Publix Opinion (Mar 16, 1929)

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3 1 5TH SESSION OF SCHOOL | STARTED (Continued from Page 1) | Fersvary bas been designated as “Thank You Mooth™ et the , an You Month! Rivera, I. appreciation of your patronage in the past we have book£ ed 4 of the Greatest Stage and Screen Shows it i possible to obtein. campaign in the form FEB.1 eee: 1s Month,” plann oer Coes RICHARD DIX : : : Star of "Abe's Wah Rose i “REDSKIN™ The course in training includes ‘and Publicity Direcerson of the Riviera Omaha, when they at four Paramount “were scheduled for e during the month of y, spread so effectively yut the city that they had “SHOPWORN ANGEL” Paremownte Singing and Tetang Picture~and cn che Stage Jay Mills to “High Hat"* D cicxse sexcitstr (20.21112i13 14115) “The Wolf of Wall Street” ff 7/18}19'20) 21/22 24 25.26)27/28) |_| bane seed With Baclewoxe ee SEE EVERYONE OF THEM AND YOU WiLL THANK US on the stage Jay Mills io “Mission Bells" ‘es ‘f Sas a. 3 ma m, By it ee a —. forhle Kinch, organist At an ] : Paramount Sensational Cover Action Prcture the following— ; I Principles of Management, | On the Sage day Mills snd Gand in Publix “Bago" Tricks" FEB. 22 WILLIAM POWELL ead © great talicing cast im } “The Canary Murder Case” Policies of Operation, Com munity Analysis, Selection and Training of Theatre Staff, Equipment Mainte mance, Projection, Theatre | and Stage Lighting, Stageeraft, Public Relations, Ad vertising (Copy, Layout, Media, Rates, Advertising i Materials, Mechanics of Printing and Engraving, iless to say, this cordial ' reflected at the box res scheduled for the ea | etc.), Publicity, Relations ; were, ‘Shopworn ane a Me with Newspapares, Exploita; Wolf of Wall Street,’ Mae oe tion, Selective Merchandising, § and “Canary Murder Theatre Forms and Account @ gag was—-four great ing, Insurance, Fire and Acci dent Prevention, Program Arrangement and Schedules, Budgets, etc. The training session lasts six months. Special emphasis will be placed on sound projection. As ‘to show the theatre’s \ oe en PRES) | 2 of the tremendous \ : Lae oa onage enjoyed in the ay gets es ot es nave thelr Theis pve ynret inn e it sort of a civic said Ted Emerson. public utilities enhe spirit of the thing. Our most successful a tie-up with the ompany whereby the girls that got on the r fares paid with he of the theatre. Merme afterwards that et a lick of work out Complained that t stood around in talked about the ng their fare.’’ ne earried on all outduring the month. On and 3-sheets. S—Line carried in all half page ad used to with previous classes, the group which assembles this week, will be taken into the field for experience in the preparation and execution of the daily routine at various types of Publix theatres, besides similar experience during the six months’ training at the New York and Brooklyn Publix Theatres. Jack Barry, who organized the Managers’ School] in 1925 and has been its director since that time, will continue in charge, with Henri Schwartzberg appointed as. his assistant. The men enrolled for the Fifth Class are the following— a2ign. i ga in i nage : i yer, Ralph H.......... ast Lynn, Mass.. a meee 2 oe Obtained in Brown, poet © a es ae She ea ew 1 din Merchants ads— Carden, Charles E........ irmingham, Ala. 7 nk You Month at the Collier, William H....... Jacksonville, Fla. Dantel, 2 Oss IP. is ese s Dallas, Texas 4 ie arri ivForsted, Harry L.......5.. Gardner, Mass. 4 ov. Goodwin, John, B...-... Minneapolis, Minn. ‘ ; oss, Eugene F............ wiston, ne : OA civance giving Holland, S. Sidney........Brooklyn, N. Y. ietures and enthusiasJoseloff, Stanley S...... E. Norwalk, Conn. py on each Bach a Prank) Vis isc. Pate raemge gh oe § wee i Kessler, Hyman....... ..;.-Chelsea, Mass. ee en vee Keyser, Charles M............ Chicago, Tl. Ug . es 7 . Lesser, Irwin A.........