Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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GENERAL INDEX Dryer (Sherman H.) Co 659 Dryhurst, Edward 254, 372 Duane, Georgette 51 Duane, Michael 51 Dubin, Joseph 325, 606 Dubin, Lew 696 Dubin, Sidney 51 Dubost, Paula 51 Dubov, Paul 51 DuBrey, Claire 51 Duce, Richard 308 Duchamp, Marcel 254 DuClas, Chester H 695 Dudgeon, Elspeth 51 Dudley, Bill 51 Dudley (Carl) Pictures Corp 659 Dudley, Doris 51 Dudley, Robert 51 Dudley TV Corp 659 Dueby, Oscar 197 Duell, Randall 308 Duerr, Homer O 659 Duff, Howard 51 Duff, Warren 197, 254 Duffield, Brainerd 51 Duffy, Albert 254 Duffy, Joseph A 573 Dugan, Harry 609, 699 Dugan (James E.) 756 Dugan, John F 552 Dugan, Michael 51 Dugan, Tom 51 Duggan, Paul 744 Dugay, Yvette 51, 606 Dukane Corp 730 Duke, Maurice 197, 556 Dull,OrvilleO 197 Dullzell, Paul 551, 557 Dumas, Wade 51 du Maurier, Daphne 254 Dumbrille, Douglass 51 Dumbrille, Philip 51 Dumke, Ralph 51 DuMont, Dr. Allen B 730 DuMont (Allen B.) Laboratories 617, 730 DuMont, Bruce T 730 Dumont, Jr., Earle J 649 DuMont TV Network Facilities 716 Dumont, H. A 730 DuMont Television Network 702 Duna, Teri 51 Duncan, Bob 52 Duncan, Charles 290 Duncan, Helen P. 661 Duncan (James E.), Inc 661 Duncan, John 52 Duncan, K 554 Duncan, Kenne 52, 696 Duncan, Kenneth 52 Duncan, Pamela 52 Duncan, Renault 254 Duncan, Rita 52 Duncan, Slim 52, 591 Duncan, Ted 325 Duncan (Tommy) & His Western All Stars 52 Dundee, James 52 Dunham, Harrison 685 Dunham, Katherine 52 Dunhill, Steve 52 Dunhills, Three 52 Duning, George 325, 560 Dunke, Ralph 52 Dunlap, A. G 653 Dunlap, Paul 325 Dunlap, Scott R 197, 556 575, 580 Dunlap (Scott R.) Productions 579 Dunn, Cal 661 Dunn (Cal) Studios 661 Dunn, Eddie 52 Dunn, Eli 379 Dunn, Emma 52 Dunn, Cano 703 Dunn, Geoffrey 52 Dunn, Henry 570 Dunn, I. R 655 Dunn, James 52 Dunn, Judy Ann Dunn, Linwood Dunn, Mary Dunn, Nat Dunn, Ralph Dunn, Rex Dunn, Rev. Robert A Dunn, Tay Dunnam, Sid Dunne, Elizabeth Dunne, Irene Dunne, Michael Dunne, Peter Dunne, Philip 254, Dunning, Decia Dunning, Don Dunning, Jack Dunning, John Dunning, Philip Dunnock, Mildred 52, Du Par, Edwin B Dupius, Joan duPont De Nemours (E.I.) CrCo. Dupont, E. A DuPont, Gretl Dupree, Roland Duprez, June Durant, Eddie Durant, Tim Durante, Jimmy Durbin, Deanna Durgom, George "Bullets" .. Durkin, James Durkus, Andy Durlauf, Frank 308, Duryea, A Duryea, Dan Dushock, Joseph Dusmet-Moore Productions, Inc DuSoe, Robert C Durstine (RoyS.), Inc Dutton, Laura Deane Duval, B. C. "Cappy" .. 553, Duval, Juan 52, DuVall, Frederick W Duvivier, Julien 233, Dvorak, Ann Dwan, Alan . 