Wonder Bar (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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\X/ARNER BROS. \X/ONDER -FAIREST FARES ‘taken for a ride’ by Dick Powell and dance director Buz Berkeley while the cast pauses for a snack during ‘Wonder Bar’ shooting. DUSTING OFF THE TOOTSIES. It’s a ‘must’, to keep the lustrous floors of the glittering ‘Mirrored Hall’ spotless. INDESCRIBABLE BEAUT" emerges from the resplen dent ‘Hall of Pillars’, wher: Ricardo Cortez and Dolore Del Rio waltz to dream music in the temple co 600 gorgeous girls THE TANGO DEL RIO by Dolores Del Rio and Ricardo Cortez is called the dance sensation of the year! The whirlwind climax offers one of the picture’s many dramatic surprises. THEY COMBINE THEIR GENIUS AGAINI Thank Director Lloyd Bacon, and the king of screen beauty, Busby Berkeley, for ‘42nd Street’ and ‘Footlight Parade’. ‘Wonder Bar’ is their supreme effort!