Publix Opinion (Sep 8, 1928)

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2 ICE-CREAM Ti PUBLIX OPINION, WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 8tH, 1928. E-UP CH Riviera Theatre Gets Coin And Ads On Advertising and publicity tiethat get money for the box office ups with a theatre or attraction or good will, without sacrificing public respect for the attraction or institution, have been effectively and profitably worked out in mat plugs.” The famous ‘‘Paul Ash Sundae”’ in Chicago, which Oscar Doob: (now of KunskyPublix in Detroit) and Benj. H. Serkowich, effected with: the} Walgreen Drug} Stores in Chicago, got several nalf and quarter page display ads and endless store and window exploitation for the jazzmaster and other Balaban & Katz} attractions several times weekly for nearly a year. Thus valuable ticket-selling propaganda was projected at no cost, or loss of theatre-respect. And Walgreens sold nearly a half-million dollars worth of “Paul Ash Sundaes,” and the B. & K. box offices profited pro-| portionately too. Now Archie. Baley Watts Advertising House Manager, respectively, of the Omaha ‘Riviera’ theatre, have worked out an ice cream tie| up. along similar lines, with the} Harding Ice Cream Company of | that city, which rivals the Wal-/| green Tie-up. Theatremen will do well study both campaigns, for they | can be duplicated in your city. | The Walgreen Campaign will be published soon. You don’t have to give up screen credit. And you don’t need to let your actors ‘‘plug”’ a prod-| uct on the stage. You merely have to be thoroly | sold YOURSELF, on the truth} that your theatre and your mer-| chandise is the one thing in your | town that ALWAYS gets 100 per| eent of the population’s cheerful | attention. that and know, why you can easily | make any merchant or manufac-| turer believe it. When he believes it, he’s smart | enough to know that if, he associ| ates his unromantic, dull, com-| monplace commercial product with | the flashy, adventurous, romantic | lure of your theatre, he’s doing | some smart and effective advertis| ing. You merely permit him to be| smart. Let HIM advertise. STUDY the j layout of ads and cards on page 3, and REPEAT THIS STUNT! manager and to | {happened in the Ice-cream tieup lpaign on the Harding Riviera and Harry / | 6. Five If you thoroly believe | He} ny cities, without cost or “screen ages ee A oe ee ee chump, knew a good thing when he got it, and he did the rest. Baley and Watts knew when to ‘Jet go,” and being good showmen,—they did. Here is a list of the things that in Omaha: 4 Attdched please find detailed report covering Advertising Cam Package, copies of most all mediums of advertising used on this campaign are inclosed, also pictures of stunts pulled. The following is a copy of the working schedule followed by Hardings for week ending July 14th, one week preceding the introduction of the| Harding’s Riviera Package, 1. Five Salesmen calling on all Harding dealers, city and country. 2. Twenty inches paid advertising in the Bee-News July 9th. 3. Half columm story written by Baley in Bee-News July 9th. 4. Ten inches in Bee-News |} July 12th, carrying ‘cut of Riviera. 5. Thirty inches in World| Herald July 12th. ; inches in “North Omaha Booster.” 7. Five inches in Benson ‘“Times.”’ 8. Twenty-five thousand Post Cards mailed out July 10th. 9. Banners, five feet by eleven and a half feet on Harding big route trucks. (50 trucks) 10. Facsimile cards of wrappers in windows and on fountains of all Harding dealers, drugstores, etc. 11. Special letter to all Hard } ing dealers telling story of | the Riviera Brick and suggesting they get some water color, put the story on their windows and that they telephone their charge list in spare time and recommend sales. 