Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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GENERAL INDEX Freericks, Bernard 362 Frees, Paul 62 Freeto, Ralph 62 Fregonese, Hugo 234 Freiberg, Joseph 577 Freiberger, Fred 257 Freiburg (John) &C 759 Freiwald, Eric 257 Freking, Barbara 62 French, D 729 French Film Companies 999 French Film Exchange 969 French, Harold 234 French, Hugh 62 French Motion Picture Corp. 969 French, Ted 62 Frenke, Eugene ....199, 586, 605 Fresnay, Pierre -. 62 Freulich, Henry 291 Freulich, Roman 592 Freund, Karl 291, 651 Frey, George H. 703, 704 Freydberg, Mrs. Ell 569 Friars' Club of California, Inc., The 570 Friars' National Association, Inc 570 Friebus, Florida 551 Fried, Harry 257 Friedhofer, Hugo 327 Friedhofer, Max 327 Friedhoff, J. P 584, 585 Friedkin, Joel 62 Friedland, Evelyn 578 Friedlander, Emil 570 Friedlob, Bert 199, 593 Friedman, Alan 257 Friedman, Dave 372 Friedman, Harry 693 Friedman, Irving 327 Friedman, Joe 62 Friedman, Leopold 582, 583 Friedman, Seymour 234 362, 380 Friedman, Stanleigh P 607 Friedrich, Rev. James K 653 Friend, Mrs. Joseph E 568 Friend, Philip 62 Friendly, Jr., Ed 700, .701 Fries, Ted 62 Friesner, Ralph 584 FrimI, Rudolph 327 Frings, Ketti 257 Frings (Kurt) Agency 750 Frisco, Joe 62 Prison, Paul 62 Fritch, Richard ..348, 663 Fritch, Robert 348 Fritsch, Cunther V 234 Fritzche, William 291 Froelick, Anne 257 Froes, R 372 Froeschel, George 257, 583 Frohman, Evelyn 291 Fromhartz, Paul A 556 Fromkess, Leon 648 Frost, Don 63 Frost, Lewis 705 Frost, Robert 199 Frost, Terry 63 Fry, Varian 653 Frye, Gilbert 63 Frye, Jack 727 Frye, John W 63 Frye, Kathy 63 Frye, Leslie W 560 Frye, Stev»/art S 348 Fuchs, Daniel 257, 583 Fuchs, Herman 327 Fuchs, Hi 327 Fukunaga, Akira 63 Fuller, Barbara 63 Fuller, Clem 63 Fuller, John C 348 Fuller, Leiand 308 Fuller, Lester 257 Fuller, Louis 63 Fuller, Marta 580 Fuller, Samuel 199, 234 257, 580 Fuller (Samuel) Prods., Inc... 580 Fulop-Miller, Rene 257 Fulton, Irving 63 Fulton, Joan 63 Fulton, John 291 Fulton, June -.. 63 Fung, Paul 63 Funt (Allen A.) Productions 669 Funt, Julian 557 Furber, P. E 736 Furlong, "Tinker" .— 63 Furse, Margaret -. 389 Furse, Roger 389 Furst, Manfred 63 Furthman, Jules 257 Futoran, Charles 554 C Cabel, Martin 63, 199, 234 Gabin, Jean 63 Cable, Clark 63, 583 Gable, Harris 685 Cabor, Eva -.. 63 Gabriel, E. J 651 Gabriel, Gilbert W 557,572 Gage, Fred 608 Gage, John 234 Gagnon, Betty 63 Gagnon, J. Leo 63 Gagnon, Rene A 63 Gagnon Agency 750 Gail, Jeanne 63 Gaines, James M 703, 704 Gaines, Richard 63 Gainsborough Associates, Inc 669 Gaither, Jr., James 362 Gale, George 348, 586 Gale, Inc 754 Gale, Paul 705 Gales, Rev. Louis A 669 (Ilalindo, Nacho 63 Galitzine, Irene 389 Gallagher, Carole 63 Gallagher, Donald 63 Gallagher, John 63 