Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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y^f^ Westrex Master Sound System Westrex Master, Advanced and Standard Sound Systems all feature the Academy Award-winning Hydro Flutter Suppressor in their sound heads. Amplifiers ranging from 15 to 100 watts output and Western Electric backstage speaker systems offer a choice to meet the needs of any theatre. FOR THEATRES OUTSIDE U.S. A. AND CANADA... . . .Westrex maintains a complete worldwide theatre supply and service organization. Over 100 offices in 62 countries are staffed by engineers trained by Westrex who have installed more than 5000 Western Electric and Westrex Sound Systems. These trained engineers also service our systems as well as hundreds of installations of other makes. Stocks of spare parts are maintained at all offices. To serve theatres better, each Westrex office carries full lines of associated theatre equipment and accessories. No matter what you need. ..Westrex has it! FOR STUDIOS EVERYWHERE... . . .Westrex has a complete line of Western Electric and Westrex recording and rerecording equipment, developed through many years of research by Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Westrex Hollywood Laboratories Studios are offered equipment to record on photographic or magnetic film, 35mm or 16mm, variable area or variable density, direct-positive or negativepositive. Re-recorders offer a choice of 100 mil standard, 100 mil or 200 mil push-pull, 35mm or l6mm, photographic, or magnetic. Remember: 18 out of 21 "Oscars" for excellence of sound have been awarded to Western Electric recorded films! Westrex Series 1100 Standard Magnetic Recorder Here's the latest addition to the Westrex line of the Series 200, 500, 600, 700 and 800 photographic systems and the Series 1000 Master Magnetic recording system. These systems assure the finest in sound! Research, Distribution and Service for the Motion Picture Industry. Westrex Corporation 111 EIGHTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 11, N. Y. HOLLYWOOD DIVISION; 6601 ROMAINE STREET, HOLLYWOOD 38, CAL. /WESTCRN ELECTRIC \ I ElPOm I \ CORPOB«TIOII /