The Private Life of Greta Garbo (1931)

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THE PRIVATE LIFE OF GRETA GARBO 82 was returning rich and famous, dancing with a prince of her own country. Garbo was met at Gothenburg by her mother, Mrs. Gustafsson, her brother Swen, and her childhood chum, Mrs. Lundell and Mr. Lundell. Mrs. Lundell was Greta’s friend Mimi Polack, who had married while Garbo had been away. Unknown to Garbo, Mr. Lundell had brought a photographer with him. Pictures were taken of Garbo kissing and embracing her mother. Photographs were caught of Garbo alighting from her train. When Garbo and her mother sat down at a table to celebrate their reunion with a bottle of champagne, another picture was taken. Later these photographs were shown throughout Sweden. Garbo was annoyed. But what could she do? Her best friend’s husband had thought he was being kind and thoughtful to arrange pictures of the great star’s homecoming. Mrs. Gustafsson still lived simply in the old part of town, content to sit by her fireside visiting with old friends. Greta wanted to be near the theaters and the shops and the smart life of the city.