Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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CEN ERAL INDEX De Witt, Jack De Wolf, Karen De Wolfe, Billy De Wolff, Francis Dexter, Anthony Dexter, Brad 47, Dexter, Frank Dexter, John Diage, Louis 317, Diamond, David Diamond, David Diamond (David) Productions Diamond, Don Diamond, I. A. L 254, Diamond, Jack Diana Prod., Inc. Diaz, Raymond Dibble, Lee Di Bruno, Nicia Dick, Douglas Dick, R. A Dickenson, Desmond Dickerson, Dudley Dickey, Bill Dickson, Dick Diehl, Jim Dierkes, John ... Dieterle, William 233, Dietrich, Marlene Dietrich, Noah Dietrich, Ralph Dietrick, Joseph Dietz, Howard .....325, Dietz, Jack DiCangi, James Dighton, John Dill, Joseph 372, Dillard, Art Dillaway, Don Dillinger, Major Albert Dillon, George Dillon, Thomas Dilson (Clyde) Agency DiMaggio, Ross Dimsdale, Howard Dinan Dine, Joseph C Dinehart, I II, Alan Dinelli, Mel Dines, Cordon .. Dingle, Charles Dinner, William Dinning Sisters, The D'Inzillo, Steve Directors Credits Directors' Guilds Discina Intl. Films Discovery (horse) Diskant, George E Disney, Doris Miles Disney, Roy 0 554, Disney, Walt 197, 233, Disney (Walt) Prod 556, 579, Disney (Walt) Prod. Financial Statement Distributors Group, Inc Dix, Billy Dix, L. B Dix, Richard Dixie Cup Co Dixon, Francis , Dixon, H. W Dixon, Joan 47, 581 Dixon, Lee Dixon, Ralph Dixon, Richard Dmytryk, Edward 233 D. N. S. Television Prods. ... Doane, James M. Dobbins, Barbara Dobbs, James Dobkin, Larry Dobson, Jimmy Dockstader, George Dodd, Jimmy Dodds, E Dodds, Edward Dodge, Estelle Dodge, Frederick Dodge, Jr., W. C 254 Dods, Hector 604 254 Dodson, Bert 47 47 Dodson, Mary Kay 388 47 Dodsworth, John 47 47 Dolan, Jr., Bobby 47 590 Dolan, James 704 307 Dolan, Robert Emmett ..325, 560 47 Dolciame, Ray 47 347 Doldus, Harry 587 195 Doleman, Guy 47 325 Dolenz, George 47 Dolid, I. F 607 556 Dolinoff, Alexis 559 47 Doll, Dora 47 603 Dolph Radio Gr Television 568 Prod 659 579 Dolph, William B 659 700 Domela, Jan 290 572 Domergue, Faith 47, 590 47 Dominguez, Frances 47 47 Dominguez, Joe 49 254 Donahoe, Edward ....197, 372 290 Donahoe, Eleanor 570 47 Donahue (AD & His 47 Orchestra 49 594 Donahue & Coe, Inc. 758 47 Donahue, Elinor .— . 49 47 Donahue, Frank 49 578 Donahue, Jean 49 47 Donahue, Mary Eleanor 49 589 Donahue, Vincent 49 197 Donald (Dick) Adv 758 555 Donald, James 49 582 Donaldson, Andrew W 49 586 Donaldson, Bonnie Lou 49 379 Donaldson, Gil 49 254 Donaldson-Middleton, Inc. .. 