-.... Paris, France : i Beata displays featur * ees e Lobkowiez, Ferdinand..... Vienna, Austria: : § four big pictures in lobby Cards handed by street car conductors to first fifteen girls mounting their cars. Jay Mills edges a semge Wet eae ae 1 ean fats and Herbie Koch are the master of ceremonies and organist of the theatre respectively. Powell, Grnee: MERE ND SS New York gi : ice i fe fa ‘ ¢ er, Clark CG... 0.500% olumbus, Ohio ron Month thows in” |2. Some of the newspaper ballyhoo which sold seats for “Thank You Month.” Shepard, Harold J....... New York City 4 Il posters, frames and Pees ; ae -Des Moines, Me tH vivid colors. . One of the 10,000 blotters distributed to schools, clubs, and business houses. Shuttee, Walter B.. .Kansas City, Mo. 1 Sk You Month stic} , Swirnberg, Sam J.. ga pea rNren Ra ah : ‘ ‘ : : " Tan, Kingston T........... atow, China out going mail for 10/4, Stickers like these were pasted on outgoing mail, packages, sheet music, restaurant bill of | Watson Richard ‘Kan krbon, Mii | ee i S aL yaaa ae New York Cit y ‘ys Bee-News on_ their fares, etc. Casual, Joncens rene De aves, Colo. 16 ontane!] hotel and ‘ 4 * . = ; | a [ music stores and 10-15 Silk ribbons worn by clerks in hotels, banks and restaurants. sey 2 ggg clash, ae a eqegen: . Mm their sheet music m i : DETER UR TR Ce | Meets stuck on the | 6. A few samples of the “Thank You” slugs carried in local advertisement. QU ICK WITTED | e packages. tters with calendar and ; ank You Month” deall business colleges, 4 pols and to Creighton , || LAST , MANIAC Es -cteriu| A STRANGE BARRICADE! || “RECORD IS) sees iam RECORD IS Presence of mind displayed by Al Mitchell, master of ceremonies distributed through © building and several : : D at the ‘‘Minnesota”’ in Minneapolis a They were Most barricades are erected to keep people OUT. This one brought OUBLED prevented what might have been sd_on each desk in the people IN! Manager N. L. Tower, of the Rosetta Theatre, Little a serious incident when a maniac Beers of the Union River, Fla., arranged this set-up at a cost of less than $10, without the walked up from the audience, onto reading “It’s Thank You aid of an artist. As a result, a 25 percent increase in business was (Continued from Page' 1) the stage. Come!” strung along the shown. “The returns of Publix CelebraMr. Mitchell calmly accepted the LEADER BALKS the building. Whole cOrated in pennants, busiks decorated with penng along the trolley Mires extending to each the street. Large one ens in middle read “It’s ; nth at the Riviera.” ndow displays obtained BeHIND™ tion Week indicate a splendid tribute to Mr. Katz. “The boys all over the circuit did an outstanding job. In some instances terrible weather conditions prevented good showings becoming ‘record breakers’. Mes intrusion as tho it was part of the show and greeted the intruder cordially. Simultaneously he lured him off stage into the wings, where with the aid of John Quinlan, of the ‘“‘Crinoline vs. Jazz’ unit show, the man was subdued. i ow ing the Thank You ried in several merchants ng “This Is Thank You EB : the Riviera. — pects % Bh ae ee ag Sts: elas, Senneider fs, ite pits |e ee i wane ER F ‘AN INES eee! bons’ and Crabill’s divisions all| receive special mention in a later percent ges contributed their share to make! issue by Mr. Botsford. vas banner 9 foot deep OSs 18th & Farnam in ty hall and across street rt house. ide with street car com‘Which all conductors f ribbons the opening day. iatre purchased 3200 car (a If price) which the ve away to the first that got on the carhanded them a_ card “Thank You! ‘This is nth at the Riviera” Mills and Herbie onductor said “Beg but your fare has paid.” in street ear on onth, being changed Meet the current onth” idea broadon WOW one week ‘orn by clerks in nd restaurants. this week stand out as an example of just what can be done by a great concentrated effort. “In comparison with the same week last year we exceeded it by over 100%, and this will indicate just what kind of a job was really done. To mention any specific cases would be like mentioning our entire organization as everyone contributed their share to the final result. “Our partnerships, in every in stance, came through in great shape, and in nearly every instance lived up to the pledge they had made. “All over the circuit there were some _ particularly outstanding campaigns which will undoubtedly | occasion.” “This tribute to Mr. Katz has definitely proven what can be done by Publix as an organization nationally, and it also demonstrated the fact that the public will respond to a Publix Celebration Week, and it is our thought to make this week an annual affair. In the meantime, we suggest if you have any ideas along this line that you talk it over with your District Manager and have same submitted to your Divisional Director. “This department wishes to take this opportunity to thank and highly compliment every other department that aided in making this tribute to Mr. Katz a memorable