Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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GENERAL INDEX Cook, Tommy Cook, Virginia Cook, Whitfield Cooke, Buster Cooke, Lucius Cooley, C. C Cooley (Hallam) Agency .... Cooley, Spade 37, 195, Cooley, Stanley Coolidge, Philip Coombs, Carol Coonan, John 372, Coonley, Fred Cooper, Barbara Cooper, Bernie Cooper, Carl 553, 554, Cooper, Charles Cooper, Clancy 37, Cooper, Clarence Cooper, David Cooper, Dee Cooper, Dennis Cooper, Dorothy 252, Cooper, Edwin Cooper (Frank) Associates .. Cooper, Gary 37, Cooper, George Cooper, George Cooper, Gladys Cooper, Horace Cooper, Inez Cooper, Jackie Cooper, Mary Cooper, Melville Cooper, Merian C ....195, Cooper, Olive Cooper (Ray) Agency Cooper, Roy Cooper, Ted Cooper, Tex Cooper, Wilkie Cooper, William H Coote, Robert Copas (Cowboy) Cope, John Copeiin, Campbell Copenhaver, Marie Copland, Aaron Coplen, Yorke..38, 195, 232, Coppa, Peter Coppell, Alice 252, Coppin, Doug Coppin, Grace Copyright Protection Bureau Corallo, Jesse Corbett, Ben Corbett, Glenn Corbett, Jim Corbett, Scott Corbin, Robert M Corby, Ellen 38, Corby, Jane Corcoran, Donna 38, Corcoran, William Corday, Paula Cordell, Frank Corden, Henry Cording, Harry Cordova. Fred Corelii, Alan _._ Corey, Jeff Corey, Milton R Corey, Robin Corey, Stephen M Corey, Wendell 38, 551, Corley, Cynthia Cormack, Bartlett Cormack, Robert Cornelius, Constance Cornell, Anna Cornell, Connie Cornell, )ames Corner, Sally Cornthwaite, Robert Cornwall, Anne Cornwell, Percy Douglas Coronet Instructional Films .. Correll, Mady Corri, Adrienne Corrick, Jack Corrigan, James T Corrigan, Lloyd 38, 37 Corrigan, Ray 38 252 Corsaro, Franco 38 252 Corso, Sam 307 37 Cort, Harvey 683 37 Cortesa, Valentina 38 729 Cortese, L 554 749 Cortez, Marie 38 252 Cortez, Ricardo 38 360 Cortez, Stanley 289 37 Cortissoz, Jack W 577 37 Corwin, Alfred F 556 379 Corwin, Norman 253, 583 558 Corwin, Sherrill C 571, 572 37 Corwith, Doris 704 347 Cory, Jeff 38 558 Cory, Leonard 606 360 Cory, Patricia 0 560 570 Cosgrove, Jack 289 37 Coslow, Sam 195, 324 347 Cosmopolitan Films 655 37 Cosmopolitan Pictures Corp. 968 252 Cossart, Ernest 38 583 Cosson, Roger 360 37 Costain, Thomas 253 756 Costello, Rev. Francis M 551 608 Costello, John 38 37 Costello, Lou. .38, 570, 606, 608 360 Costello, Pat 39 37 Costello, Walter 289 608 Costume Designers Credits .. 388 37 Coswick, Harry 347 37 Cote, Gil 582 37 Cotlow, Lewis 195 37 Cott, Jonathan 39, 583 575 Cott, Ted 704 252 Cottman, Herman 39 749 Cotton, Carolina 39 572 Gotten, Joseph 39, 603 37 Cotton, W. M 764 37 Cottrell, James 372 289 Cottrell, William (Bill) ..39,232 557 Couillard, Jarvis 253 37 Coulouris, George 39 37 Coulter Cr Gray 756 360 Courage, Alexander 324 38 Courcier, J.L 731 592 Courneya, Jerry 696 324 Courtemarche, Gerald 39 289 Courtland, Jerome 39 379 