Ballyhoo (Oct 21, 1955)

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$10,000 IN CASH PRIZES n showmanship IT wit PROF SERVE with showmanship SAVE with showmanship unm le Pale 1955 National Drive Captain DAN KRENDEL HONOURING 25 YEARS OF INSPIRED LEADERSHIP IN FAMOUS PLAYERS YEA TEAM ... Now you're cookin! guys ... Now you're working like a team ... It took a little time, a few loud yelps from this end, and a nudge here and there ... but obviously some good was accomplished. Last week's results tell their own story, and this week, so far, it looks like we'll top even that. Guess I'm just plain nuts. Every time I raise a holler, more and more stuff starts piling up, and that my friends, naturally means more and more work for me .., But, you haven't heard me complain ,.. and YOU WON'T ... just so long as you do your part, There was so much good showmanship last week that the judging panel had quite a time making the weekly awards ... I ‘love that, and let's make it twice as tough this week, huh? You know what? ,.. I'm sure they love it too. BLITZ man, BLITZ ... and once in a while remember who welre doing it for ... and why. I don't have to draw any pictures, I'm sure that you feel about this deal just as I do... as all of us in the office do ,., as all the managers I have had a chance to talk to, do. No matter how great a job you turned in last week ... or last month .., or was it last year ...? make sure that tomorrow's will be BIGGER and BETTER, Then you and I and all of us will KNOW that we're doing all in our power to make this truly a PROFIT BLITZ FOR FITZ. oXeX. XX, YOUR TRADE MAGAZINES Do you really read the several trade publications which land on your desk every week? Do you really study the contents? Do you clip out and file the many important items which constantly appear in their pages? There's a wealth of information contained in our trade press fellows .,, information which can help you do a better job ... can keep you informed on up-to-the-minute developments, can provide you with a wealth of information, which properly used can further your own personal ambitions, READ your trade press gang ... it's for YOU.