Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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GENERAL INDEX General Devices Corp 731 General Electric Co 731 General Film Prod. Corp 669 General Pictures Prod., Inc 669 General Precision Equipment Corp 731, 732 General Screen Advertising, Inc 669 General Service Studios 580 592, 740, 743 General Television Enterprises --. 669 Genette, Adam 66 Cenn, Leo 66 Genock, Edward 235 Centilella, John 553 George, Bill 66 George (Ernest N.) Co 759 George, Goerge L 554 George, George W 258 George, Gladys 66 George, Gorgeous 66 George, Hilmer 572 George, Jack 66 George, John -.._ 66 George, Mary 66 George, Ott 66 George, R. H. ._ 585 George, Willard H 389,741 Georgia Crackers, The 66 Geraghty, Gerald 258 Geraghty, Maurice 235, 258 Gerald, Helen .-_ 66 Gerald, Jim 66 Gerard, Anthony 348, 555 Gerard, Barney ....201, 258, 585 Gerard, Hal 66, 697 Gerard, Merwin 258 Gerard, Philip 605 Geray, Steven 66 Gerber, David 66 Gerber (JohnE.) &..Co 754 Gerchik, Paul 677 Gerens, Alexander 327 Gericke, Eugene 66 Germaine, Mary 608 German, Arthur 671 German Film Companies ....1009 German, W. J 605, 731 German, W. J., Inc 731 Germonprez, Louis -... 380 Geronimi, Clyde -.. 235 Cerrits, Paul 66 Gerrity, William 553 Gerry, Alex 66 Gerry, Toni 66 Gerry, Roger 702 Cershenson, Al 581 Gershenson, Joseph 327 Gershwin, George 327 Gershwin, Ira 327 Gerson, Bettv Lou 66 Gerstad, Harry 348 Gerstad, John 66 Gerstle, Frank 66 Certler, Maynard 699 Gertsman, Jack ....372, 380, 567 Gertsman, Maury 291 Gertz, Irving 327 Gertz, Mitchell 750 Gertz (Mitchell), Inc 750 Cerzso, Gunther 308 Gesas, Leonard 201 Getchel, Sumner 66 Getts, William 66 Geva, Tamara 66 Gevaert Co. of America, Inc., The 731 G-H Productions, Inc 580 Gibberson. William 66 Gibbons, Cedric 308, 584 Gibbons, Eliot 258 Gibbs, Gerald 291 Cibbs&Co 669 Gibbs, John 669 Gibbs (JohnE.) & Co 754 Gibbs, Suzanne 66 Gibbs, Whitey 592 Cibney, Sheridan 258 Gibson, Curley 66 Gibson, Dana 66 Gibson, George H. 731 Gibson, Helen 66 Gibson, Hoot 66 Gibson, John 66 Gibson, Julie 66 Gibson, Mimi 66 Gibson, Thomas L 731 Gibson, Virginia 66, 608 (tibson, Wynne 551 Gibson's (Steve) Redcaps .. 66 Gidding (Joseph M.) 754 Gielgud, Irwin 258 Giesler, Jerry 570 Gifford, Alan 66 (iifford, Frances 67 Gift, Donn 67 Gigli, Beniamino 67 Giglio, Sandro 67 Gilbert, Billy 67 Gilbert, Doris 258 Gilbert, Fran 258 Gilbert, Car 291 Gilbert, George 705 Gilbert, Gerard 67 Gilbert, Helen 67 Gilbert, Herschel 327 Gilbert, Jo 67 Gilbert, Jody 67 Gilbert, L. Wolfe 327 Gilbert, Ray 327 Gilbert, Robert 67 Gilbreth, Jr., Frank B 258 Gilchrist, Connie 67 Ciller, Berne 258 Gilford, Max M 588 Gilgore, Jay 258 Gilham, S. C 673 Gilks, Alfred 291, 552 Gilkyson, Terry 67 Gill, jr., Frank 258 Gill, Genevieve A 688 Gill, Tom 67 Gillern, Grace 67 Gillespie, A. Arnold 291 Gillespie, Buddy 584 Gillespie, L. M 698 Cillett, Harvey