Publix Opinion (Apr 27, 1929)

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fi Commenting on the plan carried in a former issue of Publix Opinion to slash engraving costs by the use of the Bourges shading sheets, Vincent Trotta, Art Manager for Paramount, calls attention again to an important point with reference to the use of Ben Day effects. The point he makes was also made in the pamphlet of instruction. “The danger that must. be avoided by the Advertising Managers as well as the different artists of the different circuits” said Mr. Trotta, ‘‘is to make certain that in using a Ben Day Dot or 55 sereen, it is not placed on a drawing that will probably have double reduction. Such being the case this. 55 sereen dot would double itself in reduction, thereby will continue to hold this office. of Herman Fichtenberg of which pany > BEAUTIFUL LEG CONTEST When “Show Folks,” featuring Lina Basquette, played at Publix Broadway Theatre, Chelsea, Mass., Manager, Schwartzberg, on the strength of Miss Basquette’s repu ‘Inc,, has been elected by the corporation's board by JULIAN H, SAENGER (center), chair pany in 1917 when the theatres ‘ the he was general manager, were merged with those of the Saenger com7 “REDSKIN” COLOR OON TEST A’*color contest, conducted by Publix Montgomery Theatre, Spar tanburg, S. C. secured plenty of Publicity for “Redskin” when that feature played his theatre. tation for having beautiful legs, | thousand circulars giving thé rules Four | | douse light, stop motor. These bulletins are issued by the SLD, mation about talking picture equipm ent £ tre read them!!, BULLETIN No, 11 ING TROUBLE OCCURRING IN FILM PROJECTION When equipment trouble of any nature arises during the running. of any sound picture, whether dise or film recorded, bring fader to | vero immediately, stop motor and | » endeavor to rectify trouble. If music or dialogue is out of synchronism, bring fader to zero, f If sound picture out of synchronism is short subject, bring fader to zero, : if so light, stop motor and proi aker of the | dousé lig ; : Manager BH, E. Whitake |ceed with next unit on program, If non-syrnchronization occurs during feature sound pieture having direct cues, allow music to play and whenever a direct cue ocAfter SUGGESTIONS FOR CORRECT} the use staged a “beautiful leg contest.” | of the contest, together with black Tieing up with a lo¢al shoe mer-|and white drawings of Richard chant, prizes were awarded to the| Dix as ‘‘Redskin,’’ were disgirl whose legs measured the/|tributed to sehool children, mill closest to those of Miss Basquette. | workers and throughout the city The publicity in newspaper stories, | generally. They were to. be window displays etc., bolstered. up | colored with erayon or water colbusiness for what was normally |ors. Prizes were awarded to the the poorest day of the week. | winners. A TICKET SELLER! ‘curs bring fader to zero. ay Mdirect cue has passed, bring up ‘ORA lfader to correct marking. If this Check ‘the lis not practical because of the N@-| terjes every jture of the accompaniment, bring specific Siac,‘ |fader to zero, cut off sound and | eter a | notify organist to play accompani-jthe log {ment for balance of reel. hydre Should a break occur above the intermittent, bring fader to zero, imake patch and re-thread machine paying particular attention to lstarting marks. With douser closed and fader at zero, run picture down to scene being projected when break occurred, then bring jfader to correct marking, open |douser and proceed with balance of reel in usual manner. Should break occur below intermittent, bring fader to zero, rethread start machine and continue. When such a break occurs, it is of the utmost importance | that needle is not taken off record | each and reproducing arm is not in any with a way disturbed. ammonia In making patch, follow instruc-| top after ef | tions in Bulletin No. 9. Enter re-| with port of trouble and its cause in |in place so) | any case, whether minor or major, | CBance get }On operators log. | Connectio On pre-view of any synchro-|!t would Be inized subject, watch cues, care| once @ eK, ‘ | fully checking by sight and sound. [If non-synchronization appears} land continues, check for fault in| iprint or record, imake notes and jreport immediately requesting | print or record replacement from | f } the distributor. making it a fine screen and making it impossible to print clean. “Many artists use Ben Day simply because they, have it on hand when as a matter of fact Ben Day is important only when it is used judiciously and with care.”’ keep an tell you the Never al ; low 1200, 4 If you has ev: the water about before r Keep t you are gar be around th This free full page ad was written and “sold” to the St, Paul Daily News by Ben Ferris, ||| District Advertising Manager for F & R—Publix Theatres. It furnishes an excellent exam ple of the friendliness between newspaper and theatres which can be attained by proper and intelligent cultivation. Por Pant Ad Results at Lowest Co Coll Polly at CE dav 8000 THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS Let’s The magic phrase that sends thousands theatreward nightly in St. Paul is the open sesame | Should « motor control fail to’ E 2 d | function properly, turn switch to} } to happy hours in this city with |VAR and regulate speed by hand, || its many beautiful playhouses. jas possible. Continue with manu — operation until trouble is ee ; nated. : ; It is the duty of each projec-| } tionist to check the other and each | crew to check its predécessor. | | Machines and mechanism should | be oiled and checked daily as per }instructions. If irregularities af | jany nature appear, they should be | | reported and repaired immediatejly. Overlooking a minor fault jmay result in a complete break| down. Careful supervision of equipment is the duty and obliga-| ition of each projectionist. Bulletin No, , 14 i|methol of handling | sound projection. POU SEE THE SAME PICTURES IN ST Fau! that the favored Broadwaysted Ilock to envy on New York, the theatrical heartof the country . This city wae one of the fest on the country to get Talking and Singing Pictures whieh have ewept the United States ».1h a popularity that has rewer before heen recorded in the thertrical business Our theatres are equally progressive inail things ATTEND ST. PAUL THEATRES REGULARLY ROM AMONG A LIST OF VARIETIES IN cluding the big ge luxe meticn picture thester the time-honored speaking stage theater, the popular stock company, the vaudeville program: and extended run picture playhouse you may sefect the entertanrment that mort suits your meod In St. Paul you are assured of comfortable turrounding: and courteous attention while you enjoy the newest creative efforts of the thestrica! experts who devise the atnusement features of tedav for your pleasure ¥ President Metropolitan Palace-Orpheum Lyceum covers trouble the in Capitol Tower Riviera Alhambra Strand Shubert BULLETIN No, 12 CARE OF DISC RECORDS For successful performance the utmost care and attention in the |handling of dise records is required. All dises should be carefully checked upon arrival. Make certain that number on disc corresponds to number on film and that the shipment of discs is com|plete. Make certain that the re|quired number of duplicates are also on hand. Near-Your-Home Theatres Oxford Hamline Garden Astor Dale Faust Forest Mounds Park St.Clair Venus Summit Entertainment Is Essential to Health and Happiness Donated to the Theater trteresis by The Si, Paul Deily News All discs should be stored in a cool, dry place in original packing and laid flat to prevent warping. If no cool, dry place is available,