The Match King (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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GRAND TIE-UP THAT SELLS THE MATCH KING” MATCH BOOK CLUB OF AMERICA OFFERS WARREN WILLIAM CUP FOR BEST DISPLAY OF MATCH BOOK COVERS Engraved Membership Certificates to be Awarded Every Local Collector Exhibiting Match Book Covers in Your Lobby During Picture’s Run. Match book collecting has become one of the outstanding fads everywhere in the United States. In the last few years this fad has grown to such gigantic propor tions that the Match Book Club of America estimates that there are at least 800,000 men, women and children actively engaged in saving match book covers. This fad is pursued with the same ardour as stamp and coin col lecting, and the match book cover fans have the same pride and attach the same value to match book collecting as philatelists do to stamps and as the numismatist does to coins. It is felt that if you can interest collectors of match book covers in competing in a contest to be conducted in your theatre, that you will be able to make friends of this group and at the same time sell tickets. With this purpose in mind, we have interested the Match Book Club of America in CERTIFICATES AWARDED 1. Offering handsome certificates of membership in the Match Book Club of America, to each and every entrant in your local contest. All you have to do is to conduct this contest in the lobby of your theatre and submit the names and addresses of all fans saving match book covers to Mr. B. M. Solomon, President of the Match Book Club of America at 1i West 42nd Street, New York City, and he will forward to you the proper number of certificates entitling your entrants to this membership, which we feel will be of great value to this class of people. Anyone saving match book covers will of course attach a great significance to such a certificate. ANNUAL CUP 2. We have prevailed on the Match Book Club of America to each year offer a silver cup to be known as the Warren William Silver Cup for match book collecting to the most interesting and unique collection of match book covers. Mr. Solomon plans to award a Silver Cup very much in the fashion that the Davis Cup is awarded in tennis. Undoubtedly, the dignity and scope of this contest addressed to the hundreds of thousands of match book collectors in the U.S. will prove of value to your box office. These collectors will be enthusiastically interested in seeing each other’s collection as they are exhibited in your lobby and they will unquestionably buy tickets to see it. The character of the awards being offered by the Match Book Club of America should be sufficient inducement to bring these collectors to your theatre. HOW TO JUDGE MATCH BOOK COVER COLLECTIONS Judging of match book collections should be done wholly from a novelty angle and collections should be viewed only with a viewpoint toward uniqueness, The quantity of match book covers that these contestants enter should in no way sway the judging. Collections will be entered under various headings and you will have no difficulty in this score,_Some match book collectors save only match book covers advertising hotels, others save match book covers advertising only transportation companies. On the other hand, some will only save match book covers which represent various cities in the world. Each classification however titled will demonstrate the ingenuity of a collector and should form the only basis in determining the winner. The Match Book Club of America has emphasized that the quantity of match book covers collected by individual fans has in itself no direct bearing on the value of the collection. HOW TO ENTER LOCAL WINNER IN NATIONAL CONTEST You may many as three local.. collections in a national contest to be held under the direction of Mr. B. M. Solomon of the Match Book Club of America at 11 W. 42nd St., New York City. These should be sent to him, registered mail and properly insured at the completion of your local contest, together with the names and addresses of all local entrants so that he can issue a certificate of membership to them. This certificate of membership will be returned to you at once and it is advised that you make awards from the stage of your theatre at a specified performance. This national contest will take place in New York City on March 15, 1933 and all collections to be entered must be received by Mr. Solomon no later than the night of March 15th. IMPORTANT THESE EXHIBITS Insofar as there are so many people interested in match book collecting, it is felt that you should not have any difficulty in inter esting your local newspapers in a tieup. The story on the opposite page will give you some idea of how this can be played up in this respect. Exhibits should be on display in the lobby during the run of “THE MATCH KING”, You should emphasize to all con testants that these match book covers must be mounted in some fashion so that they can be placed on exhibition. If you set aside a section of your lobby and rope it off so that the general public and match book. collectors can look at the various exhibits, we are certain that it will prove of great interest. Inasmuch as collectors attach a very great value to these collections, perhaps you can tie in with the local insurance company and arrange for a trick policy insuring these exhibits at a fabulous figure, Actually, of course, you need not spend any money to insure these match book covers, but use every precaution that they are not stolen. OTHER SUGGESTIONS Insofar as many businesses in your city have a correlating interest in matches and match book covers, it is suggested that you use the windows of cigar stores to publicize this contest. If you contact your local jobbers of cigars and candies it may be possible to interest them to the extent of having them offer additional local prizes, To satisfy all entries it is suggested that you offer Guest Tickets for every exhibit entered in this contest. Send the Match Book collection of your local winner to Mr. B. M. Solomon—Match Book Club of America, 11 West 42nd St. New York, for entry in the National Contest for the Warren William Cup. Entries close midnight Mareh 15. 1933.