The Singing Marine (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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PAGE 6— “THE SINGING MARINE” — PUBLICITY Ten Rules for Film Success Given By Dick Powell Coaches Doris Weston, His Newest Leading Lady, With Helpful Hints When Doris Weston, his leading lady in ‘‘The Singing Marine’’ and a newcomer to the screen, asked Dick Powell for advice on how to succeed in the movies once the chance is given, the star enumerated ten things she shouldn’t do. He calls them the ‘‘10 Cardinal Screen Sins.’’ First of all, according to Powell, the newcomer to the stu dios should never ignore the working crews, the “grips,” “Juicers” and others. “They can help you over many rough spots,” he told Miss Weston, “because they know their stuff so thoroughly.” Number Two on the Powell list of “Cardinal Screen Sins” is “Forgetting that the fan who asks for your autograph is the person who gives you your job.” Other “don’t’s” are: “Telling the director how much more you know about his business than he does.” “Jealousy of others who have gone farther than you” “Insisting that scenario writers re-write your lines to give you more prominence.” “Attempting to steal scenes from experienced players who have probably wrapped them up already.” “Refusing to pose for portraits and other still photographs with which the press departments attempt to build you up.” “Grousing in general over everything.” “Giving pompous interviews in which you tell how high you have risen on your God-given talents.” “Being artificial and temperamental instead of natural and calm on and off the sets.” Dick Powell is well qualified to give such advice. It was only a few short years ago that the youth with a voice and a personality came from the unpretentious-sounding Mountain View, Arkansas to conquer Hollywood. Success came to the singer early and it was only through the really difficult experience of retaining it that Dick became able to advise Doris Weston. Miss Weston came to the screen from radio work, which followed her winning of a place on the Major Bowes Amateur Hour. A screen test got her her job with ' Warner Bros. “The Singing Marine,” which OPONSeNORi toe at the nas Wrgeedte or Theatre, is her first picture, and her part is second in importance only to that of Powell. The picture was directed by Ray Enright from an original play by Delmer Daves. The dance numbers were created and staged by Busby Berkeley and the songs are by Harry Warren, Al Dubin and Johnny Mercer. Harmonica Player | Prole row fle Does It” Rules for Young Players Are Given by ad CAMERA CREW CRITICAL Cameramen and technicians can often be difficult to please for sound and photographic value. In this ‘‘take’’ Dick Powell and Doris Weston come through in fine style for a scene in Warner Bros.’ newest musical, ‘‘ The Singing Marine’’ coming to the Strand Theatre on ..........ccccccc000 Mat Neo. 207 —20c Hugh Herbert Plays a Goof Hugh Herbert, the movie comic, has a nephew named Hugh Herbert. Uncle Hugh heard that young Hugh was going to visit California. He immediately telegraphed to the young man, telling him to be sure to get in touch with him the moment he got to Hollywood. Uncle Hugh, however, forgot to onature. d his address to the telegram not listed in the telephone directory. The comedian’s relative then called the Warner Bros. studio where his uncle was working in ‘<The Singing Marine’’ with Dick Powell. Uncle Hugh has many goofy sequences, in ‘*The Singing Marine,’’ which is now the feature attraction at the .............. Theatre. Neph-Hugh arrived in Hollywood _ only to discover that his uncle was _ came to one who looked Larry Adler, Mouth Organ Maestro Larry Adler, ‘‘world’s champion harmonica player,’’ currently appearing in a featured role with Dick Powell in War ear ner Bros.’ musical comedy, ‘‘The Singing Marine,’”’ plays by "Most harmonica players play by ear, too. To help them, Adler formulated a series of rules to be observed by the youngster inoculated with the harmonica virtuoso virus. Adler’s rules follow: (1) The principle idea is to make the harmonica sound like anything but an harmonica. (2) Since the harmonica offers almost every orchestral effect, listen to orchestras and try to match their arrangements, achieving the qualities of the brass, reed, string and wood-wind instruments on the mouth harp. (3) Learn to play classical music and avoid trick effects such as baby cries, train whistles, ete. (4) Practice at least an hour every day. (5) Play by note as well as by ear. : (6) Use harmonicas with nickel or chrome mouthpieces. (7) Best beginner’s instrument is a chromatic harmonica in the Key of C. Progress from tenhole instrument to a 12-hole superharmonica with a three octave range. (8) Keep your mouth as dry as possible and saliva out of the harmonica by tilting head back while playing. (9) Make your hands form a complete sound box over the instrument. (10) Learn to use your hands for vibrato effects by opening and closing them over the instrument. (11) Learn all the scales and include the chromatic scales. (12) Never forget that the harmonica is a legimate instrument which graduated from the barn to Broadway. Young Adler has played his harmonicas in the capitals of Europe as well as in a Ziegfield show on Broadway, in vaudeville and on the screen in ‘‘The Singing Marine.’