Courtney, Mrs. H. W 569 583 Cousins, John 253 38 Couzins, Stanley 372 38 Coveney, Francis J 701 556 Covert, William P 558 689 Cowan, Ashley 39 552 Cowan, Jerome 39 38 Cowan, Lester 195, 578 252 Cowan (Lester) Prod 578 252 Cowan, Walter 554 571 Cowan, Will 195 252 Coward, Noel. .39, 195, 253, 324 570 Cowden, John 702 583 Cowling, Bruce 39 252 Cox, Dorian 379 38 Cox, E. W 681 38 Cox, H. C 594 38 Cox, Jack 289 38 Cox, John 360 38 Cox, Morgan B 195,573 570 Cox, Rex 688 38 Cox, Victor 39 38 Cox, Virginia 39 38 Cox, Vivian 195 560 Cox, William G 655 607 Cox (William G.) 38 Enterprises 655 253 Coy, Johnny 39 289 Coy, Walter 39 570 Coyle, Ellen 253 38 Coyle, Harry 702 38 Coyle, John T 653 38 Coyne, Robert W 560 38 Crabbe, Buster 39 38 Crabtree, Arthur 232 551 Craft, Charles 347 587 Craft, Roy 568 655 Craig, Catherine 39 38 Craig, Garrett 39 38 Craig, Helen 39 379 Craig, James 39, 583 360 Craig Movie Supply Co 729 553 Craig, Nell 39 XXIII Craig, T. R 729 Craig, Willard K. ..553, 554, 584 Grain, Jr., Earl 360 Grain, Sr., Earl 360 Craine, Jeanne 39, 604 Crakes, Charles R 729, 737 Cramer, Claire 590 Cramer, Duncan 307, 552 Cramer, Marc 39 Cramer, Paul 39 (Cramer, Richard 39 Crandall, Jr., Bradford 649 Crandall, Robert 347 Crandall, Suzi 39 Crandell, Beth 555 Crane, Beverlee 39 Crane, Fred 39 Crane, G. S 729 Crane, Harry 253 Crane, James 39 Crane, Kenneth 347 Crane, Madge 39 Crane, Richard 39 Crane, Stephan 253 Crank (Chet) Co 758 Cranston, Claudia 253 Cravat, Nick 40, 608 Cravat, Noel 40 Craven, Beverly 559 Craven, James 40 Craven, John 40 Crawford, Anne 40 Crawford, Broderick 40, 578 Crawford, E. Winifred 560 Crawford, Howard 40 Crawford, Joan 40, 590, 608 Crawford, John 40 Crawford, Ruth 700, 701 Creative Film Productions .... 578 Creber, Lewis H. 307 Cregar, Laurence 40 Crehan, Joseph 40 Creighton, Patsy 40 Creighton, Sally 40 Cremieux, Henri 40 Crespinel, Bill 40 Crespinel, W. T 289 Cresswell, Charles J 704 Crest Films, Inc 968 Criner, Lawrence 40 Cripps, Kernon 40 Crisp, Donald 40 Crisp (Marie) Agency 749 Cristillo, Lolly 195 Cristillo, Sebastian 195 Crocker, Harry 40 Crockett, Jack 559 Crockett, Luther 40 Crockett, Richard 40 Crockett, William F 571 Croft, Douglas jO Croll, George 361 Cromer, Tex 40 Cromwell, Frank 551 Cromwell, John 232, 590 Cromwell, Richard 40 Cron, Jack 681, 704 Crone, George 347 Cronin, Jr., E. J 588 Cronjager, Edward 289 Cronyn, Hume 40, 253 Crosby, Bing 40, 551, 587 Crosby (Bing) Enter prises, Inc 5/o. ddv Crosby, Bob ^40 Crosby (Everett) Ltd 749 Crosby, Everett N 578, 659 Crosby, Floyd 289 Crosby (Lee) 659 Crosby, Wade '^O Croset, Paule 40 Crosland, Jr., Alan 347, 555 Cross, Mrs. Henry S 568 Cross, Hugh 40 Cross, Jimmy 40 Cross, Milton 40 Cross, Roland 555 Crossett, Raymond 606 Crossland, Marjorie 40 Crossley & Jeffries, Inc 758 Grouse. Russell ....253, 557, 573 Crow, M. H 557