The radio annual (1964)

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TEXAS-UTAH-VERMONT-VIRGINIA KAUZ-TV-Wichita Falls-1953 (Formerly KSYD-TV) Channel: 6 VHF. . . AP: 50 Kw.. . .VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By. KSYD-TV Co.. Inc. Address Box 2130 TeL: 322-6957 .CBS Representative Advertising Time Sales President Paul F. Harron Station. Nat. Sales Mgr Stuart W. Klein Program Dir Jon Burkhart Promotion Director Mrs. Mary K. Norwood Chief Engineer Herb Wiley Owners of: WKTA% Utica, N.Y. Utah KCPXTV-Salt Lake City 1946 Channel: 4 VHF. . APs 14.5 Kw.. .VP? 27.1 Kw. Owned By. ..... .Screen Gems Bcstg. Corp. Business Address. ... 130 Social Hall Ave. Tel.; DA 2-5681 ........................ .ABC Representotive Kotz General Manager. ......... .Douglas Elleson Chief Engineer Wally Lambourne Owners of: KCPX-AM-FM; WAPA-TV, San Juan, P. R. KSL-TV-Salt Lake City-1949 Channel: 5 VHF..AP: 18.3 Kw...VP: 33.1 Kw. Owned By KSL, Inc. Business Address 145 Social Hall Ave. Tel.: EL 5-4641..... ....CES Station Rep . Peters. Griffin. Woodward. Inc. President Arch L. Madsen Vice Pres., Gen. Mgr Lloyd E. Cooney Program Director Duane C Hill Publicity Director .Clifton B. Thomas Chief Engineer Vincent E. Cloyton Owners of: KSL, AM-FM. K If TV-Salt Lake Cily-1954 Channel: 2 VHF. .AP: 24.5 Kw.. .VP: 47.1 Kw. Owned-Operated By KUTV, Inc. Business Address 179 Social Hall Av©. Tel.: 322-2505 ..NBC News Affil.. . .Trib.; Ogden Standard-Examiner Station Rep. . Petry President A. L. Glasmann Vice Pres George C. Hatch General, Sta. Mgr Brent H. Kirk Program. Operations Mgr LaMar Smith Promotion Director Pat Visick Film Manager Jack Ivers Chief Engineer B. R. Carpenter Vermont W C AX-T V— Burlingloa-1954 Channel: 3 VHF..AP: 9.5 Kw...VP: 18.3 Kw. Owned-Oper. By . . .Mt. Mansfield TV, Inc. Address 100 Market Sq. Tel.: UN 2-5761 CBS Pres., Gen. Mgr S, T. Martin V.P.. Advertising Mgr John A. Dobson Film Manager A. Sherman Rutter Chief Engineer J. W. Tierney ginia WCYB-TV-Bristol-1956 Channel: 5 VHF. .AP: 42.7 Kw.. .VP: 85.4 Kw. Owned-Oper. By. . .Appalachian Bcstg. Corp. Business Address P.O. Box No. 1009 Tel.s NOrth 9-4161 ABC-NBC Station Reps Meeker; Ayers Pres.. Gen. Mgr Robert H. Smith Comm., Adv. Mgr J. Fey Rogers Production Mgr.. James G. Evans Chief Engineer. ........ .Russell V. Robinson WSVA-TV-Harrisonburg-1953 Channel: 3 VHF..AP: 4.17 Kw.. .VP: 8.32 Kw. Owned-Oper. By. . .Shenandoah Valley Bcstg. Address Rawley Pike Tel.: 434-4431 ABC-CBS-NBC Reps. . Venard. Torbet. McConnell; Clarke Brown President, Gen. Mgr Hamilton Shea Asst. Gen. Mgr Warren L. Braun Comm., Adv. Mgr Richard H. Johnson Prog. Dir., Fihn Mgr Robert E. Lee 566