Publix Opinion (Aug 3, 1929)

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PUBLIX OPINION, WEEK OF AUGUST 3rp, 1929 ne 3 NSKY START EXTENDED RUN CONTEST PLUG NEWSPAPER sepia), (EIGHT HUNDRED WORKERS Se COMPETE T0 PUT OVER EXTENDED RUN Borrowing the idea from the department stores—which hold | pep meetings of their clerks just before announcing a big sale —the Kunsky-Publix publicity department in Detroit staged an ‘interesting merchandising experiment in connection with the = long-run of ‘‘On Charley Taylor in Buffalo found a new way to break into print with | stage talent. NAME CHANGE we Oe et | n at the Publix Se atace | NETS FREE poe ee PP) state Pheatne, Ditawers.” ADS |}All Your] Detroit. ihe or Pe i Figuring chat the Allied Big “Para| .on With The in, who paid ‘a & ||m o un t| Show” is a pic nl 2 : Paramount’s ‘“‘Close Harmony”, +soy} ture that will eee Riise, /shared honors with the change of | elicit cies back up any ad r vertise| the theatre’s name in a mammoth | Pictures. vance claims, the publicity campaign at the’ Publix | Flaps i ‘ plan was worked | Paramount Theatre, Waterloo, Ia.| aban rt out in Detroit The ‘Paramount’ was formerly | something like known as the “Riviera’ and the} this: change is in line with the Publix| There are 800 employees on the policy of having one theatre Kunsky-Publix payroll. an Nit e ); pers, us window and the S gave a position M. / : ARES the stage /named ‘‘Paramount” in each town | Three weeks before the openme ow a the th where there are Publix theatres. | of ‘On With The Show,” a mesaor nf | Perhaps the blegest tie-up was| sage was pinned to inter-ofic® y-date. with the Mid-West Refrigeration) stationery to every employee. This =i exploi | Company—dealers in telechron| Message Was pinned to the pay eal I | clocks which are electrically regu-| checks—a sure-fire distribution. without the lated. This company gave away | It called attention to the booking, ssi | five telechron clocks for the best | declaring that the attraction was x 7) to the Texpenditure o! Hthe part of the | slogan on telechron clocks and the| considered an event in movie hisParamount Theatre. The, tie-up, tory and that the company felt was known as the Paramount-| justified in asking employes to Telechron slogan contest. help put it over by starting at onee to tell their friends about the circuit is of Maynard | the Publix-| Central Park) hat city on July. 1h $ Well knoWn in ) who died of || ‘Happy’? Phil Lampken and the famous Foster girls reading The Times serial story leven after they leave Buffalo. T was just about a week ago that The. Foster girls are going to contvrue ii | and this is what he found. * . By virtue of the Telchron tie |up, the theatre received -seven quarter page newspaper ads, with NEW RECIPE | furnished of the Publix Colfax Theatre, South Bend, Ia. with an idea fora With The Show.” | ‘dominant position given to thea\tre, show and playdates, and paid | for by the clock company. FOR FLAP JACKS all-color picture. That ‘shot’? was followed up in | three days with a bulletin to all of the 14 theatre managers in De | ie | troit asking them to call a meetng of their staffs at once and give them the details interorganization ““On With The Show”’ | contest. All bulletin boards were | plastered with the contest details, | too. Fifty dollars—$25, $15, and | $10—-were offered to the employes An incident in “This Is Heaven” | handing in the longest list of Manager M. A. Baker | names and addresses of persgns to whom they had talked about “On Families and . ustry hav« ; : and Katz . “Happy” Phil Lampkin, master of | 'mewspaper contest that resulted in fellow-employes not counted. Sralyeats as man-|| ‘rorscea in wa go ag em ay now ae guburorngd ak ae increased space for Vilma Banky’s | Back employe was given ruled a na ge in / serial story due to start in The Times getting a ttle alr and reading first talking picture. In the film, | sheets of paper with room for 15 Mio that, he bad || on Wednesday, July 10th | “What Price Love” in The Times. the Hungarian blonde star is seen | names and addresses. Ss trributor for | As soon as the first edition of You start it today and you will |a5 4 pancake turner in a restauThis announcement of the conmt companies. The Times appeafed on the street | find it as interesting as they do. rant. Baker seized upon the idea test was followed by a special ; | Jast Wednesday, Phil was there to It went so good with the Foster jof printing recipes in Hungarian, midnight showing of “On With { 58 by his t it erThe girls in the Publix Revue