Publix Opinion (Jan 10, 1930)

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FO Rate CE Rid SESE cae Nat Ge crs Na a a eats ular Roughee Seth me 2 v “e n Leena eel OeSy! ree ec Se ar eA Aa cis ees ryt a yg Ne gee De PUBLIX OPINION, WEEK OF JANUARY 10rx, 1930 3 The further development of sound and color will tend to accentuate this flourishing and thriving period. The prosperity which has been enthusiastically foretold by these leaders, has its foundation on the most successful year the industry has ever experienced and which is now concluded. By SAM KATZ President, Publix Theatres Corporation With theater attendance on the increase in all parts of the country the outlook for 1930 from the exhibition point of view has never been better. Surveys of business conditions already made are most reassuring and there is every reason to believe that the coming year will surpass 1929, which has been a record one for Publix Theaters Corporation. The year 1929 was one of tremendous expansion in our theater department. There has been much progress forward and the _ public has responded magnificently to our efforts. In 1930 these efforts will be redoubled. A great volume of quality talking pictures is coming from our studios, so it is most natural for us to view the future optimistically. The outlook is most favorable not only in theaters but in all branches of our industry. By SAM DEMBOF, JR., Executive Vice President, Publix Theatres Corporation With the tremendous strides made in improving the quality of motion picture product during the past year, the year 1930 opens upon one of the most fruitful periods in the history of the industry. Publix theatres are particularly fortunate in having at their disposal the sterling quality of Paramount pictures, which have led the field in the past year and will continue to do so in the one to come. With this as a foundation and the cream of the improved product of all other companies to chose from, the close of 1930 should show a box-office harvest which will surpass the most optimistic hopes of everyone in Pubix, By ADOLPH ZUKOR President, Paramount Famous Lasky Corp. The motion picture industry has just closed the most successful year in its history. Net earnings for the year have been far greater than even the most optimistic forecasts indicated at the beginning of 1929. The prospects for 1930 lead me to believe that it will be a banner year in every branch of the business. Never has the outlook been better. Our theaters are getting finer pictures for exhibition and they are presenting them in clean, comfortable surroundings. All of this builds for public confidence, which already has been shown in increased attendance. Just as 1929 was the greatest year in the his tory of Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation, so do we expect 1930 to be even greater. By JESSE L. LASKY Ist Vice President, Paramount Famous Lasky Corp. Never in the history of the motion picture industry have producers faced better prospects than those which appear on the horizon for 1930. Talking pictures have COMING YEAR'S OUTLOOK IN. “MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY PROPHESIED BY LEADERS Statements from important executives, on the outlook of the motion picture industry for 1930, all predict the ensuing year will be the most prosperous in the history of the industry. and “‘The Vagabond King” as a hit their stride and their popularity has been proven beyond any doubt at the box-office. Our studios have come through the transition from silent to sound pictures in a manner most gratifying to those of us primarily interested in production. Increased resources and facilities already are available for the production of greater talking pictures during the coming year. With such productions as ‘‘The Love Parade,’ “The Virginian’’ criterion, Paramount’s production GOOD FOR LIFE! Ex-president Calvin Coolidge receives a solid gold life pass to any Publix Theatre in the United States, at his home in Northampton, Mass., from Division Director J. J. Fitzgibbons. News for Publix’s Boston Theatres. Covered by Sound forces both in the East and West have been geared for the greatest production year in the company’s Me Na Ne Nee eee eho look ekoolok AR Pye PEPE IAEA EES Pee MEIGS Hye at PEPE i % Fett Pt “Laughing Lady” \/ * % history. Pictures of epic quality, * more natural color productions, ! 