The Narrow Corner(Warner Bros.) (1933)

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ADVERTISING LOVE WAS FORBIDDEN HER-- And he was paying the penalty of forbidden love! a NA ARROW CORNE Don't miss this alluring romance of a jungle girl who didn’t know right from wrong...and a fas( cinating man-of-the-world who knew too well! Most thrilling of all love stories by the author of “Rain” and “The Letter”— y/ MOST THRILL: ING OF ALL LOVE STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF “RAIN” AND ‘THE LETTERS, A Warner Bros. Hit with DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. PATRICIA ELLIS RALPH BELLAMY DUDLEY DIGGES pope thie yy py lieere Ww. SOMERSET MAUGHAM’S NA BROW DOUG. EIN .. Jr. + PATRICIA ELLIS RALPH BELLAMY DUDLEY DIGGES STRAND A Perfect For the Perfect Summer Picture Summer Theatre Cut No. 15 Cut 20c¢ Mat 5c Cut No. 19 Cut 60¢ Mat 15c 95 Lines 303 Lines “HIS SIN WAS LOVE HER SINWAS INNOCENCE! * - Alone in this island paradise, he found the loveliest creature human eyes ever beheld! Was it wrong to offer her the gift of love ... to share with her those magic delights she never knew ovidiaceo. and had never been taught to refuse! Cut No. & Cut 20¢ Mat 5c 15 Lines “7 NARROW CORNER... great Warner Bros. Picture— ni 7 | DOUG. FAIRBANKS, ‘Ja. > PATRICIA ELLIS i Ga Oe RN COR SIE Cut No. 9 Cut 20c ‘Mat 5e A Perfect For the Perfect ¥ ze ——— 15 Lines Summer Picture Summer Theatre SS a Cut No. 18 Cut 80c Mat 20c 288 Lines aS OREN Brought to Glowing Life in a “THE NARROW CORNE A Warner Bros. Hit with DOUG. FAIRBANKS, Jr. PATRICIA ELLIS Cut No. 21 Cut 40c Mat 10c Cut No, 22 Cut 40c Mat 10c 58 Lines 58 Lines Page Three