Gallagher, Ray 764 Gallagher, Skeets 63 Gallant Fox (horse) 184 Gallant, Paul 704 Gallaudet, John 63 Gain, Eola 63 Gallian, Gerri 63 Galileo, Paul 572 Galperson, Alexander 199 Galvan, Gilbert 63 Galvani, Dino 63 Gambralli, Eole 63 Gambee, A. S 594 Gambler, Claude 63 Gamble, Bud 669 Gamble Productions, Inc 669 Gamble, Ted R 560, 571, 572 Garnet, Kenneth 257 (3amiello, Anthony Rose 553 Gammons, Earl H 701 (iamse, Albert 327 Gamson, Harry 570 Gangelin, Paul 257 Gann, Ernest K 257 Cannon, Kim 327 Gannon, Lois 580 Cans, Cliff R 199 Gansell, Alexander 554 Ganzer, Alvin 380 Canzer, Gerry 63 Garay, Joaquin 63 Carbarini, Peter 671 Garber, David S. 199 Garber, Jan 63 Garcia, Harry 63 Garcia, Russell 327 Garde, Betty 63 Gardiner, Reginald 63 Gardini, Paul 65 Gardner, Arthur 199 Gardner, Ava 65, 583 Gardner, David C 234, 291 Gardner, Ed 580 Gardner (Ed) Productions .. 580 Gardner, Mario A 702 (Zlarfield, John 65 Garfield (Milton) Agency .. 750 Garfman, Harry 567 XXXI Cargan, Edward 65 Cargan, William 65, 551 Garland, Judy 65 Garland, Richard 65 Garmes, Lee 291, 552 Garnell, Lloyd 588 Garner, Cindy 606 Garner, Don 65 Garner, Peggy Ann 65 Garnett, Tay 234, 258 (3arr, Eddie .. 65 Garr, Larry 65 Carralaga, Martin 65 Garrard, Paul 65 (tarretson, Oliver S 362 Garrett, Betty 65 Garrett, Diane 65 Garrett, Gary 65 Garrett, Oliver H. P 258 Garrick, (Ilene 65 Garrick, Richard 65 Garriguene, Rene 327 Garrison, Patricia 65 Carro, Joseph 65 Carroway, Dave 65 Carson, Greer 65, 583 Carson, Henry 258 Garth, David 258 Garthwaite, Albert A 605 Carton, Robert .' 558 Gartside, Ernest 201 Garvey, John J 567 Carvey, Jr., W. H 735 Garvin, Ed 380 (3arvin, Gene 362 Gary, Eileen 258 (iary. Gene 65 Gary, Harold 65 Gassell, Harry 380 Gasso, Albert 327 Gates, Bernard J 585 Gates, Curtis 65 Gates, Maxine 65 (Dates, Nancy 65 Gates, Paul 701 Gates, Pete 327 Gateson, Marjorie 551 Gately, Frederick 291, 673 Gatica, Malu 65 Gaubitz, Almo 673 Gaudio, Tony 291 Gaudsmith Bros 65 Gaughan, Walter 65 Gauld, Carlton 559 Gault, Slim 65 (iausman, Russell A 317, 606 Gavaldon, Roberto 235 Gaxton, William — 570 (Lay, Gregory 65 Gaynor, Mitzi 65, 604 Gaynor, Paul 702 Gear (Bruce) Agency 750 Gear, Luella 65 Cebert, Gordon 65 Gedelman, Allan E 675 Geddes, Jack 66 Gedris, A. S 732 Gedris, H. L 732 Gedris, W. A 732 Ceer, Andrew 258 Geer, Will 66 Gehring, William C 594 Ceib, L 608 Geiger, Rod E 201 Geisel, Helen 258 (lieisel, Theodor S 258 Geissinger (W. B.) & Co., Inc. .. 759 Gelber, Herman 567 Gelbspan, Herbert 592 Celin, Daniel 66 Cell, William J 201 Celler, Harry 327 Geller, James J 201, 750 Gelman, Harold 327 Celsey, Erwin 258, 577 Gem Photo Supply Co 731 Genardi, Maria 66 General Adv. Agency, Inc. .. 759 General Aniline & Film Corp 731 General Artists Corp. .. 750, 754 General Business Films, Inc... 669