heard about it through Phil, so this week when the new show was started on Friday evening, the Foster Girls appearing in this week's revue, had heard-about “What Price Love © | Girls that they have asked The Times circulation .depertment to forward them papers each day after they leave Buffalo. “What Price Love” is a Teal, thrilling love story. Once you read a chapter you will read it to the | offering a five dollar cash prize and a number of theatre tickets to those submitting the correct translations. SIX SONGS IN The Show” for the entire Kunsky-Publix organization. They turned out almost 100%— of course! Spurred on by a sight and hear ing of the picture, the employees | got busy talking to people about Yesterday The Times owpaphe | end. | dropped back stage at the uffalo | Start today. / R. Dan| : eq | ing “The | | | | my, weet DOOR HANGERS UNIQUE LOBBY a ballyhoo ATTRACTS | Given in the order| in a list of over 1200 names! The man.| YELL “CLOSED” MANY | outstanding. worked in hisoman-| TO BOOST DIX grounds | Circus eee Oy ms er ys | Manager R. K. Fulton made an | With the aid of his poster artist,| Gf their importance they are as| Second one had nearly 1000. The ladvantageous tie-up with stores) Manager J. H. McKoy had an €X") follows: ‘ total number of names was around dvertisi Richard Dix in ceptionally good-looking lobby dis-| mat 8500! coy. jase taoebe reese x ix ™ | play that undoubtedly sold many True Blue Lou” is sung by | “ pienty-five hundred persons act“The Wheel of Life” playing 4) extra tickets for ‘‘Office Scandal” Hal Skelly. | ually: told about the wonders of the Publix Princess Theatre, Sioux | playing -m the acage Olympia “The Flippity Flop” is sung by “On With The Show.” If those City, Ia. | Theatre, iami, Fla. Babe Kane and chorus in big | 8500 mentioned the unusual thing BWAY A few days before the opening agg! a oo ei po dance number. a | to two other people and those two 1 _| desk, ineluding in well, es se 5 others mentioned it to—well, you “ ce| : ” ’ we of “Wheel of Life” an announce! calendar, etc., he placed it just inLadies = the meee arte | know how this word-of-mouth adment appeared in the local papers) sige the main entrance doors. production number sung by | vertising works. records | that all stores and offices would| The artist painted a cut-out of a tenor. “Qn With The Show” had one PecOrd | wjose at 5 o'clock daily through| Phyllis Haver (the star In the pie-| “Cuddlesome Baby” issung | of the biggest openings the State at the out the summer. The opening day ture) ge oi it right Soy the by Nancy Carroll. ever had, rivalling the sensation ips — givin _ap3 ‘ i = i ic iedge of the des giving the ap “King of Jaz ia,” opening caused by the first all-talking pic ee 997/“On With The Show,’ While it DANCE OF LIFE | was not so stipulated, most of the | Lesae eer | eontestants figured they had better | Phe Paramount Picture “The have the people actually sign the | Dance of Life” formerly titled | lists themselves! | “Burlesque,” featuring such stars Daily bulletins were posted in ‘as Nancy Carroll, Hal Skelly andj all theatres giving the progress of | Babe Lane, is a singing, talking|the contest for two weeks. The ‘and dancing picture in which six | contest ended with the first week | songs are used, four of which are of the picture. The winner handed Posen. of this new rule was to be Sat-|dearance of Miss Haver’s feet re_|tures! And with the weather urday, the opening day of the pic-| clinirig on the desk with a teleome sung by grotesque | scorching! Aside from the box-office angle phone in one hand and the re t mid ' night ture. : h conn: * ” " ‘same day. \ Fulton immediately got busy ceiver in the other. Mightiest Matador. Pegg churns ~ one ‘oe ab i PES Sorcha. a A tag 6 a8 . : i something towar uilding " and had door hangers PI inted; All of the songs will be published | 9; eanization morale, giving a feel by Spier . Coslow. ing of responsibility to minor emThere will be Publix Phonograph | ployes, making them feel they had Ps cre on Abe Blue|an important part in the organiuw” during the course of the next | zation. i Publix oe Payee A why ages! two weeks and which can be obThis stunt can be used only at Springtield, ass., ON | tained through the Home Office | long intervals when the picture for publicity purposes. merits it. on copy on them reading, “QOLOSED! the Cri-| For the Day-——You will find me at that is|the PRINCESS seeing and hearing Reva Richard Dix in his second. all | plant talkie sensation WHEEL OF| Theatre, +) LIFE.” July 28th, NEW THEATRE ii ty i