197, 233, Dwight, Harvey Dworkin, Harry Dworsky, Robert Dwyer, Bill Dwyer, Mario Dyer, Diane Dyer, Elmer Dyke, Frank Dynamic Films, Inc Dyne, Aminta Dyne, Michael Dyrenforth, Harold Dyson, Ken Eadie, Wilfred J Eagle, Arnold Eagle, John War Eagle-Lion Studios, Inc Eagle, S. P Eagler, Paul 290, Earickson, Carleton W Earl, Kenneth Earle, Edward Earnshaw, Fenton Eason, Mike Eason, Reeves "Breezy" East, Ed East, Henry 53, East, Leonard Eastman Kodak Co Easton, Robert Eaton, Evelynne Eaton, Marjorie Eben, Al Ebenstein, Morris Eberhart, Billie Jeanne Eberle, Irmengarde Eberly, Bob Ebsen, Alix Ebsen, Buddy Eburne, Maude 52 290 655 570 52 325 52 52 388 52 52 52 52 603 254 52 555 347 573 551 290 52 730 233 52 52 52 325 52 52 52 749 558 372 552 588 52 347 254 758 52 568 325 556 255 53 591 379 552 555 53 53 685 290 361 661 53 53 53 663 594 290 53 579 197 552 560 255 53 255 379 233 53 552 53 730 53 53 53 53 607 53 572 53 53 53 53 Eby, George 554 Eby, Lois 255 Echeverria, Gerald 53 Echols, Mrs. Clarence 569 Eckhardt, William 372, 379 Eckles, Harry 361 Eckstine, Billy 583 Eddy, Arthur 755 Eddy, Nelson 53 Edelman, Louis 197, 608 Edens, Roger 197, 325 Edeson, Arthur 290, 552 Edgar, Howard H 567 Edgley, Leslie 255 Edington-Cloutman Agency.. 749 Edited Pictures System 661 Editors' Credits 345 Ediy, Alexander 668 Edman, F. Robert 669 Edmiston, Alan 53 Edmondson, Joe 361 Edmonson, W'illiam R 361 Edmunds, William 53 Edouart, Farciot ..290, 555, 587 Educational Film Library Assn., Inc 560 Edwards Agency 758 Edwards, Alan 53 Edwards, Bill 53 Edwards, Blake ......53, 197, 255 Edwards, Bruce 53 Edwards, Cliff 53 Edwards, Fred 555 Edwards, George 53 Edwards, Harry 53, 558 Edwards, Henry 255 Edwards, Jack 53 Edwards, James 53 Edwards, Joan 53 Edwards, Nate 372, 567 Edwards, Neely 53 Edwards, Penny 53 Edwards, Ralph 53 Edwards, Robert 233 Edwards, Roy 553 Edwards, Sam 53 Edwards, Sarah 53 Edwards, Steve 591 Edwards, Thornton 54 Edwards, Tom 571, 572 Edwards, Vincent 54 Edwards, William .. 572 Effrat, John 551 Egan, Audrey 551 Egan, Edward M 567 Egan, Richard 54 Eggenweiler, Robert ....197, 590 Eggerth, Martha 54 Eglinton, William 590 Egyptian Film Companies .... 997 Ehlert (Grace) Broadcast Adv 758 Ehmig, George 54 Ehren, Frances 388 Ehrhart, Eddie 54 Ehrreich, H 589 Eichorn, Charles 567 Eichman, Cy 575, 648 Eidell,JohnG 605 Eiferman, George 54 Eigen, Jack 54 Eiges, Sydney 703 Filers, Sally 54 Finer, Robert 54 Einfeld, Charles 594, 603 Eirinberg, Robert 675 Eisenberg, Martin 372 Eisenhart, M. H 728 Eisiminger, Richard 705 Eisinger, Jo 255 Eisler, Hanns 325 Elam, Jack 54 Elbert, James 571 Elderkin, D.T 731 Elderkin, Jr., E. K 731 Elderkin, J, K 731 Eldredge, George 54 Eldredge, John 54 Eldridge, Florence 54 Eldridge, John 255 Electricians Unions & Guilds.. 554 Elfeldt, Bill 325 XXVII