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Devil” featuring Mi
fjand representatives from
who Some
Use it if you like it or change Make it locally if you wish — B. H. S.
Prints available
it to suit. if you wire Sam Palmer, at home
office — —
Here’s Great News!
During the entire month of September, this theatre joins with 1100 other Publix Theatres, and 25,000 theatres elsewhere in the world, in celebration of
PARAMOUNT MONTH marks the fifth anniversary of Publix, and the twenty-fifth birthday for Paramount Pictures. It also launches the post graduate expertness of the perfected living-screen.
Hollywood has now graduated to literary and actorship achievements that are sensational and spectacular! Starting in September, you'll see the first of new entertainment that launches with shattering power the imaginative genius the | living screen, at its best, can give you.
) New kinds of performers! New arts! Great dramas, roaring comedies, subtle and refined situations and plots heretofore only captive to books, will flash into virile and vibrant life before you, and with you.
They lift you into the movement of the plot and story—you are transported as one of the actors, into the fabric of the things that transpire—drama, tragedy, roaring laughter! You do things! You are a part of heroic deeds and tender sentiments !
—4 }
MONTH that mirac Forget the old, silent pictures ! of last month’s talkies!
PARAMOUNI literary expertness the living screen! the experimental days
le-scientists needed to perfect
launches the directorship, and Forget
BER’S INAUGURAL MONTH | SHOWS for the new show & orld that the future will know! Ry all means see these great pictures! ! Expect, and be prepared for the recreational satisfaction of your life! !
Here are the four shows you'll see in SEPTEMBER—PARAMOUNT MONTH
Think only ol SEPTEM
les, stars, ( PARAMOU
d 2 frames, listing tt your four wet ks of
ee UU
Taking advantage of the com-| ing commencement exercises, Man-} ager BE. C. Smith, of the Publix-| Saenger “Carolina Theatre,” Chap-| el Hill, N. C., which is the seat of | the University of North Carolina, | had a story planted about the changes which old grads would | find in the new house which replaced the old “Pick” theatre, known to all former students of the university.
Kenna got a good “Love and the iton Sills and Maria Corda at the Publix Imperi al Theatre, Columbia, S. C., when he invited an Austrian prince, 4 friend of Miss Corda, who happen ed to be in town, to attend a spe cial screening to which were also invited well-known Columbians the press.
Manager J. Mc break in exploiting
In Prague, i seems, the enterprising Paramount Publicity Depart. ment was not content with merely @ car card to boost “Ft ings, but insisted upon the whole side of the car. Although Publix Opinion ts not familiar with Checko-Slot ukian, and so, therefore, cannot make out the ‘inscription on top of the car, the whole thing bears the familiar
aspect of a tie-up.
3 G ' .
T cumbie EO | WINGS.
ood webTeh wa? MASARYRCVY
Closing down of stage-show policy in many Publix theatres has suddenly awakened merchants and property owners in theatre neighborhoods to violent protest, accord
ing to a Chicago item in “VARIETY.”
previous occasions, PUBLIX to apprise the mercantile inte fact that theatres bring crowds,
not only to the theatre, but to the m
borhood. Good mercantile b property value. ‘The theatre
order catalog cannot fill. Theat
On numerous OPINION has urged you rests of your town of the and crowds bring business, erchants in the neighusiness in turn, increases
supplies the only local demand that amail
re crowds, once in the mer
cantile district, may be induced to patronize local stores.
Thus the advisability of get
ting crowds to go to shows
is as much to the advantage of a dozen local interests, as
to you—though only thru your theatre can
the crowds be
lf the Chicago merchants will use the emergy now expended in protest, in the direction of boosting the new
idea, they’Jl cash in.
Protests are useless.
As a matter of
fact, talking-pictures properly exploited, are getting bigger
crowds than the speaking
stage could ever command.
They’re big in proportion to the amount of intelligent salesmanship that lures them to every interest.
If you sell this idea thoroly to your property owners, store’ keepers, and newspaper Owners, you'll find your problems in getting ticket-selling publicity will be con
siderably lessened.
Any manager nowadays who giv dow card placed, is a criminal fool. in the decayed age of “grifting” show posters had an annual 365 days a year
theatre expense.
If a merchant is convince will be window shoppers, he’s window card.
es passes to get a -winThat idea belongs business, when bill picnic at the
d that the theatre crowds dead ANXIOUS to use a
If he wants a pass—pass him up.
If you can’t sell enough merchants the idea without passes, you're not a good enough salesman to be charged
with the duty for a Publix Theatre. and yours, aud mine—don't beg!!
you'll get it. Whisper or beg a having too much gall!
If the merchants and property
LY sold they’ll go to the MAND on THEIR
For heaven's sake, Demand londly, anc
nd you'll get thrown out for
OWN BEHALF and for their own
benefit, that the theatres get the kind of boosting that will assure crowds. Also a real showman would get them to demand that the theatre get the same’ advertis
ing rate accorded anyone.
There are now plenty of ¢
ases on record where mer
chants enclose heralds in their monthly statements, paste
stickers on paper-bags, and w
cards, and ‘point up” their new
to the great show at
They know that recreation to get a person to come down know that night crowds are equally as valuable as day tim
by tying up bargain-price matinees they get double attention value.
fora pass. If you gi ruin the merchant's creatly to his own benefit! attention can be d they'll make the effort..
ve a pass,
Don’t let a merchant or a
paper tell you them, rather how much your
conviction They know that theatre-crowd iverted to themselves at no extra cost, it
how much they're doing for you.
rapping paper, use window spaper ad copy by referring
their nearby Publix theatre.
is the strongest kind of lure town, day or night. They window-shopping crowds, e crowds. They know that to their own bargains. They do it, but NOT you ruin your prestige
that the whole idea
property owner, or a newsTell crowds are doing for them.
Sell that idea at every opportunity. Make everybody in your theatre sell it to a dozen people aday. That's con
structive showmanship. to get, and your grosses more important individual to
Don’t say it can't be done. y
being done by countless able showmen.
men have dene it so. many times them anything else is sacrilege.
Chicago is educated
It makes your publicity easier bigger—which makes you a
your employers.
It has been done, and it is Many Publix showin the last ten years that, to to it, and
so is St. Louis, Detroit, Indianapolis, Brooklyn and many other ,
towns. Every time you CO a 365-day your theatre. Get a hundred you can do you typewriter, and
suveareeeeqngeegeaveeyeuveuueueeueecet ene UGeUeeeceUee an
It takes time, but the permanent results are worth the cffort. or a merchant, he’s
NVINCE a preperty owner a year free press-agent for of ‘em on your staff, and
r selling job with only a telephone and a draw your pay check in. ease.