749 379 Donaldson, Richard M 749 47 Donaldson, Ted 49 47 Donat, Robert 49 361 Donath, Doris 49 47 Donath, Ludwig 49 47 Donatt, Renee 49 749 Donde, Manuel 49 325 Donegan, Arthur B .700, 701 2?'4 Donen, Stanley ....233, 254, 583 47 Doner, Maurice 49 703 Donlan, Yolande 49 47 Donlevy, Brian 49, 591 254 Donlevy Development 290 Co., Inc 659 47 Doniger, Walter 254 254 Donne, Carol 49 47 Donnell, Jeff 49 567 Donnelly, Bill 49 229 Donnelly, Paul 379 554 Donnelly, Ruth 49 968 Donner, Clive 347 184 Donner, Sam 361 290 Donohue, J.J 588 254 Donohue, Jack 233 579 Donovan, Daniel K. 571 579 Donovan, Edward J 571 Donovan, Gwen 49 820 Donovan, Henry B. 694 Donovan, King 49 615 Donovan, Maria 388 659 Donovan, Michael Patrick .... 49 47 Doob, OscarA 582 361 Dooley, Bud 591 379 Dooms, William 49 729 Doonan, Patric 49 701 Doran, Ann 49 685 Doran, D. A 587 590 Doran, Daniel D 379 47 Doran, Daniel E 553 347 Doran, John 594 689 Dorati, Antal 49 254 Doremus & Co 758 659 Dorey, Vera 558 197 Dorff, Marta 49 590 Dorf man, Edmund L 197 47 Dorfman, Sidney 683, 689 47 Dorfman, William. .197, 372, 379 47 Doria, Bianca 49 47 Dorn, Philip 49 47 Dome, Sandra 49 372 Doro, Peggy 49 197 Dorr, Lester 49 47 Dorrell, Artie 50 703 D'Orsa, Lonnie 372 732 D'Orsay, Fifi 50 XXVI Dorsen, Robert 50 Dorsey (Jimmy) & His Orchestra 50 Dorsey (Tommy) & His Orchestra 50 Dorziat, Gabrielle 50 Doskow, Ambrose 589 Doss, Leonard 290 Doubrawsky, Kurt 361 Doucet, Catherine 50 Doucette, John 50 Dougfair Corp 579 Dougherty, J. B 668 Douglas, Diana 50 Douglas, Everett 347, 555 Douglas, George 605, 606 Douglas, Gordon M 233, 608 Douglas, Haldane 308 Douglas, Howard 50 Douglas, Hugh — 673 Douglas, Kirk 50, 608 Douglas, Linda 590 Douglas, Melvyn 50 Douglas, Paul 50 Douglas, Robert 50 Douglas, Susan 50 Douglas, Warren 50, 588 Douy, Max 317 Dover Film Corp 729 Dover, Robert Foster 50 Dow, Peggy 50, 606 Dowd, Ross 317 Dower (RoyL.) 754 Dowling, Constance 50 Dowling, Doris 50 Downey, Jack 559 Downing, Joseph 570 Downs, Cathy 50 Downs, Charles 553 Downs, Johnny 50 Downs, Olin 50 Downs, Watson 50 Dowser Mfg. Co 730 Dowsing, Jack 588 Dowty, Paul 685 Doyle, Frank 347 Doyle, Laird 254 Doyle, Len 570 Dozier, Eastman & Co. 758 Dozier, William 197, 554 D.P.M. Productions 659 Draesemer (Isabelle) Agency 749 Dragon, Carmen 325 Dragstrem, D. R 661 Drake, Alfred .....50, 551 Drake, Betsy 50, 608 Drake, Charles 50, 606 Drake, Chris 50 Drake, Claudia 50 Drake, Dona 50 Drake, Ervin 325 Drake, Oliver 17, 233, 254 Drake, Steve 51 Drake, Tom 51 Dramatists' Guild of the Authors' League of America, Inc 573 Draper, Jack 290 Draper, Natalie 51 Draper, Paul 51 Draper, Thalia 51 Dratler, Jay 254 Dratfield, Leo R 668 Drayton, Noel 51 Dreier, Hans 308 Dreifuss, Arthur 197, 233 254, 325, 659 Drescher, Norman W. 702 Dressier, David 254 Drew, Ellen .....51, 677 Drew, Paula 51 Dreyfus, Max 559 Driggers, Don 51 Driscoll, Bobby 51 Driver, Teddy 51 Dru, Joanne 51, 604, 677 Drucker, Vladimir 559 Drumm, Steve 559 Drummond, Reginald 51 Dryden, Wheeler 577 Dryenforth, Harold 51