00... (insert name of the theatre) to place these novel models in the lobby of EP eae ei ae ae oe (insert name of the theatre), during the run of the Warren William picture. Hurry! Get busy! You can have a lot of fun and the rewards are great! Page Four Publicity Story No. 2 Old Matches Being Saved as Match-Modeling Sweeps City Rear AG Theatre and ................ Newspaper Deluged With Clever Models Do you remember the old myth that three on a match was unlucky? In actuality this myth was started by a famous financier who controlled the match industry of the world. Its purpose was to increase the sale of matches for this industrial giant's factories. This and many other incidents in this arch swindler’s life are ably depicted in First National’s picture ‘““THE MATCH KING” which Comes tortie = 60 ees theatre on. the. 35 eee: ; starring Warren William. Not so largely known in the .....................0..055. (city), is the fact that this financier supposedly invented one of the most fascinating and intriguing games in recent years, which incidentally has increased the sale of matches. It is a simple game and it requires the greatest ingenuity and patience to play. Here’s how it starts: . Take a box of matches and some glue and arrange them on a card until they form a picture of a building or a boat or any other familiar object. The things you can thus produce are limited only to your imagination. You are building with match sticks! The Out No.19 sketch shown with this story illustrates how matches can be arranged to produce the King of a deck-of-cards. Nothing has been used to reproduce this figure except matches and glue and it merely represents one of the many things which can be made. Get your box of matches out and start in right now. You may be the fortunate one to win (insert list of prizes) and remember, everyone sending in a design will receive guest tickets to see Warren William in his newest starring vehicle *““THE MATCH KING” when it opens at dhe... so er eee theatre next ........ ee ee (Date). Get busy Chicago and lets see your sketches. Send them to “The MatehKing, "c/o the 326s Bees Theatre, not later thing. 2 Fs. ac oe enc (insert date. )