The radio annual (1964)

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RADIO & TV INDUSTRY ORGANIZATIONS FUNCTIONS Objectives of the Society within the fields of motion pictures, television and allied arts and sciences are: The fostering and advancement of engineering technology; the preparation and dissemination of scientific information; the sponsorship of lectures, exhibitions and conferences designed to advance the theory and practice of engineering; the promotion and furtherance of the interests of the general public. STATION REPRESENTATIVES ASSOCIATION, INC. 366 Madison Ave, New York 17, N. Y. Phone: YUkon 6-9390 OFFICERS President Edward Codel Vice-President .Adam Young Secretary Robert Dore Treasurer Robert Eastman Managing Dir Lawrence Webb DIRECTORS John P. Blair, Lloyd Griffin, Frank M. Headley, J. William Knodel. FUNCTIONS Trade association serving radio and TV representative firms. TV STATIONS, INC. 215 E. 51st St., New York, N. Y. 10022 Phone: PLaza 1-0123 President Herb Jacobs FUNCTIONS A station-owned film-program consultant and buying organization serving more than 100 television stations in the U. S. and possessions. TvB (See Television Bureau of Advertising, Inc.) TvB OF CANADA, INC. 500 University Ave., Toronto 2, Ont., Canada Phone: 363-3133 OFFICERS President J. A. Pouliot Exec. Vice-President E. P. Lawless Station Relations Dir D. G. Brydson Research Mgr. M. W. Austin BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. D. Byles, Roy Chapman, W. D. McGregor, F. A. Lynds, John R. Malloy, G. Blair Nelson, 0. J. W. Shugg, Reo C. Thompson. BRANCH OFFICES 1500 St. Catherine St., W., Montreal, Que. Phone: UN 1-0534 1 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. Phone: PL 7-9420 FUNCTIONS An association of Canadian television stations, networks and reps to promote television as an advertising medium. TELEVISION AFFILIATES CORP. (TAC) 625 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022 Phone: PLaza 1-3110 OFFICERS President Richard Brandt Exec. Vice-Pres Richard Carlton Vice-President Robert Weisberg Station Relations Mgr Leo M. Brody Program Consultant Joseph Schackner Production Dir Daniel J. Kornfeld Public Relations Dir Michael Laurence BRANCH OFFICES 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Phone: HO 2-6903 520 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, III. Phone: SU 73995. 1119 16th St., Miami Beach, Fla. Phone: 531-7615. FUNCTIONS A broadcasters' cooperative serving as the clearing house for the best of locally produced informational, cultural and educational programs. TELEVISION BUREAU OF ADVERTISING, INC. (TvB) 1 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. 10020 Phone: PLaza 7-9420. OFFICERS Chairman of Board Gordon Gray (WKTV, Utica, N. Y.) President Norman E. Cash Exec. Vice-President George G. Huntington Secretary ........Jack Tipton (KLZ, Denver) Treasurer C. George Henderson (WSOC, Charlotte) Vice-Pres. in Chg., Nat. Sales John R. Sheehan Vice-Pres., Nat. Sales James C. Hirsch V.P. Local Sales Howard Abrahams V.P. in Chg., Research . Dr. Leon Arons Vice-Pres., Research Harvey Spiegel V.P., Member Service William Colvin Dir., Spot TV William B. MacRae Vice-Pres., Creat. Dir Guy Cunningham Dir., Communications Murray Gross Dir., Member Sales Pres Walter Vetter Mgr., Public Relations Richard Erickson BRANCH OFFICES 410 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, III. Phone: 6441215. Jacob Evans, Vice-President. 444 N. Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90004. Phone: HO 9-8231. Jack O'Mara, Vice-President. FUNCTIONS The TV Industry's league to Improve and expand the use of television as an advertising medium. It is supported by the nation's leading television stations, networks and station representatives. TELEVISION FILM ASSOCIATION 1025 N. Highland Ave., Los Angeles 38, Calif. Phone: Hollywood 9-8181 OFFICERS President John Bollinger Vice President Jack M. Goetz Sec. -Trees Nicholas Muskey Directors Warren Strang, Harvey Gausman FUNCTIONS To maintain a liaison between the producers and distributors of television film, the TV stations, and the companies providing material and services to the TV industry. To establish better operational practices and to standardize these practices. TELEVISION INFORMATION OFFICE (TIO) 666 Fifth Ave., New York 19, H. Y. Phone: PLaza 7-4600 Director Roy Danish Executive Director Larry Creshkoff General Manager Carl Burkland 667