Motion picture production encyclopedia (1952)

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400 PRODUCTIONS 1951 BLUE BLOOD MONO (Cinecolor). Producer, Ben Schwalb. Director, Lew Landers. Original suggested by story, "Dog Meat," by Peter B. Kyne. Photograplny, Gilbert Warrenton. Color consultants, Wilton R. Holm, Clifford D. Shank. Art direction, David Milton. Set decorations, Raymond Boltz, Jr. Musical director-composer, Ozzie Caswell. Edited by Roy Livingston. Sound technician, Tom Lambert. Assistant director, Edward Morey, Jr. Hair stylist, Fritzi LaBar. Makeup, Leonard Engelman. CAST — Bill Williams, Jane Nigh, Arthur Shields, Audrey Long, Harry Shannon, Lyie Talbot, William J. Tannen, Harry Cheshire, Milton Kibbee. Reviewed 1 -1 5-51 . THE BLUE LAMP (Made in England) UA. Producer, Michael Balcon. Director, Basil Dearden. Screenplay, T. E. Clarke. Photography, Gordon Dines. Art direction, Jim Morahan. Musical director, Ernest Irving. CAST — Jack Warner, Jimmy Hanley, Dirk Bogarde, Robert Fleming, Bernard Lee, Peggy Evans, Patric Doonan, Bruce Seton. Reviewed 3-28-51. THE BLUE VEIL Wald-Krasna-RKO. Producers, Jerry Wald, Norman Krasna. Associate producer, Raymond Hakim. Director, Curtis Bernhardt. Screenplay, Norman Corwin. Original, Francois Campaux. Photography, Frank Planer. Art direction, Albert S. D'Agostino, Carroll Clark. Set decorations, Darrell Silvera, Al Orenbach. Music score, Franz Waxman. Musical director, C. Bakaleinikoff. Edited by George J. Amy. Sound technicians, Jean L. Speak, Clem Portman. Assistant director, Eddie Donahoe. Hair stylist-makeup, Perc Westmore. Gowns by Milo Anderson. CAST^ — Charles Laughton, Joan Blondell, Richard Carlson, Agnes Moorehead, Don Taylor, Audrey Totter, Cyril Cusack, Everett Sloane, Natalie Wood, Warner Anderson, Alan Napier, Henry Morgan, Vivian Vance, Les Tremayne, John Ridgely, Don O'Herlihy, Carleton G. Young, Dan Seymour. Reviewed 9-7-51 . BONANZA TOWN COL. Producer, Colbert Clark. Director, Fred F. Sears. Written by Barry Shipman, Bert Horswell. Photography, Henry Freulich. Art direction, Charles Clague. Set decorations, George Montgomery. Musical director, Mischa Bakaleinikoff. Edited by Paul Borofsky. Sound technician, Russell Malmgren. Assistant director, Gilbert Kay. CAST — Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette, Fred F. Sears, Luther Crockett, Myron Healey, Charles Horvath, Ted Jordan, Al Wyatt, Paul McGuire, Vernon Dent. Reviewed 7-13-51 . BOOTS M ALONE Sidney Buchman COL. Produced and written by Milton Holmes. Director, William Dieterle. Photography, Charles Lawton, Jr. Art direction, Gary Odell. Set decorations, Frank Tuttle. Music score, Elmer Bernstein. Musical director, Morris Stoloff. Edited by Al Clark. Sound technician. Lodge Cunningham. Assistant director, Milton Feldman. Makeup, Clay Campbell. CAST — William Holden, Johnny Stewart, Stanley Clements, Basil Ruysdael, Carl Benton Reid, Ralph Dumke, Ed Begley, Hugh Sanders, Henry Morgan, Ann Lee, Anthony Caruso, Billy Pearson, John W. Frye, Harry Hines, Toni Gerry, Hurley Breen, Whit Bissell, Earl Unkraut, Harry Shannon, John Call. Reviewed 12-19-51. BOWERY BATTALION Crippo-MONO. Producer, Jan Crippo. Director, William Beaudine. Original screenplay, Charles R. Marion. Additional dialog, Bert Lawrence. Photography, Marcel LePicard. Art direction, David Milton. Set decorations, Raymond Boltz, Jr. Musical director, Edward j. Kay. Edited by William Austin. Sound technician, Tom Lambert. Assistant director, William Calihan. CAST — Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Donald MacBride, Virginia Hewitt, Russell Hicks, Bernard Gorcey, William Benedict, Buddy Gorman, David Gorcey, John fileifer, Al Eben, Frank Jenks, Selmer Jackson. Reviewed 2-1 2-51 . THE BRAVE BULLS (Made in Mexico) Rossen-COL. Producer-director, Robert Rossen. Associate producer, Shirley Miller. Screenplay, John Bright. Original, based on the novel by Tom Lea. Photography, Floyd Crosby, James Wong Howe. Art direction, Gary Odell. Set decorations, Frank Tuttle. Montages and bullfights edited by Don Starling. Edited by Henry Batista. Sound technicians, John Livadary, James Fields. Unit managers, Antonio Guerrrero Tello, Luis Sanchez Tello. Assistant directors, Sam Nelson, Jaime Contreras. Costumes designed by Jean Louis. CAST— -Mel Ferrer, Miroslavia, Anthony Quinn, Eugene Iglesias, Jose Torvay, Charlita, Jose Luis Vasquez "Mexican©, " Alfonso Alvirez, Alfredo Aguilar, Francisco Balderas, Felipe Mota, Pepe Lopez, Jose Meza, Vicente Cardenas "Maera," members of the Association de Banderilleros y Picadores Mexico, D.F. Reviewed 4-18-51. BRIDE OF THE GORILLA REALART. Associate producer, Edward Leven. Assistant producer, Herman Cohen. Director original screenplay. Curt Siodmak. Photography, Charles Van Enger. Special effects, Lee Zavitz. Art direction, Frank Sylos. Set decorations, Edward Boyle. Music score, Raoul Kraushaar. Edited by Francis D. Lyon. Sound technician. Bud Meyers. Assistant director, Richard Dixon. Hair stylist, Ann Kirk. Makeup, Gus Norin. Wardrobe, Betty Zackin, Elmer Ellsworth. CAST — Barbara Payton, Lon Chaney, Raymond Burr, Tom Conway, Paul Cavanagh, Cisela Werbisek, Carol Varga, Paul Maxey, Woody Strode, Martin Garralaga, Moyna MacGill, Felippa Rock. Reviewed 1 1 -2-51 . BRIGHT VICTORY Ul. Producer-screenplay, Robert Buckner. Director, Mark Robson. Based on novel "Lights Out" by Baynard Kendrick. Photography, William Daniels. Art direction, Bernard Herzbrun, Nathan Juran. Set decorations, Russell A. Gausman, John Austin. Music score, Frank Skinner. Edited by Russell Schoengarth. Sound technicians, Leslie I. Carey, Corson Jowett. Assistant director, John Sherwood. Hair stylist, Joan St. Oegger. Makeup, Bud Westmore. Gowns by Rosemary Odell. CAST — Arthur Kennedy, Peggy Dow, Julia Adams, John Hudson, James Edwards, Nana Bryant, Richard Egan, Will Ceer, Jim Backus, Minor ^A/atson, Joan Banks, Marjorie (Irossland, Donald Miele, Murray Hamilton, Larry Keating, Hugh Reilly, Mary Cooper, Rock Hudson, Ken Harvey, Russell Dennis, Phil Favershim, Robert F. Simon, Virginia Mullen, Ruth Esherick. Reviewed 7-20-51. BULLFIGHTER AND THE LADY REP. Associate producer-director, Budd Boetticher. Screenplay, James Edward Grant. Original, Budd Boetticher, Ray Nazarro. Photography, Jack Draper. Special effects, Howard and Theodore Lydecker. Art direction, Alfred Ybarra. Set decorations, Alfred Ybarra, Relegado Actores, Leonardo Castro H. Music score, Victor Young. Edited by Richard L. Van Enger. Sound technician, Manuel Topete. Assistant director, Andy McLaglen. Hair stylist. Hazel Keithley. Makeup, Webster Overlander. Costumes by Adele Palmer. CAST — Robert Stack, Joy Page, Gilbert Roland, Virginia Grey, John Hubbard, Katy Jurado, Antonio Gomez, Ismael Perez, Rodolfo Acosta, Ruben Padilla, Dario Ramirez. Reviewed 4-25-51. THE BUSHWHACKERS REALART. Producer, Larry Finley. Associate producer, Herman Cohen. Director, Rod Amateau. Original screenplay, Rod Amateau, Thomas Gries. Photography, Joseph F. Biroc. Special effects, Lee Zavitz. Art direction, Frank Sylos. Set decorations, Edward Boyle. Music score, Albert Glasser. dialogue direction, Syd Zwerling. Edited by Francis D. Lyon. Sound technician, Vic Appel. Assistant director, Richard Dixon. Hair stylist, Anna Malin. Makeup, Webster Phillips. Wardrobe by Burrell Kring, Jeanne Keethe. CAST — John Ireland, Wayne Morris, Lawrence Tierney, Dorothy Malone, Lon Chaney, Myrna Dell, Frank Marlowe, Bill Holmes, Jack Elam, Bob Wood, Charles Trowbridge, Stuart Randall, George Lynn,