Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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GENERAL INDEX Plateau, Georges Flato, Richard — -.. Flavin, James Flavin, Martin Flax, Jake Fleck, Fred 372, 380, Fleck (William) Agency Fleischer, Richard O. .-.199, Fleischer, Stanley -.. Fleisig, Calmen Fleming, Mrs. Charles Fleming, John Fleming, Jim Fleming, Max Fleming, Rhonda 59, Fleming, Robert Fletcher, Adele Fletcher, Charlotte . Fletcher, David Fletcher, Dusty Fletcher, Elton Fletcher, Lucille Fletcher, Robin Flick, W. D Flinn, JohnC 584 Flint, Sam -... Flippen, J. C Flippen, Ruth Brooks ....256, Flood, James Flood, Thomas Flora, Rolla Flores Brothers Trio Flores, Filipe Flores, Iris Florey, Robert 234, Florez, C. A. Florez, Inc Flothow, Rudolph. .C 199, Flournoy, Elizabeth Flournoy, Richard Flowers, Bess Flowers, Harry Fluellen, Joel Flying "A" Pictures, Inc Flying-A Television Productions, Inc Flynn, Charles Flynn, Errol 59, 256, Flynn, John Flynn, William J Foch, Nina Fodor, F. H Fodor, Ladislas Fogarty, J. P Fogelson, David Fogetti, Howard Fogg, Kay and Fay Foght, Paul R 1 Fogle, George L Foladaire, Maury Foladare, Greer & Bock Foldes, Yolanda Foley, Joe . Foley, John M Folks, Casey Folsey, George 291, Folsom, Frank M 703, Folts, Monty Fonda Division Solar Aircraft Fonda, Frank Fonda. Henry 60, Fong, Benson Fong, Harold Fontaine, Frank Fontaine, Joan 60, Fontaine, Lilian Fontanals, Manuel Foo, Lee Tung Foot, Patricia Foote, Bradbury Foote, Cone & Belding ..669, Foote, Dick Foran, Dick (John M.) Foran, Mary Forbes, Don Forbes, Kathryn Forbes, Kenneth Forbes, Louis Forbes, Mary Forbes, Murray Forbes. Scott Ford, Dorothy 59 Ford, Edward H 570 59 Ford, Eugene E 681 59 Ford, Francis 60 256 Ford (Frank) Adv. Agency .. 758 554 Ford, Glenn 60, 551, 578 567 Ford, Helen 60 750 Ford, Jan 60 234 Ford, John 60 308 Ford, John 199, 234, 553 559 554, 575 568 Ford, Patrick 256 256 Ford, Paul 60 696 Ford, Philip 234, 591 551 Ford, Ross 60 587 Ford, Wallace 60, 551, 570 59 Forde, Eugene 234 765 Fordham, Fred 553 59 Fordham. William B 677 688 Foreign Distributors in U. S... 966 326 Foreign Films Movie Club .... 568 653 Foreign Language Press Film 256 Critics Circle 568 59 Foreign M. P. Companies .... 971 362 Foreign-Service Film Corp. .. 969 ,585 Foreman. Carl ...' 256, 573 59 Forest Mfg. Co 731 59 Forester, Clay 60 583 Forester (G.) & Assoc 759 234 Forman, Carol 60 380 Formica Co 731 291 Forrest, David 362 59 Forrest, John 60 59 Forrest, Sally 60, 348, 583 59 Forrest, William 60 256 Forster, John 199 668 Forsyth, William 380 668 Forte, Joe 61 648 Foschini, Arnaldo 308 59 Foss, Bart O 647 256 Foster, Alan 61 59 Foster, Art 61 59 Foster, Mrs. Bernard A 569 59 Foster, Dan 61 576 Foster, E. B 647 Foster, Eddie 61 669 Foster, Harry 577 59 Foster, Harve 234 608 Foster, Lewis R. ..234, 257, 588 704 Foster, Norman 234, 257 701 