The Private Life of Greta Garbo (1931)

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21^1 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF GRETA GARBO little French girl. So one night it was arranged to have her dine with Garbo and Feyder and Sorensen at the Russian Eagle. Garbo had dinner with her twice after that. Then Dorsay gave out some interviews about being Garbo’s intimate. After that Garbo would see her no more. “I never knew Garbo to get excited over any motion picture until we went to see The Love Parade. Chevalier was the star, and the picture was directed by Ernst Lubitsch,” said Sorensen. All during the performance Garbo kept gripping Sorensen’s arm and whispering, “Isn’t it marvelous?” When they got in the car to start home she said: “It hit me right here,” putting her hand on her heart. “Such fine acting, such finesse.” Then suddenly she exclaimed, “I must see Lubitsch. I want to take him some flowers. Let’s drive to a florist’s right now.” It was nearly eleven o’clock, but Garbo filled her arms with flowers and drove over to Mr. Lubitsch’s house. When the door opened, Lubitsch was standing in the hall to see who was calling at that hour of the night. There were guests in the front room. Garbo ran up to him,