12. Free publicity picture run | | THE OMAHA BRE-NEWS, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1928. Splash! Now There'll Be a “Paul Spor, those kids down there, standing in the grass, have got to. | havea wading pool, and Pll give $5. as a starter,” said Bobby “Uke” Henshaw. : .. former Omaha boy. vest of the money.” Rn enees aerneteentinpasn peenerismeas Batre. Fh ee “es perm is get one. Here’s a little stunt that could be used with personality leaders elsewhere. “ The Whaopee chib is an organization L . and Saturday they made Paul's promise good; they pledged themselves to raise #200 which contractors said would be re& «wuired to build a first class wading pool, Pe sene gate 4 Mrs. A. A. McGraw, superintendent of the institute, has dreamed for ten years of having a pool for they can get some fun on hot days, and new her dream is to become a reality. The Omaha Bee-News has beep appointed tug E todian of the fund by the Whoopee club, and both want to se@ the pool built this year. The Whoopee club was organized this spring, and its cree problem, but they have pledged themselves to see that it is carr m. They can’t do it all, so avy contribution addressed to the ‘* Whoopee Club Wading Pool fund" in care of The Omaha BeeNowa will be gladly received, and all contributions will be acknowledged. . Bobby Henshaw is the gra 4 adopted sun, and vitally interested in t “ ? ILLS 0 THIS BUILDS LASTING GOOD-WILL FOR EVENING EDITION Wading Pool for the Kiddies = Tiny kiddies at the Child Saving Institute are going fo be able to realize one of the dreams of elildhood—a wading 3 pool where they may splash about in the hot devs during, the summer. and it is atl, due to the impulse of Bobby “ Uke’ ~ ‘Henshaw and Paul Spor of the Riviera who visited the institut ¢ last week to entertain the homelens ones. “By gosh, Paul, these kids ought to have @ wading pool, in stead of having to wade in grass.” declared Uke,"” whe is a “ad “Say, you're right, sure enough,” returned Paul. “Well, I'll give five bucks toward it,”’ said Bobby, “PI do five times that much, I'll give $25,” raised Paul, ‘and more than thet, I'll see that my Whoopee club raises the of 2,000 Omaha boy s and girls whom Patil entertains at the Riviera every uve weeks, her kiddies se that d is ‘Spread Happiness."’ The. wading pool is theie first big ied through, and The Bee-News is right behind the ndson of Harry Henshaw who founded the Henshaw hotel, and was an Omaha boy, Paul is an he welfare of Omaha youngsters. Henshaw appearcd on the bill at the Riviera last week. fe as 2 No moré wading m the grass atter tnis nensen tor tacse Aomeless babes at the Child Saving institute, if the Whoopee club and The Omaha Bee-News can sane $200 in contributions for a rcal up-to-d. ¥ late wading pool. Mrs. A. McGraw, superintendent, shown holding one of the kiddies, hes wished fot # pool for 10 years, but couldn't —t The Bee-Ni it up and my main worry now is to get some follow ups,” says Archie Baley, advertising manag Omaha Riviera. “It’s tough when they ask you if you have any stories today.” Incidentally, necessary to pry loose $25. Stage announcements or the Kids Club raises the coin! or the cho it on the streets as a “Tag Day" gag. $ : | Flirt” were paid for by Harding and copy supplied by the theatre. “Pictures of Harding trucks in closed, banners ‘carrying current | attraction changed every Friday, this is taken care of by Harding. ;Samples of Window Cards inlelosed, these are placed in all dealers, city ana country covering a radius of about 100 miles around |Omaha, announcement of Sound | Pictures in box at bottom of card —this is covered by our advertisjing man every week in the city dealers. This gives us about 120 to 160 window displays that we | | Ba. (Corrected. to September 1, 1928) UNIT HOUSE MANAGERS AND PUBLICIT DAVID J. CHATKIN, District Manager — Publicity Man Theatre ' Home Office Paramount Ni Lou Goldberg Olympia New Hi Vernon Gray Metropolitan Be Cc. B. Taylor Buffale Buffalo Frank Cassiday Minnesota Minnea Manager E. T. Leaper Geo. Laby J. C. MeCurdy Vincent McFaul Ed. Smith de 7 P A : Pp ok: has to do it anyway to survive. | in Bee-News |would not have otherwise, we are (Not open yet) aramount Brooms You merely give him an idea that is better than the commonplace ones he usually has. ideas are flops, and he knows it. When Paul Ash heard that Wal| green had sold $500,000 worth of | ice-cream sundaes, he howled and | moaned like a Siberian mother wolf mourning for its lost young! | He wanted to GET PAID for the} su did} And | Messrs. | use of his name. And Messrs. Doob and Serkowich. they were CORRECT! Serkowich and Doob nearly broke their legs, trying to collect for| Paul’s name,—and split with him, | for their own benefit. It couldn’t be done, however, because the deal | had been made gratis before the} phenomenal success developed. Many Advertising Managers and | House Managers hold themselves, | their theatre, and their organization, and