? He is abroad at present filling a special engagement in England where he and his harmonica starred for two years before he returned to America and Hollywood for the night club engagement which got him his ‘‘break’’ in ‘‘The Singing Marine’? with Dick Powell. It may have been perhaps because he was so new to the studio crews, for there is certainly little point in discussing the relative merits of Larry Adler’s playing to Dick Powell’s singing, but it was somewhat significant that while Adler was doing his scenes, practically the entire company stopped to gather around and listen in— a really rare occurence. ‘<The Singing Marine,’’? which was directed by Ray Enright and Busby Berkeley from an original sereen play by Delmer Daves, will open next .............. Bt These citer Theatre. NowMaidsToo Want To Sign Dick Powell, star of ‘‘The Singing Marine’’ now at the ........0....... Theatre, was just about the most astonished young man in Hollywood one day a few weeks ago. It seems that ever since he and his wife, Joan Blondell, moved into their new Beverly Hills home they have been having difficulties with maids. So one day they called the employment agency. exper plied for the JOD. “winally she would work out very well. As the interview progressed, both he and Joan had just about decided that they would take the girl, Then the matter of terms came up. Came the flooring development! *¢An’ I wants a six months contract,’’? the colored girl said. ‘¢Everybody in Hollywood has a contract, so why shouldn’t I?’? HOLLYWOOD HO! This Art Featurette Available — Mat No. 204 — 20¢ A succession of girls of various Heard In Hollywood Gathered on Warner Bros.’ Lot by Staff Men Doris Weston, Dick Powell’s new leading lady in ‘‘ The Singing Marine,’’ uses an empty cigar box she got from Hugh Herbert as her make-up kit. * * * Dick Powell always sends a ‘ ‘reception committee’’ consisting of one ‘‘ Welcome’’-bannered rowboat and a four piece German band to meet friends arriving in Los Angeles Harbor. * * * Lee Dixon, who does his sensational dance stuff in ‘‘The Singing Marine,’’ in his spare time writes poetry and song lyrics of very sentimental nature to girls he used to know. * * * It took Pere Westmore of the Warner Bros. make-up department three hours to apply his Oriental make-up to Larry Adler, ‘‘ World’s Champion Harmonica Player,’’ who does his specialty in ‘*The Singing Marine.’’ *% % * Dick Powell has purchased a kennel of cocker spaniels and will go about raising the pups on a grand scale. . * * * Hugh Herbert showed up at the studio this week for the first time since his operation several weeks ago. Ai ae road to recovery. * * ¥ Life is flourishing on Hugh Herbert’s San Fernando Valley Ranch. With a week the Warner ' Bros. comedian’s pet dachshund, ‘“Bertha,’’? presented him with five puppies and his pet goat announced the arrival of three kids. Now Hugh is taking a daily census of the gold fish in his lily pond. * * * Dick Powell and his wife, Joan Blondell, are planning an extended motor tour of the Pacific Northwest and Canada following their current picture assignments at Warner Bros. * * * Lee Dixon, clever dancing comedian, was taught to dance in early boyhood by Bubbles of the internationally famous colored dancing team, Buck and Bubbles. * * * Jane Wyman is very patriotic in her new pajama suit, designed for her by Milo Anderson. The trousers are blue ratine, the waistcoat is white linen piped in red erepe, and the ascot is red crepe. * * * Hugh Herbert’s most prized possession is a hand-printed transcript of his most famous vaudeville act, sent to him by a fan who attended seven performances twelve years ago in order to get the dialogue and stage business notes absolutely accurate. * * * Lois Lindsay, chorus girl working in Busby Berkeley’s ‘‘ Night Over Shanghai’’ number for ‘‘ The Singing Marine,’’ was presented with a first English edition of Feodor Dostoievsky’s ‘‘ Crime and. Punishment’? by her chorine pals. * * * Allen Jenkins learned how to order a Chinese meal in Chinese from the Oriental extras on ‘‘ The Singing Marine’’ set.