The Singing Kid (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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Tell the town you've got 11 DIFFERENT TYPES OF — ENTERTAINMENT FROM | THESE 11 BIG STARS! © AL JOLSON The World's Greatest Entertainer SYBIL JASON The World's Youngest Entertainer and Al's Sonny Girl, | 4 YACHT CLUB BOYS Famous Comedy Quartette _ CAB CALLOWAY > Foremost Exponent of Swing Music e452 HORTON Master of Droll Humor ALLEN JENKINS Ace BellyLaughGetter LYLE TALBOT. For Drama CLAIRE DODD For Romance All together in a giant merger of comedy and romance to the tunes of Harburg and Arlen’s 3 smash song hits. = Poke EE ete nd eG OA! Ramurtnht 102L Vitaaranh InAll eiahte. recerved Canvriaht te waived ta maaazinest and newénaners. uti