T 309 Gillette, Don Carle 763 Gillette, J. W 559 Gillette, Ruth 67 Gilliat, Sidney 201, 235, 258 Gillie, Jean 67 Gillies, Jr., George M 731 Gillis, Anne 67 Gillmore, Margalo 67, 551 Gilmore, Lowell 67 Gilmore, Stuart 235, 348 Gilmore, Virginia 67 Cilmour, Charles R 572 Gilpin, Jay 67 Gilpin, Joseph C 372 Gimpel, Jacob 67 Ginsburg, Norman S 703 Ginty, E. B 258 Gioga, Peter 694 Giordani, Aldo 291 Giordani, E 362 Giordani, Robert 309 Gipson, Henry Clay 668 Cirard, Bernard 258 (iiroux, George 554 Giroux, Robert 568 Gish, Dorothy 67 Gish, Lillian 67 Gist, Robert 67 Githens, W. French 681, 692 Gittinger, William C 701 Civney, Kathryn 67 Givot, George 67 Gladden, Tholen 235, 348 Glaser (Joe) 754 Glasgow, William 309 Class, Everett 67 Glass, Gaston 372, 380 Glass, George 201, 581 Glass, J. R 291 Glass, Ned 67 Glass, Robert 362 '"lassberg, Irving 292 Glassberg, Jack 735 Glasser, Albert 327 Classer (Bernard) Productions, Inc 580 Classer-Cailey, Inc 759 XXXII Glasser, Katherine 328 Glazer, Barney 235 Glazer, Benjamin 258 Glazer, Bert 380 Gleason, Jackie 67 Gleason, James 67 Gleason, James 362 Gleason, Keough 317 Gleason, Pat 67 Clenar, Sid 669, 740 Glenar (Sid) Prods 669 Glendining, Hone 292 Glendinning, John 67 Glenn, Glen 362 Glenn, Jack 235, 554 Glenn, James A 704 Glennon, Bert 292 Glesnes, Lawrence A 647 Glett, Charles L 702 Click, Hy J 591 Click, Marian 702 Glickman, Fred 328 Clickman, Mort 328 Globe Film Distributors, Inc. 969 Gloria Film Productions, Inc. 580 Gloria Productions 580 Gluchanok, Peter 292 Cluck, Joe 348 Cluck, Nathan 328 Cluck, Norman ...653, 697 Gluskin, John 328 Gluskin, Lud 328 Glynn, John L 607, 608 Goddard, Paulette .67, 201 Godden, Rumer 258 Godfrey, Peter 68, 235, 553 Godfrey, Renee 68 Codoy, Fred 68 Codsoe, Harold 372, 380 Goehr, Walter 328 Goelet, Jr., Robert 586 Goettinger, Bill 68 Coetz, A. O 573 Goetz, Augustus 258 Coetz, Curt 258 Goetz, Hayes .....201, 583 Goetz, Jack 659, 669 Coetz, Ruth 258, 557 Coetz, William 606 Coff. Ivan 258, 573, 603 Goff, Lloyd 68 Gold, Ernest 328 Gold, Lee 258 Gold, Melvin L 681 Gold, Milton 553 Gold (Sid) Agency 750 Cold, Zachary 258 Coldbaum, Peter 258 Coldbeck, Willis 235, 258 553, 554 Goldberg Bros 731 Goldberg, Gerald 292 Goldberg, Jack ....201, 580, 581 Goldberg, Leon 605 Goldberg, Louis B 731 Goldberg, Max A 586 Goldberg, Melvin A 702, 703 Goldberg, Morris ....651, 731 Goldberg, Sol 571 Goldberg, William 586 Goldblatt, Harold 570 Goldburg, Jesse J 605 Golden, Edward A 606 Golden Gate Quartette 68 Golden, Gil 607 Golden, Herman J 577 Golden, John 570 Golden, Max 372 Golden, Michael 68 Golden Motion Picture & Television Studios, Inc. .. 580 Golden, Nathan D 554 Golden (OwenN.) 756 Golden, Robert 348 Golden, Robert S 201,606 Golden, William 702 Goldenson, Leonard H. ..571, 605 Colder, Clarence 572 Goldhammer, L. E 584 Goldin, Pat 68 Goldman, D 732 Goldman, E. B 683 Goldman, I. E 683