2 better production efficiency, and Smashes Thru! perfection in recording and reproduction will be some of the major accomplishments during 1930. — Anticipating a big spontaneous hit from the combined and often proved au* dience appeal of Ruth Chat*% terton and Clive Brook, *% Home Office executives were, * Ve We Me AR Weems’ By C. C. PETTIJOHN President, Film Boards of Trade I believe that 1930 will bring 2 about a definite organization of | Hoge oe On ae * the. constructive people of this |* which swept over New York country; people who are engaged |** audiences and critics alike + in all forms of American business; |.2 when “The Laughing Lady’’ * and that such a necessary getting * opened at the Paramount = together of legitimate business|% theatre. It’s the talk of the oe may result in the formation of a me eau The crities fell for * group that will sweep all present |* it and fell hard! Get those © existing parties, cliques, and blocs|% extra’ seats ready in your * into the discard, where they be-|* theatre when “Laughing long. It is time to forget politics * Lady” plays your town x and have a thought of common i, j % sense and sound business. ae Se oe ee ae Se ee Sa ee ie y, Feieeiioioioioiioiitotok eeetuototiootototitoie tetototntotoieitioiotek ~ CRC Sic Sic Sic Sic Sie Sie Se Sic Vie lie Sie Sie Sie Sie Sie Le oN te ee FCN A ee so >», an * Whirling Around the Publix Wheel PR Vg Me 7 Va Ve 2 WV \2 2 7 Jeieloloidioleinioluloieieieteioioioleieleieieleioieieioteietetetotelotoletetelotetatotelateteiore LAR AR Merge Aztee and Rialto Theatres, San Antonio. Ray Allison is manager of the Aztec and G. L. Stewart is manager of the Rialto. The Lyric Theatre, Dover, N. H., wiil operate one day a week, Saturday, until further notice. The Laurier, Woonsocket will close at the close of business Saturday, January 11. Harvey Oswald has been appointed manager of the Globe Theatre, New Orleans. He was formerly the treasurer of the Saenger, New Orleans. ; Jack Eaves, formerly manager of the Saenger Theatre, Hope, Arkansas, has been transferred to manage the Strand Theatre, Texarkana, Texas. J. J. Sullivan, manager of the Olympia, Chelsea will be transferred to manage the Broadway, Chelsea, and H. R. Claman, present manager of the Broadway will be transferred to manage the Olympia. M. D. McSweeney, assistant manager at the Capitol, Allston, takes over the management of the Paramount Theatre, Needham. R. A. Waterson assumed management of the Indiana and Lawrence Theatres, Bedford, Indiana. a M. M. Press has been appointed manager of the Saenger Theatre, Hope, Arkansas, succeeding Jack Haves. MUCH NEEDED OFFERINGS A “Vegetable Matinee,’ sponsored by the Publix Strand and the Pawtucket Times, for the needy of the town, resulted in much. free space and also acted as an excellent good-will builder. Manager Walter C. Benson turned the contributions over to the Salvation Army, who in turn distributed the vegetables and fruit to the poor of the city. The stunt proved so widespread that even the Boston Post carried a story about it (encircled). An editorial was also written (right corner). Children p= f To H. a a To Vegetable i, “aten Millions 21 Non Peg, FIRST PUBLIX ‘RADIOVUE, JANUARY 14 The first ‘‘Publix Radio-vue” to be broadcast from the stage of the Brooklyn Paramount Theatre on Tuesday evening, January 14th, from 11:30 to 12 P. M., over WABC and associated stations of the Columbia Broadcasting System, will feature the return to the air of Harry Richman, noted night-club, revue, and radio entertainer, who is in his third week as guest master of ceremonies at the Brooklyn house. A series of these intimate radio programs, for which audiences will be invited to remain, will be broadcast from the stage of the theatre each Tuesday night thereafter, as a means of strengthening business for the last show. The plan is also expected to furnish an invaluable avenue of publicity for the house. As combination master of ceremonies-announcer, Louis A. Witten, ace announcer heard frequently over the Columbia System, has been secured. Mr. Witten is collaborating on the programs with Boris Morros, General Music