The Very Thought of You (Warner Bros.) (1944)

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Two Interesting Newspaper Features Use one or both of these decidedly different features in your local press for advance interest in your playdate. IIlustrated (right) is a 3-column feature slanted at the feminine readers on a subject always of interest to them. Illustrated (bottom of page) is a 5-column human interest type of feature suitable for special Sunday supplements, or regular feature pages of newspa pers. Both features are available in mat form, with stills and copy included in mats. I. FOR THE WOMENS’ PAGES... Gone are the days of undisciplined hair-styling with loose-hanging strands flying into disorder at every small breeze, or clinging limply to the halfhidden cheek. The new look, ‘illustrated here in two distinctively different styles by Eleanor Parker and Faye Emerson, is definitely on the upgrade—with accent on the up. Suitable for daytime and evening wear alike, the two hair-dos illustrated are easy to manage and lend neatness to that most popular of coiffures—the in between length. Currently starring in Warners’ heartwarming love story, “The Very Thought Of You,” lovely young Eleanor Parker revives the old-fashioned bang, this time combed into two rows of soft curls. The hair is brushed high at the sides, then caught at the back and allowed to fall in a cascade of softly rolled curls. Faye Emerson, who plays a fop role in Warners’ new romantic hit, “The Very Thought Of You,” models a variation of the popular upsweep. The hair is parted down the back in the center, the sides are curled and brought into soft rolls, held in place with small combs behind the ear. The front pompadour is softly waved. — Available all on one mat. ORDER “VT Fashion Mat’ No. 302-B, 45c, from Warner Bros.’ Cam paign Plan Editor, 321 W.44S8t., New York 18, N. Y. 2. FOR SPECIAL FEATURE SECTIONS ... (Courtesy, Army \Mail “THAT’S HOW WE MET, TOO!” The day’s work over, Janet (Eleanor Parker) rides home on the bus with friend Cora (Faye Emerson) and runs into Dave (Dennis Morgan) and his G.I. buddy, “Fixit” (Dane Clark). Janet and Dave haven’t seen each other for two years, so it’s only natural for him to offer to walk home with her from the bus stop. “HE DIDN’T KNOW A SOUL IN TOWN.” Of course not. They never do. And a soldier’s never more homesick than around holiday-time. So Janet brings Dave home for Thanksgiving dinner. Mother and Father (Beulah Bondi and Henry Travers) and assorted sisters and brothers try to make him feel at home but end up, as usual, by making him acutely uneasy. \ AYBE it’s happened to you, \ much as it’s happened to millions of other young: sters since that bleak afternoon in December back in 1941. It’s the new kind of falling-in-love, the new telescoping of life into a few short hours, miraculously saved for you out of the more pressing demands and exigencies of the war. There’s usually a hurried marriage ceremony, a breathless farewell, and then that most curious kind of honeymoon—the endless interchange of V-mail letters. In industry they call it the “speed-up” system. In love, it’s be come a sort of present-day mir acle, a competition among the youngsters to win their “E’s” for _Enthusiasm unspoiled by the world in chaos around them. The subject is eloquently explored in Warners’ latest romantic comedy, “The Very Thought Of You,” which co-stars Dennis Morgan, Eleanor Parker and Dane Clark. Some, perhaps ail, of the things which happen to the youngsters in the film are happening every day around us, will be easily recognized by us all. But it is the ultimate expression of their faith—in love, and in the future—that emphasizes the real heroism of today’s lovers—not only the brave boys in foxholes overseas, but the courageous girls who wait for their return. “MOTHER WAS FURIOUS AT FIRST!” Like almost every other mother today, Janet’s mother is horrified when her daughter talks of marriage. Argument proves useless. She tries force. “You hardly know the boy,” she screams. “And he’ll be leaving you again tomorrow!” She raises her hand to strike the stubborn girl but Father intercedes. “DO YOU WANT TO HOLD HIM—DADDY?” The self-conscious father confronts his son for the first time as Dave, wounded in action, comes home at last. He has survived active combat but his young wife has survived an equally enervating struggle, against a world that’s tough going, at best, for the strongest of men. For this girl-who, alone in wartime, keeps things going, raises a family and “ANYTHING FOR ME TODAY?” Janet marries Dave, despite Mother’s protest and after a few short hours together, Dave returns to camp. You can get used to the separation but it’s the not-hearing for long stretches of time that makes it unbearable at last. Janet’s life is turned into one long moment of suspense, a constant wait for the Postman with his precious cargo. prepares for a happy peacetime future as well, there should be an equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor., Available all on one mat. ORDER “VT General Feature Mat” No. 502-B, 75c, from Warner Bros.’ Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44 St., N.Y. 18, N.Y.