The Very Thought of You (Warner Bros.) (1944)

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LIFE AMERICA PARENTS MAG N WEEKLY COLLIER’S LOOK AZINE » NEWSWEEK CLICK rota TIME FORTUNE REDBOOK M as MAGAZINE » HARPERS pitino LIBERTY COSMOPOLITA ION MAGAZINE F FOREIGN SERVI wo WAME — Bette Davis OCCUPATION = Actress ros. EMPLOYER — Warner Bi WATURE OF DUTIES — Helping employer to maintain “an enviable record for combining with good citizenship.” good picture-making REMARKS — We've been magnificent artistr e to wor Bette proud of y and enormous Davis, of her ever since she cam! with us. pw easy i the screen, with a very large “ yt) talent, (And no matter he the word is “work” oud of Bette as since ve Méver been so pr MR. SKEFFINGTON But we’ completion of our new picture, a very rich ON is the story of and of their MR. SKEFFINGT! man and a very life together. A love eing it, YOU won't be even after se at MR. SKEFFINGTO' 1 will be sure thi ong the finest ever rank am hat Bette Davis artistsWARNE R BROSor: sending prints of this picture ‘our troops overseas But you is a picture to , and t made . peer among screen has no t the company gratis fo You'll be sure, 100 tha’ EFFINGTON which produced MR. SK! intends to keep that “enviable record” enviable! ans DA ae _ MR SKEFFINGTON |ARD MARIORIE RIORDAN = ONS & PHILIP G. EPSTEIN * freon sgiizoberh’* + Music OF Front Wosnan oA LAUDE RAINS RSs, saws een far wari @rEAT AS % GEORGE COULOURIS oy by fotiee J. BPO toe! « SWINE OR waves mock presace Te wancees pun teas prernre joey, wats om THE we ie cet ne