Director. According to Mr. Morros, the initial program will include in addition to Harry Richman,. Nita Carroll, Paul Small, Johnny Perkins, Bob West, Elsie Thompson, and Sigmund Boguslawski conducting the Brooklyn Paramount orchestra. Publix units will furnish two of the artists. Nita Carroll is prima donna of ‘‘Modes and Models’, and Johnny Perkins is featured comedian of ‘‘Streets of Bombay’. Paul Small is heard regularly on the Paramount-Pub| lix hour. : Elsie Thompson, singing organist at the Brooklyn Paramount, will divide the spotlight with Bob West, featured organist of ‘the theatre, at the twin consoles, and the broadcast will close with the audience singing the signature theme, accompanied by the two organs and the full orchestra. For perfect reproduction, eight microphones will pick up the singing of the audience. In order that none of the audience miss any of the stage entertainment, which will of necessity be at the stage microphones, amplifiers thruout the house will relay it to them. Get ’Em! If you haven’t already asked your District Manager to arrange for your BOUND VOLUME of back-issues of “PU BLIX OPINION’’—do it today, sure! The supply is limited— and going fast! DB -O-9 0 2-S-OeOO "-G-$G*-S-O*-OO+-SO+GS O*-S<G°-D 6+ OG" 2-9 @e-D-Oc-G9 Oo-O-2OeSO OSS Oe @ DO >-O-0Oe--9O°-O-OeD+ Os-B-O"-O-O"OO Bancroft Star of Radio Hour January 18 Goerge Bancroft, the mighty villain of the screen, will be the high-light of the Paramount-Publix regular weekly radio hour to be broadcast over the coast to coast network of the Columbia system next Saturday night (Jan. 18) at 10 o’clock See your loeal chain station and tie local ee ‘(Eastern StanPt Ca eee edand. hime): ments into The Para this hour. Al mount star, whose characterizations on the sereen have won him thousands of followers, will be heard from the Paramount studios in Hollywood, his contribution to the radio hour being relayed by telephone to station WABC, New York, and thence re-broadcast throughout the country by the Columbia chain of more than 60 affiliated stations. The appearance on the air of the smiling villain of motion pictures will bring to a close an hour of radio entertainment from the Paramount playhouse, the de luxe theatre of the air, in which such favorites as Paul Ash, Jesse Crawford, David Mendoza, Paul Small, Dorothy Adams, Harriet Lee, Fred Vettel, Veronica Wiggins and the Paramount Four also will contribute to the program. i Following an overture played by the Paramount Symphony Orchestra, Announcer John ‘S. Carlile, will introduce Paul Ash who will present a musical novelty entitled ‘‘The Flower Shop’’. Following this musical melange a switch-over will be made to Hol so plant photos and stories of your local radio news pages. ilywood where Bancroft will be heard for his portion of the hour. Adolph Zukor Celebrates Birthday Adolph Zukor, president of Paramount, celebrated his 57th birthday last Tuesday, January 4th, at an informal luncheon in the Japanese room of the Ritz Carleton Hotel. Those who tendered the luncheon were his son, Eugene Zukor, Sam Katz, Sam Dembow, Jr., David Chatkin, A. M. Botsford, E. J. Ludvigh, Ralph Kohn, Emanuel ‘Cohen, Felix Kahn, Walter Wanger, Harry Goetz, C. C. McCarthy, Dr. Emanuel Stern, John Clark, Frank Meyer and George Schaefer. Ed Olmstead Joins Art Guild on Coast Ed Olmstead, known to hundreds in Publix as a result of his association with the company as Associate General Director of Ad© vertising and Publicity, and more recently as manager of the United Artists Theatre in Los Angeles, has deserted the field of theatre publicizing and operating for that of commercial art. He is now the moving spirit behind the Art Guild of Los Angeles, at 932 South Grand Avenue in the city of art’s desire. Olmstead has long been acknowledged an authority on poster art and advertising, and his work in combining decoration and _ salesmanship on theatre fronts and lobbies is acclaimed wherever upto-date showmen congregate. RED FLAG—“DYNAMITE” A red flag with ‘‘Dynamite’”’ written across its face is enough to cause the most disinterested to look up. That’s why Manager James McKoy of the Olympia, Miami, Florida, had a man walk the streets of the town with an appropriate red banner when playing the picture of that name.