Motion picture production encyclopedia (1952)

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GENERAL INDEX British Film Companies 986 British Information Services.. 649 Brito, Phil 21 Britt, Elton 21 Britton, Barbara 21 Britton, Kenneth 21 Britton, Leon 589 Britton, Pamela .-. 21 Brizzi, Anchise 288 Broadcast Advertising 757 Broadcast Music, Inc 559 Broadcast Pictures, Inc 576 Broadcasting & Film Commission of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A 576 Brocco, Peter 21 Broccoli, Albert "Cubby" .... 609 Brock, Frank 346 Brock, James K 359 Brock, Lou 191 Brockway, Wilhelm W 359 Brode, Robert Stephen 249 Broder, Beatrice 576 Broder, Jack ...191, 576 Broder (lack) Productions, Inc 576 Broder (Jane) 753 Brodie, Don 21 Brodie, Steve 21 Brodine, Norbert 288 Brodney, Oscar 249 Brodshaug, Dr. Melvin 661 Brodszky, Nicholas 321 Brodus, Tex 552 Brody, Bernard 689 Broffman, Joseph 592 Broidy, Samuel "Steve" 553 554, 556, 557, 560, 570 575, 584, 585, 593 Broidy, William F 191, 249 585, 649 Broidy (Wm. F.) Productions, Inc 649 Bromberg, Arthur C. 584 Bromberg, J. Edward 21 Bromfield, John 21 Bromfield, Louis 651 Bronaugh, George E 688 Bronson, Arthur 551 Bronson, Harry 21 Bronson, Lillian 21 Brooke, Clifford 21 Brooke, Edgar 249 Brooke, Hillary 21 Brooke, Michael 21 Brooke, Peter R 249 Brooke, Ralph 21 Brooke, Walter 21 Brooker, Floyde E 560 Brooks Advertising Agency .. 757 Brooks, Arthur A. 346 Brooks, Barry 21 Brooks, George 306, 552 Brooks, Geraldine 21 Brooks, Hadda 21 Brooks, Hazel 21 Brooks, Jack 322 Brooks, Leslie 21 Brooks, Ralph 21 Brooks, Rand 21 Brooks, Richard 231, 249 583, 603 Brooks, Stephen 191 Brooks, Thor L 693 Brooks Uniform Co 728 Brooks, William 21 Brooks, William 703 Brophy, Edward S 21 Brophy, John 249 Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America 557 Brotherton, Robert N 694 Broughton, Cliff 371 Broughton, Robert 553 Brower, Robert 288 Brown, Barbara 22 Brown, Bernard 359 Brown. Bert C 249 Brown, Beth 249, 576 Brown, Beverly C 22 Brown, Charles B 578,659 Brown, Clarence 191, 231 554, 567, 583 Brown, Daniel 249 Brown, Donald H 191 Brown, Dorothy 701 Brown, Dottye 22 Brown, Everett A 359 Brown, Fayte M 288 Brown, George Carlton 249 Brown, George Hambley 191, 249 Brown, Gordon 576 Brown, Harris 22 Brown, Harry 22 Brown, Harry 249 Brown, Harry Joe 191, 570 589, 592 Brown, Helen 22 Brown, Helen 553 Brown, Dr. Henry 648 Brown, Hilyard 306, 552 Brown, Howard C 191, 576 Brown ( Howard C.) Productions 576 Brown, Hugh 371 Brown, J. L 605 Brown, James 22, 550 Brown, James W 560 Brown, Joe David 249 Brown, Jr. Joe 22 Brown, joe E 22 Brown, John 22 Brown, Johnny Mack 22 Brown, Kay 22, 583 Brown, Kenneth G 249 Brown, Kirk 551 Brown, Lew 249, 322 Brown, Lucile 570 Brown (Lyman) 753 Brown, Malcolm 