The radio annual (1964)

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RADIO & TV INDUSTRY ORGANIZATIONS === SCREEN ACTORS GUILD area representatives 7750 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles 46, Calif. ^J^^OOO Maiden St., Canoga Park, Calif. Don Living Phone: 876-3030 2241 N.E. 170th St., N. Miami Beach, Fla. Lazarus OFFICERS "Larry" Wolk. President Dana Andrews 208 Florida Theatre BIdg., Sarasota, Fla. Charles W. 1st Vice-President .George Chandler Broun, Jr. 2nd Vice President. Charlton Heston 70 Fourth St., N.W., Atlanta 8, Ga. Charles D. Bee 3rd Vice-President Walter Pidgeon land. 4th Vice-President Dwight Weist 9516 Marion Ave., Morton Grove, III. Andrew M. Recording Secretary... .Ann Doran Costikyan. Treasurer Warner Anderson 2920 Engle Rd., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Richard Galbreath. National Executive Secretary ....John L. Dales R.F.D. 2, Lincoln Rd., Sudbury, Mass. James G. BOARD Schaadt. Claude Akins, Lyie Bettger, Raymond Burr, Macdon 4820 Yorkshire St., Detroit 24, Mich. James F. old Carey, Chick Chandler, Bette Davis, Frank Faylen, Kefgen. Robert Keith, Jock Mohoney, Karl Maiden, Ricardo 1521 Fawn Valley Dr., St. Louis 31, Mo. Robert Montaiban, Gilbert Perkins, Roy Roberts, Roger Smith, Johnson. Henry Wills, Marie Wilson. 3601 Oak Grove, Dallas 4, Tex. Marshall R. "Marty" BRANCH OFFICES Young, Keitz& Herndon Inc. CC1 cMxL A M x/ I IT ki V r>t. till Potomac Films, Inc., 1536 Connecticut Ave., N.W. "in'^^A^^T^' ^^7Jf!^ ^^'J^' ^\.^^T'' ^^'' Washington 6, d! C. Nicholas C. Read, ray Hill 7-4623. Harold Hoffman, Executive Secretary. ,,!^^ I ""^t.Qrd St., Chicago 11, III. Phone: WH 3 INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES 1344. Raymond A. Jones, Executive Secretary. a ^ £.^f^f\ kt .. ! •> / w x r. ■ wi i i 11 Beacon St., Room 624. Boston 8, Mass. Phone: ^°?/^??' Montreal 3 Can. Morten Parker, National Rl 2-0228. Robert M. Segal,' Executive Secretary. ^/".'!' ^°°l^ °' •°"„°.'^°„ „ -, x r . « . 436 O'Farrell St., Fourth Fir., San Francisco 2, Calif. Skyr.dge Mountain Rd., R. R. 2, Aymer East, Quebec, Phone: PR 5-3070. Don Taylor, Executive Secretary. ^ ^°" Robert Anderson. ^ ^ .. _ 2340 First Not. Bank BIdg., Detroit, Mich. Phone; 5 Balmuto St., Toronto 5, Can. Don Haldane, Westmin WOodward 3-6063. Irving Kroll Executive Secretary. ster Films Ltd. 3111 Hibiscus St., Miami 11, Fla. Phone: 443-4593. Wo First National City Bank of New York, 17 Bruton Melvin Karl, Executive Secretary. St., London, W. 1, Eng. William A. Harper. FUNCTIONS Piazza Farnese 51, Rme, Italy. Miles Morgan. Union affiliated with AFL-CIO, representing all ac FUNCTION tors in television and theatrical motion pictures, etc. Labor organization. SCREEN COMPOSERSASSOCIATION 9250 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. Phone: CRestview 6-3123 292 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. c/o Zissu & Marcus Phone: MU 3-0966 OFFICERS President Dr. Miklos Rozsa Vice-President .... David Buttolph Secretary Arthur Morton Treasurer , .George Duning FUNCTIONS An organization of screen, radio and TV composers, assists its members in the administration and exploitation of their performance and other rights, ond advances composers' interests generally. SCREEN DIRECTORS INTERNATIONAL GUILD 250 W. 57th St., New York 19, N. Y. Phone: JUdson 2-5470 OFFICERS President .... Don Hershey 1st Vice-President Paul V. Falkenberg 2nd Vice-President Robert J. Kingsley Secretary Leslie Goldman Treasurer Robert Braverman Exec. Secretary .... Robert Edmonds Business Rep Nox Lempert Public Relations Dir Jack Glenn Admin., SDIG Trust Fund .George L. George General Counsel...... Erwin Feldman EXECUTIVE BOARD Shirley Clarke, Peter H. Cooper, Shamus Culhane, Herman J. Engel, Lewis Jacobs, George Jacobson, Sidney Meyers, Leo Seltzer, George C. Stoney, Wiilard Van Dyke, Albert Wosserman. ALTERNATES: Andrew L. Go!d, Mauri H. Goldberg Ira Marvin, James AA. Rose, Yael R. Woll. BRANCH OFFICE 318 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, III. Phone: 782-9431. SESAC, INC, 10 Columbus Circle, New York, N. Y. 10019 Phone: JUdson 6-3450 OFFICERS President Paul Heinecke Secretary-Treosurer. R. C. Heinecke FUNCTIONS Licenses the performance, mechanical or synchronization rights in a repertory of distinction to the entire entertainment industry; produces the SESAC Recordings LP Program Service and the "Drummers," plus low-cost program packages for special programming needs. SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS 9 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. 10017 Phone: TN 7-5410 OFFICERS President. Reid H. Ray Past President ........ ......... .John W. Servies Executive Vice-President... ..Ethan M. Stifle Engineering Vice-President. ... . . Deane R. White Editorial Vice-President. .......... .Herbert E. Farmer Financial Vice-President. ....... .Joseph T, Dougherty Convention Vice-President. ....... .George W. Colburn Sections Vice-President ............. .Wilton R. Holm Secretary. ....................... Robert G. Hufford Treasurer ......................... Byron Roudabush Chairman, Atlanta Sec. ........... .Edward E. Burris Chairman, Boston Sec. .... . .Charles W. Wyckoff Chairman, Canadian Sec. ........ .Michael W. Barlow Chairman, Chicago Sec. ............... Harold Kinzle Chairman, Dallas-Ft. Worth Sec. .... .Robert G. Redd Chairman, Detroit Sec. ......... .James W. Bostwick Chairman, Hollywood Sec .John P. Kiel Chairman, Huntsville Sec. ...... .Donald J. Southard Chairman, Nashville Sec....... William M. O'Rork Chairman, New York Sec. .......... .Arthur J. Miller Chairman, Rochester Sec ........... Forrest A. Richey Chairman, San Francisco Sec R. A. Isberg Chairman, Washington, D. C, Sec. .. .Arthur Rescher Executive Secretary. Charles S. Stodter 666