Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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GENERAL INDEX Elgar, Peter 347 Elias, Hal 233. 555 Eliscu, Edward 255 Eliscu, Fernanda 54 Elkins, Saul 197 Ell, Christine 54 Eller, Harry E 735 Ellin, Stanley 255 Ellingwood, Elmer 54 Elliott, Cecile 54 Elliott, Clyde 197 Elliott, Dick 54 Elliott, Edythe 54 Elliott, Faith 197, 347 Elliott, Frank 54 Elliott, Jack 325 Elliott, John 54 Elliott, Laura 54, 587 Elliott, Ross 54 Elliott, Scott 54 Elliott, William "Wild Bill" . 54 Ellis, Bobby 54 Ellis, Evelyn 54 Ellis Films, Inc: 968 Ellis, Frank 54 Ellis, George 663 Ellis, Lloyd 54, 325 Ellis, Mary Jo 54 Ellis, Maurice 54 Ellis, Robert 54 Ellis, Robert 255 Ellis, Segar 325 Ellis, Steve 661 Ellis (Steve) Prods 661 Ellison, James 54 Ellison, Stanley 55 Ellsworth, Bob 325 Ellsworth, Elmer 388 Ellsworth, Ted 572 Ellyn, Jean 55 Elman, Irving 255 Elman, Ziggy 55 Elphick, John 308 Elsom, Isobel 55 Elson, Lee 55 Elson, William 554 Elting, Alfred 551 Elvey, Maurice 233 Elzer, Norman 380 Emanuel, Elzie 55 Emanuel, Jay 763 Emanuel (Jay) Publications.. 763 Embassy Prods, Inc 579 Emerson, Emmett 380 Emerson, Faye 55 Emerson Film Corp 579, 661 Emerson, Hope 55 Emerson, John 551 Emert, Oliver 317 Emery, John 55 Emery, Katherine 55 Emick, George 555 Emick, George E 347 Emmett, Thomas 671 Emory, Richard 55 Emperor Films, Inc 661 Empire Films, Inc 661 Encore Films, Inc 579 Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc 661 Endfield, Cyril 233, 255 Endfield, Frances ' 55 Endore, Guy 255 Endorsements, Inc 661 Engel, John 604 Engel, Lehman 325 Engel, Roy 55 Engel, Samuel G. ... 197 555 r , r> ,, 567," 603 Engelson, D. H 731 Engholdt, Mrs. H. C 569 England, Paul 55 England, Sue 55 Englander, Otto 255^ 584 Engleman Visual Education Service 661 English Films, Inc 968 English, John 233 English, Richard ["[ 255 England, Ken 255 Engstrand, Stuart .... 255 Enright, Ray 233 Enright, Sara Enters, Angna Ephron, Henry 255, Ephron, Phoebe 255, Epsteen, Irving Epstein, Dave Epstein, David Epstein, Israela Epstein, Jerome Epstein, Joseph Epstein, Julius J. Epstein, Louis H Epstein, Mel 197, 380, Epstein, Philip G Equipment Companies Equipoise (Horse) Equitable Investment Corp., Ltd Equity Film Exchanges, Inc... Equity Pictures, Inc Erban, Friedrich Erben, Charles Erdman, Dick Erdody, Leo Erickson, A. F Erickson, Albert K Erickson, Carleton W. H Erickson, Jack Erickson, Leif Erickson. Louise Ericson, Elmer Ericson, John Frianger, Herbert J Eriik. Robert 197, Ermolieff, Joseph N 197, Erne, Hans Ernst, Jesse Ernst, Max Frrol. Leon Erskine, Chester 197, 255, Erskine, Eileen Erskine. Marilyn 55, Erway, Ben Erwin, Stuart Erwin. Wa"^ey & Co Erwin, William Fscar M. P. Service, Inc Escoffier, Marcel Eshbaueh, lack Eshbaugh, Ted Eshbaugh (Ted) Studios, Inc -__ Eshbaugh, William Esherick, Ruth Esler, Lemist Esmond, Carl Esmond, Jill Esparza, Rafael R Fspinosa, Robert Espy, Cullen Essanay Electric Mfg. Co Esser, Karl Wright Essex, Harry Esskay Pictures Co Essler, Fred Estabrook, Ed T Estabrook, Howard Estate Management Corp., Ltd. Estfall, Kay Esty (William) & Co. ..661, Eternal Film Corp. Etter, Betty Etterre, Estelle Ettinger, Eve Ettinger (Margaret) & Co. Ettlinger. Don Eunson, Dale Eureka Prods Furist, Clarence 372, Eustis, Dorothy ' Evans, Charles Evans, Connie Evans, Dale Evans, David Evans, Delight ^vans, Douelas Evans, Estelle Fvans, Fvan Evans, Gene Evans, Herbert XXVIII 754 255 603 603 570 755 255 55 255 571 255 731 5S7 255 727 184 756 661 579 372 554 55 325 372 558 560 290 55 55 668 55 556 580 255 668 255 255 55 233 590 55 583 55 55 578 55 661 389 661 661 661 661 55 255 55 55 31^1 55 5Q4 730 55 255 579 55 552 255 756 55 758 661 765 55 578 755 255 255 579 380 325 55 56 56 255 765 56 56 255 56 56 Evans, Jacqueline _ 56 Evans, Joan 56 Evans, Julius 233, 255 Evans, Mark 380 Evans, Maurice 56, 551 Evans, Nancy 56 Evans, Oren 372, 576 Evans, Peggy 56 Evans, Ray 56 Evans, Ray 326 Evans, Robert 56 Evans, Thane 606 Evans, Vincent 255 Evanson, Edith 56 Evelove, Alex 555, 609 Evelyn, Judith 56 Evens, A. R 580 Everett, H. H 554, 571 Everett, Jane 56 Ewell,Tom 56, 551 Ewing, Carol P 705 Ewing, Sr., Jasper 560 Ewing, John 308 Ewing, Patricia Ann 56 Excelsior Pictures Corp. 661, 968 Exhibitor, The 763 Exhibitors Film Exchange .... 968 Explorers Pictures Corp 661 Export and Import Film Co., Inc 968 Eyesell, Gus 570 Eythe, William 56 Eyton, Frank 326 Ezard, Alex 347 Ezzell, Marvin A. 553, 554, 556 Fabian, S. H 570, 571 Fabiola Enterprises, Inc 579 Fabray, Nanette 583 Fabrizi, Aldo 56 Factor-Breyer, Inc 758 Factor, Max 741 Factual Films, Inc 579 Fadden, Tom 56 Fadiman, William 590 Faeti, Giuseppi 56 Fagan (O. K.) Adv. Agency.. 758 Fain, Matty 56 Faine, Hyman R 559 Fair, Al E 661 Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas ....56, 197 255, 579 Fairbanks, Jerry 555, 661 Fairbanks (Jerry), Inc. 661, 821 Fairbanks, Zeal 552, 558 Fairchild, Edgar 326 Fairchild, Henry Pratt 572 Fairchild Recording Equipment Co 730 Fairchild, W. E.C 255 Fair Deal M. P. Service 661 Fairfax, Betty 56 Fairfax, James 56 Fair Film Corp. 661 Fairlie, Gerald 255 Falk, Lauritz 56 Falk, Vibeke 56 Falknor, Frank B 702 Fallman, Gil 56 Fallon, Bob 56 Fallon, Joseph 56 Fallon, Lillian R 551 Fame 763 Family Films, Inc. 668 Famous Artists Corp 749, 754 Famous Studios 821 Fan Publications 764 Fanchon 197 FantI, Richard 347, 555 Fapp, Daniel L 290 Faragoh, Francis Edwards .... 256 Faralla, Bill 380 Farber, Jerry 56 Farfan, Robert 380 Faris, Marvin L 554, 556 Farley, Dot 56 Farley, Frank 587 Farley, Lesley 56 Farley, Morgan 56 Farlow, Wayne & Warren .... 56