their attractions too cheaply. As a matter of fact there is Anytime substitution for the better can be made anywhere along the line, it unquestionably will. So if you believe that, you should sell yourself, and the success-possibilities you are surrounded with. Elsewhere in this issue is a lay| out of ‘the 22 that Archie items of printing Watts got the Harding Ice Cream | Company to pay for. Baley and Watts wrote the copy, you’ll note —-and wisely, that’s all they did "The Iee Cream gent, not being a Most of HIS | none better anywhere. | Baley and Harry} Wednesday and World Herald 'Thursday showing group picture of Riviera cast eating Ri-| ; viera Cream. 13. Parade of Harding Trucks with banners and members of the Riviera cast together with photographs _ and free publicity. 14. Ten inches in South Omaha Sun. 15. Miscellaneous and novelty advertising carrying Riviera srick, 16: Visits to Hospitals, ete., with Paul Spor and some members of Riviera cast giving samples of Riviera Brick to patients, with attending publicity. In explanation, Mr. Baley says: “Two weeks in advance of the introduction of the Riviera Pack jage Mr. Watts carried a short | teaser trailer on screen, this the theatre paid for. Samples of Post-| Cards mailed out by Harding inclosed——copy for this was made up by Adv. Mer. of the Harding Cream Co., also samples of Fans which were gotten out by Harding jand copy for these were made up by the Cream Co., you will notice | there is something left out on this mailing stickers to dealers out of the city limits every week and the | Harding Cream Co., is urging the dealers to keep these up to date. “Three empty cartons were mailed to Arch Reeves at the Paramount Studios. I asked him to have pictures of some of the stars taken with the Riviera Package, this was done very nicely and we received very good service on same, Mr. Reeves sent negatives and Harding’s have had about a dozen prints of each of five stars made, these will be placed in newspaper ads and choice window locations. Am inclosing one finished print and other pictures unmount-| ed, note at the bottom of card—‘appearing in Paramount Pictures’ is printed on all cards, this was promoted gratis thru the company who handled all printing on the Riviera Package Wrapper . and cards. We are waiting for a photo of Clara Bow, when this is received Harding will have about five or six dozen prints made up and delivered to their dealers, we will also get a break in the papers with this using a catch line— “The ‘IT’ girl finds the Ice Cream with It.” We possibly could put some of the other pictures in the —the Fan, we have been sup-|Papers but the Advertising Manaplying copy for most of the ads| ser of Harding’s wants to hold off and other things used, tear sheets | until we get the one of Clara Bow. jfrom both daily papers inclosed, At the present time Harding is Ads earrying current attraction at | getting out 25,000 Post Cards on | the Riviera — ‘’'The Magnificent| Richard Dix in ‘Warming Up’ ) | ) Paramount Toledo Hippodrome Buffak MILTON FELD, District Manager fh Jack Shelley Denver Archie Baley Riviera Lionel Wasson Capitol Gene Finley . Palace R. BE. Armstrong Worth Robt. Kelly L. C. Furman Martin Anderson Jack Chalman Howard Atlanta — John Smith Keith's Geor Atlanta — PARTNERSHIPS Detroit | *John Carr Arthur Baker H. B. Watts ; Nate Frudenfeld Ernest Morrison Raymond Jones Wm. O'Hare Cc. B. Pincus Sidney Dannenberg Robt. Hicks *C. R. Eggleston Alabama Geo, Trendle Spyros Skouras Joe Fraser A. E. Chaddick jus Eysell Chas, Kutzman John Balaban Osear Doob Michigan Reeves Espy Ambassador St, i Geo. Tyson Indiana ~ Indi ap Maurice Barr Saenger a rl Robt. Doman Metropolitan Los Ang Frank Whitbeck Granada San Fra Wm. K. Hollander Chieago-Tivyoli-U Ch LOEW HOUSES Junior McGeehan Century | H. H. Maloney’ Allen Chas. Winston Ohio Livingston Lanning Wm. McGrath Penn Manager Sam Rubin Palace *Hippodrome and Keith’s Georgia are yau division, HM, F; Kingsmore W. A. Haynes E. J. Melniker deville hou also announcing the Sound effects | Will forward them as and that they will be a permanent |receive same. attraction at the Riviera. I will| ‘We are ma forward samples of these as soon] Children’s Ho as we get them, | week, . “Ads from the weekly papers | Beenamely the Benson Times, South |the — Omaha Sun and North Omaha|§ Booster have not been received