Production Encyclopedia 1952 (1952)

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AC E NTS 751 LEVEE (M. C.) 9121 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 6-1071 LEVEY (BERT) CIRCUIT 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Hillside 0284 Owner Bert Levev San Francisco: 25 Taylor Street Seattle: Palomar Theatre Building LINSK (LESTER) 9470 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 5-4396 MacQUARRIE (EARL) 444 N. Camden Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 6-7162 MARTIN (JESSE) 9172 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-5791 MARTYN (MARTY) 170 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 5-8607 MARX (BERT) AGENCY 9507 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 1-7171 Owner Bert Marx Secretary Rosemarie Boutross MASCHIO (JOHN) (ARTISTS, LTD.) 8734 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. CRestview 6-7015 President John Maschio MCA ARTISTS, LTD. 9370 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 6-200) MEDFORD (BEN) AGENCY 300 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 1-7021 MELCHER (MARTIN) AGENCY 8611 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-7121 MESSINGER (LILLIE) & ASSOCIATES 8734 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 6-7015 I MEYER (ART) AGENCY 9615 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 5-7865 MEYERS (V^ALTER), INC. 8949 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-8161 MINTER (ETHEL) AGENCY 415 N. Bedford Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 5-2776 MISHKIN AGENCY 204 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 4-541 6 MONTER-GRAY-ARMSTRONG, INC. 9134 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-1 191 MOORE (LOLA) 9172 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 6-5401 MORRIS (WILLIAM) AGENCY, INC. 202 N. Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 1-6161 ASSOCIATES: William Morris, Bert Allenberg, Abe Lastfogel. HALL (NORMAN) AGENCY 8913 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 5-0311, TRinity 8298 HALLIBURTON-WEINTRAUB 9172 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. CRestview 1-1137; CRestview 1-1138 HAMILBURG (MITCHELL J.) AGENCY 8776-8780 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-5108, 5-4171 HERDAN-SHERRELL AGENCY 9059 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-5236 HERZBRUN (WALTER) 9000 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 6-41 57 HYLAND (THE DICK IRVING) AGENCY (Literary agent) 9172 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. CRestview 1-9159 IRWIN (LOU), INC. 9134 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-7131 JACKSON (EDITH) 9172 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-7466 JACOBSON (VERNON) 9008 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills. Calif. CRestview 5-2545 JAFFE AGENCY (THt) 8553 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 6-6121 Owner Sam Jaffe JOHNSTON (MINIFEE I.) AGENCY 707 S. Highland Ave., Los Angeles 36, Calif. WEbster 1-1487 KINGSTON (AD AGENCY 8747 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. CRestview 1-5246 KOEHLER (ALICE) AGENCY 9172 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. CRestview 5-4780 KOHNER (PAUL), INC. 9169 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-5165, BRadshaw 2-4062 KRAMER (EARL) 204 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 6-2338 KURTZE (JACK) AGENCY 214 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 4-5403 LANCE (LEON) 8820 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. CRestview 6-6014 LANDY (GEORGE) AGENCY (Literary agent) 240 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 5-3588 LAZAR (IRVING PAUL) 211 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 5-6153 LEONARD (FRED J.) AGENCY 7441 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. Hillside 7546 LESSER (TED) AGENCY 8820 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview 1-7071