The Private Life of Greta Garbo (1931)

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THE PRIVATE LIFE OF GRETA GARBO 236 served cocktails before dinner, beer with the Smorgasbord, sherry with the soup, sauterne with the fish, claret with the roast, champagne with the salad, liqueur with the coffee, followed by highballs alternated with Swedish punch and schnapps. There would have been “skaling” (to skal means to toast) all through the day and evening. But she was in Hollywood. Smorgasbord is served on a side table in the dining room, buffet style. Before the dinner each guest takes a plate and helps himself to this tempting food, which is a meal in itself. That day at Garbo’s there were all kinds of fish — dried, spiced, pickled, and jellied. There was a big plate of imported cheese. There were spicy meat loaves and little round hot meat balls, creamed sweetbreads, fried kidneys, tiny omelets made with mushrooms, crab, and anchovies. Then the roast duck was brought in, steaming hot and browned to a turn. In Sweden duck is the piece de resistance instead of turkey. There were three different vegetables. There was a vegetable salad. For dessert there was Swedish apple cake and coffee.