Foster, Preston 61 60 Foster, Ray 291, 685 668 Foster, Richard 61 256 Foster, Royal 257 326 Foster. Stuart 61 577 Fostini. John 61 362 Foto-Blac Products Co 731 60 Fouch, James L 729 673 Foulger, Byron 61 659 Fouike, Robert 61 580 Four Step Brothers 61 755 Fouse. Orville .....372 256 Fowler, George 380 60 Fowler, Gene 257 348 Fowler, Jr., Gene ..199, 257, 348 60 Fowler, Jr., H. Waller 61 552 Fowler, Marjorie 348 735 Fowler, Nat ....700, 701 567 Fowley, Douglas 61 731 Fox, A. E 591 581 Fox, Belle 733 551 Fox, Dave 552 60 Fox, Mrs. Eva 733 60 Fox, Frank 199 60 Fox, Frank 380 587 Fox, Fred 61 60 Fox, Fred 604 308 Fox, Freddie 199 60 Fox, Jean 570 700 Fox, Jr., Lawrence W 648 256 Fox, Mona 733 758 Fox Movietone News 669 60 Fox, Paul S 317 60 Fox Philadelphia BIdg., Inc... 594 60 Fox, Stanley E 588 60 Fox, Wallace .....199,234 256 Fox West Coast Theatres 60 Corp 594 326 Fox, William 362 60 Fox, Wynema McKinley .... 559 256 Foy, Bryan 199, 567, 608 60 Foy, Eddie, Jr 61 60 Foy, Thomas F 700 XXX Fralick (Freddie) Agency .— 750 Francaville, John J 558 Francen, Victor 61 Francis (Mule) 184 Francis, Ann 61 Francis, Arlene 61 Francis, Fred 291 Francis, Vincent 701 Francisco Films 669 Francisco, L. J 731 Francisco, L. Mercer 669 Franco, John 61 Franco, John 327 Francois, Jacques 61 Francone, Tiny 61 Franey, James M 653, 696 Frank, Carl 61 Frank, Charles 257 Frank, Frances 576 Frank, Fred 380 Frank, Frederic M 257 Frank, George 694 Frank (George) inc 750 Frank, Jr., Harriet 257 Frank Crlmbach 389 Frank, Joanne 61 Frank, Leonard 257 Frank, Melvin 199, 234 257, 583 Frank, Paul 257 Frank, W. R 199 Frankel, Benjamin 327 Franklin Art Assoc 754 Franklin, Chester M 199 Franklin, Elizabeth C 555 Franklin, Harry 372, 380 Franklin, Louise 61 Franklin, Paul 257 Franklin, Sidney ..199, 567, 583 Franklin, Jr., Sidney 583 Franklyn, Irwin R 257 Franklyn, Robert 327 Frankovich. M. J 199 Frankovich, Louis 685 Franz, Arthur 61 Franz, Eduard 61 Fraser, Alex 62 Eraser, Elizabeth . 62 Fraser, Henry 234, 257 Fraser, Richard 62 Fraser, Shelagh 62 Frasher, Jimmy 62 Frausto, Antonio 62 Frawley, William 62 Frayne, John C 571 Frazee, Jane 62 Frazen, Stanley 348 Frazer, Alex 62 Frazer, T. R. 604 Freberg, Stan 62 Freeh, Willard 703 Frederic, Lee ...62, 199 Frederic, Marc 693 Fredrick, A. L 648 Fredrick, Ann 62 Free, Bill 62 Free (Newton) Co., The 759 Freed, Arthur 199, 327 567, 583 Freed. Bert 62 Freedley, George 568 Freedman, Benedict 257 Freedman, Harold 573 Freedman, Mason 0 609 Freedman. Nancy 257 Freeland, Thornton 234 Freeman, Charles 348 Freeman, Devery 257 Freeman, Everett 199, 257, 573 Freeman, Helen 62 Freeman, Howard 62 Freeman, Joan 62 Freeman, Joel 380 Freeman, Joseph 257 Freeman, Kathleen 62 Freeman, Kenneth 62 Freeman, Mona 62 Freeman, Ned 327 Freeman, Norman ...585, 590 Freeman, Ticker 327 Freeman. Y. Frank 551, 554 555, 557, 582, 586, 587, 590