306 Brown, N. K 653 Brown, Nacio Herb 322 Brown, Orval E 558 Brown, Pamela 22 Brown, Pess 567 Brown, Phil 22, 231 Brown, Robert V. 571, 647 Brown, Rowland 249 Brown, Roy M 558 Brown, Russ 371, 570 Brown, Steve 22 Brown, Stresia 22 Brown, Tom 22 Brown, Vanessa 22 Brown, Walter E 703 Brown, W. L 736 Brown, Wally 22 Browne, Brad 22 Browne, Fred 552 Browne, Lucile 22, 553 Browne, Michael 22 Browne, Reginald 346 Browne, Reno 22 Brownell, George A 582 Browning, Ivan H 22 Browning (Irving) 651 Brownlee, John 559 Browstein, Rebecca 551 Brox, Bobbie 388 Broza, Irene 22 Bruar, Paul 22 Brubaker, Judy 22 Bruce, David 22 Bruce, George 249 Bruce, Nicholas 22 Bruce, Nigel 22 Bruce, Rodman 22 Bruce, Virginia 22 Bruce, William 22 Brun, Joseph 288 Brunet, Meade 734 Brunnetti, Argentina 22 Bruno, D. L 585 Brunsch, Henrietta 346 Bruzlin, Alfred 359 Bryan, Arthur Q 22 E, yan, Jerry 378 Bryan, John 306 Bryan, J. H. 675 Bryan, L. G 733 Bryant, Charlsie 570 XVIII Bryant, Edwin 346 Bryant, Gene '. 371 Bryant Jr., Howard L 571 Bryant, Jan 22 Bryant, Marie 23 Bryant, Nana 23 Bryant, Samuel Wood ....191, 249 Bryar, Paul 23 Bryden, Sonja 23 Brylawski, A. Julian 572 Brynner, Yul . 23 Bryson, John G 556 B.S.E.I.U. 557 Buch, R. P 649 Buchanan & Co., Inc 757 Buchanan, Edgar 23 Buchholzer, C. E. 727 Buchman, Harold 249 Buchman .Sidney 191, 249 Buchman (Sidney) Enterprises, Inc 576 Buck & Bubbles 23 Buck, Frank 23 Buck, Gene 551, 559 Buck, George 551 Buck, Jules 191, 603 Buck, Lawrence H 702 Buckle, Ken 23 Buckley, Buz 23 Buckley, Kay 23 Buckner, Robert ..191, 250, 606 Budd, Norman 23 Budinger, Jean 23 Buehler, Betty 23 Buetel, Jack 23, 581 Buff ington, Adele 250 Buhler, Joseph S 570 Building Service Unions 552 Building Service Employees' International Union 557 Buka, Donald 23 Bulkeley, Dick 651 Bullers, John J. 733 Bullet (Horse) 184 Bull Lea (Horse) 184 Bullock, Walter 250 Buloff, Joseph . 23 Bumpas, Bob 23 Bumstead, Henry 306 Bunetta, Frank 702 Bunker, Ralph 23 Bunnell, Raymond 608 Burbank, Monroe W 288 Burbridge, Betty 250 Burbridge, Charles J 359 Burch, Glen 560 Burch, John 371 Burdick, Ray 555 Burg, V. A 698 Burger, Alfred G 694 Burger, Samuel N 582 Burgess, C. T 688 Burgess, Crover 23 Burke & James, Inc 728 Burke, Bernard 754 Burke, Bernard 23 Burke, Billie 23 Burke, James 23 Burke, Johnny — 322 Burke, Lolita 575 Burke, Robert Easton 23 Burke, Sonny 322 Burke, Walter 23 Burkett, James S 191, 576 Burkett (James) Prod., Inc. 576 Burks, Robert 288 Burman, Ellis 306 Burnett, Harry G. 702 Burnett (Leo) Co., Inc 758 Burnett, W. R. 250 Burnette, Smiley 23, 578 Burnham, William 696 Burns (Bill) and his Birds .... 23 Burns, George 570 Burns, Paul E 23 Burns, Robert 24 Burns, Ronnold 24 Burns, Roy 371 Burnside, R. H 570 Burr, Ann 24 Burr, Byron 24 Burr, Jane 250