The radio annual (1964)

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EDITORIAL INDEX Assn. of Maximum Service Telecasters. Inc 654 Assn. of Motion Picture & TV Producers. Inc 654 Assn. of National Advertisers, Inc 654 Assn. of Radio-TV News Analysts 654 Assn. on Broadcast Standards, Inc 654 ASSOCIATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS ... 649 ASSOCIATIONS. STATE BROADCASTERS 599 Australia— TV Stations 997 Austria — TV 5tations 989 Authors Guild of the Authors League of America, Inc., The 655 Authors League of America. Inc., The . . 655 Auto Radio Set Production 35 Awards, Radio & TV 909 AWARDS, RADIO-TELEVISION DAILY ALL-AMERICAN 30-31 — B — BBC: Functions & Personnel 655 Officers 965 Stations 966 EMI: Article 908 Functions & Personnel 656 Officers & Directors 908 Background Processes 635 BAHAMAS: AM Stations 964 Bedside Network — Veterans Hospital Radio & TV Guild 655 Belgium— TV Stations 989 Better Broadcast Bureau, Inc 655 Brand Names Foundation, Inc 655 Brazil— TV Stations 997 British Advertising Agencies 970 British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) see BBC BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA: AM Stations 923 TV Stations 943 British Commercial TV (ITA) 966 British Information Services 655 British Producers & Distributors 979 British Program Contractors 967 Broadcast Authorizations, All Classes ... 59 Broadcast Clearing House, Inc 655 Broadcast Expenses, AM Nets. & Stas. . . 49 Broadcast Information Bureau 656 Broadcast Music, Inc. see BMI Broadcast Pioneers 656 Broadcast Revenues, AM Nets. & Stas.. . 49 Broadcast Revenues, FM Stations ....... 39 Broadcast Revenues, TV Nets. & Stas . 49 BROADCASTERS ASSNS., STATE 599 Broadcasters, Canadian Assn. of (CAB) 657. 920 Broadcasters, Nat. Assn. of Educational see NAEB Broadcasters, Nat. Assn. of FM .... see NAFMB Broadcasters' Foundation, Inc . 656 Broadcasters' Promotion Assn., Inc 656 Broadcasting & Film Comm., Nat. Council of Churches 656 Brokers, Play & Story. 901 Brokers, Radio & TV Station 645 Brotherhood Awards, Nat. Mass Media 914 Building & Studio Designers 639 Bulgaria— TV Stations 989 Bunker. Edmund C. — Article 648 Bureau of Broadcast Measurement, The 657 _c — CAB: Functions & Personnel 657 Officers 920 CBC 920 CTV TV Network Ltd 920 CALIFORNIA: AM Stations 152 Broadcasters Assn , 599 FM Stations 451 No. of AM Stations 131 No. of TV Stations 498 TV Stations 502 CALL LETTER INDEXES: Canadian AM Stations 921 Canadian TV Stations 942 U. S. AM Stations 131 U. S. TV Stations 498 Cambodia — TV Stations 986 CANADA 922 AM Station Index 921 AM Stations . 922 Advertising Agencies 952 CAB (Canadian Assn. of Broadcasters) 657, 920 CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) . . 920 CTV TV Network Ltd. 920 Central Canada Broadcasters Assn. . . 657 Producers & Distributors 958 Station Representatives 950 TV Station Index 942 TV Stations 942 AM Stations by State 921 TV Stations by State 942 Carpets 635 Cartoon Producers 635 Cash. Norman E. — Article 650 Catholic Actors Guild of America, Inc. . . 657 Central America— TV Stations 995 Central Canada Broadcasters' Assn. . . . 657 Central Media Bureau, Inc 657 Chicago Telephone Numbers 670 China (Communist)— TV Stations ... 987 Clio Awards 910 Clock Radio Set Production 35 Closed-Circuit & Toll TV Firms 641 Colombia— TV Stations 998 Color Processes 636 COLORADO: AM Stations 169 Broadcasters Assn 599 FM Stations 453 No. of AM Stations. 131 No. of TV Stations 498 TV Stations 508 COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM: Commercial AM Programs, 1963 ... S03 Commercial TV Programs, 1963 905 Executives & Personnel, Radio 92 Executives & Personnel. TV 487 Network Map, Radio 96-97 Network Map, TV 488-489 Columnists & Critics, Radio & TV 1005 Combination Set Production, TV 47 Commentators, Radio & TV News 857 Commentators, Radio & TV Sports 875